
Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World by Kumari Jayawardena

torvosaur's review

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I have so many feelings about this book. One one hand, it made me appreciate so much about how feminist struggles and the rise of women's emancipation movements were linked to anti-imperialism, and how "western" concepts found a fresh breath of air in colonial countries. Besides, it provides SO much information about historical figures who are otherwise ignored in modern "his"tory. Especially valuable is the elaboration of capitalism, imperialism and how they shaped women's responses to patriarchy.

While that stands, the book could have been so much more. It falls victim to the great women narrative - telling the struggle through the eyes of a few personalities while ignoring the background that put them at the forefront of struggle. There are constraints of information the author admits, but then again. A lot of history is outright missing - most of the essays stop at around 1945 (WWII), ignoring the sheer proliferation of women's movements in the post-war independent colonies and powers.

But I would recommend any readers to take the book at its own pace and read it to understand and question their preexisting notions of women's liberation in the third world. However, do be warned that it is a dry read in places, and that it is strictly limited in its perspective due to constraints of space and information, among others.

j_ardis's review against another edition

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informative slow-paced


alisha247's review

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informative medium-paced


stephpl's review

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Issu d'un impressionnant travail de recherche, Feminism and Nationalism in the Third World retrace des pans enfouis de l'histoire d'une dizaine de pays d'Asie et du Moyen-Orient, couvrant la fin du 19e et le début du 20e siècle. Jayawardena y présente des femmes qui ont joué un rôle significatif dans les mouvements nationalistes, féministes et/ou socialistes, explorant avec brio comment ces personnages importants ont su faire ressortir l'interconnexion entre le politique, l'économique et le genre à travers leurs luttes.
Parce que l'histoire en dehors de l'Europe et de l'Amérique du Nord, c'est de l'histoire pas pire oubliée et négligée, et parce que des fois on targue presque le féminisme d'être une exclusivité occidentale, cette lecture était franchement enrichissante.

stegobookosaurus's review against another edition

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