
La Nuit de Baal-Moloch by Appollo

daybreak's review

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Review both volumes of this story

This was a very good read and quite an unusual BD.

I have a soft spot for historical settings : anything involving knights, royals, ancient Greece, Rome etc I bite into greedily. Good or bad, the one thing that these graphic novels have in common is that they very often shy away (a bit at least) from the very bad stuff of the time : especially our MCs who are also very modern thinking heroes with a great sense of value.

Well not here. This story is very realistic from the depiction of women with hairy armpits (which is a first in my time reading comics) to it's gritty depiction of war and it's effects.

The first volume is a bit funny and kind of on the light side but the second and ultimate issue of the series see a drastic change of tone. Seekers of happy endings beware! It's quite refreshing to see authors take such a unique route while the ending was tragic.

The xast are characters too are rather nice.

All in all a very good read. Maybe it can be a bit too realistic violence wise for some though...