
Reincarnation by Scerina Elizabeth

bookwormbunny's review

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Reincarnation is a paranormal erotic romance novel that is a twist on Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite fairy tales, but I can't say that I feel that the author truly does this story justice.
Peter is a creature of darkness because of a curse that was put on him hundreds of years ago simply for loving the wrong person. Irina is cursed herself by her mother and she has no idea of the feelings that she once held for Peter.
The story held a lot of promise. I was excited to read when I saw the cover and read the blurb. I thought that the author would start the story with the cursing of Peter and Irina, but that's not the case. The story starts off in a nighttime scene with Irina and a young man named Timothy. The story is fast paced, but overall it's decently put together. The author does a good job filling in the gaps, giving the reader explanations as to what has happened and why. I appreciate all of this.
My problems with the story, sadly, start from the beginning. I first thought that maybe the story was set back in time. The way that Irina is described and how protective her father is of her, my first thought was not that this book was written in modern times. Only when Peter attacks and drains a woman while she in the shower do I begin to piece together the time period for the story. Then there are things that just don't mesh for me concerning the characters. I wanted Irina to have another friend. The story just feels flawed with the author wanting to push an immediate friendship between Irina and Timothy. She was lusting after him, and lust hardly breeds friendship. While this story is classified as "erotica" for me, it falls a bit short. There are a couple of steamy scenes, but nothing serious. I honestly expected more from the scene with Irina and Timothy. Things just felt rushed in my opinion.
I wanted to like this story more than I did, but it just doesn't come together for me. The author answers all the questions that would be raised concerning the main storyline, but I still feel that there are things missing. It's an okay story, but not one that I'd find myself reading again.
I am rating this book 3 out of 5 stars. This story just falls flat for me as a reader. I think that if the author had taken us back to the cursing, that this would have better helped set the stage for the overall storyline. Also, more spice and heat would have been a definite bonus.
I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.