remocpi's review

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Guía de 111 ejercicios de musculación que pueden hacerse sin máquinas de gimnasio, haciendo un poco el McGyver con las cosas de casa. El autor, por supuesto, es entrenador de Navy Seals y ha probado su entrenamiento en combate ("No soy entrenador de estrellas de Hollywood, cuyo sueldo depende de su físico. Soy entrenador de soldados de élite, cuya VIDA depende de su físico [entra himno americano. Aplauso lento de uno del público que se levanta, siendo seguido poco a poco por el resto del auditorio hasta la gran ovación final. Fundido a negro]).
Tiene también una introducción en plan "Tú puedes, chaval" que está entretenida. Hablándonos de alimentación:
Whether you are trying to gain muscle, loose fat, improve athletic ability, simply stay
healthy, or all of the above, you only adjust your calorie intake according to your goals. The rest stays the same: Consistently perform short, intense, strength training sessions, and eat a balanced diet. No matter your goal, you should consistently strength train, try to get 7 – 8 hours of sleep a night, and you should eat frequent meals, maintaining an even flow of energy, leaving that afternoon slump at the door. Your eating habits won’t be driven by hunger, and your cravings will be controlled. You’re not a caveman anymore. You do not need to stuff your face, thus storing a bunch of fat for warmth, because there’s a good possibility you won’t find another Wooly Mammoth for a few days.

o de autoestima:
I saw it in Combat Control and Pararescue trainees all the time. The classes would start with what seemed to be boys and by the end there was something different about them.
They were muscular, lean, balanced, all around athletes, but there was more. They carried themselves differently. They knew themselves better. They dealt with the enemy within on a daily basis and they were winning because they were still there. Day in and day out, for months they were tried and tested, but they never quit. Those young men valued their per formance more than they valued their comfort, and they knew when to ignore the mind’s reasoning. They had became their own masters. It showed in everything they did. As it will with you.

Luego, los ejercicios están muy bien. Los divide en cuatro grupos: Push, Pull, Legs y Core. Y da unos cuantos planes de entrenamiento que los combinan.

Me ha gustado el libro (no sé si lo suficiente porque estoy empezando el entrenamiento de 10 semanas) y dan ganas de ponerse a sufrir.

otrops's review

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I'm two weeks in to this book, so I can't speak to the overall results.

Nevertheless, this seems very much like the strength training plan I was looking for. It involves no extra equipment, means I don't need a gym membership and fits nicely into my already busy life.

I should make clear that I'm not looking to get buff, though apparently you can do that with Mark Lauren's plan. I run and swim, and wanted to ensure I was spending some time working on my overall strength so I can improve at both of those sports.

The initial 10 week plans require 36 minutes four times a week. This allows me to run and swim in the morning or afternoon, and use the evenings for strength training while I'd otherwise be watching TV. Using the iPhone app makes these training plans even easier to follow.

The book includes over 125 exercises, so this allows me to swap out exercises if I need to or if I get bored with the existing exercises.

The only downside is that some of the areas of the books, such as the nutrition section and the "science behind this book," are a bit thin. While the nutrition advice seems solid based on the research I've done, it's pretty high level. The same can be said for the "science behind this book" appendix. But I don't think most people will be reading this book for in depth nutrition or sport science advice. You can easily get that elsewhere (though a few recommended books would have been nice).

starwolvie's review

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Reminded me of what I can do without hitting the gym. I felt that the exercises would have been better throughout the book rather than just stuck at the end. If you're reading the ebook, I'd suggest something larger than a phone! The formatting for the exercises did not suit a phone - a bunch of text then the associated pictures on the next page.

mrjdakar's review

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While not the most editorially sound piece of work (e.g. I lost count of the numerous instances of loose when lose was intended), this quick read definitely piqued my interest in committing to bodyweight training. Mark provides plenty of functional exercises that are sure to increase anyone's fitness level if they're willing to commit to doing the work.

"Success is about you--and no one but you--letting go of everything that conflicts with your goal." - Mark Lauren