
Can't Buy Me Love by Abigail Drake

joskypay's review

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This was a nice little anthology, quick stories full of instalove to give you a nice jolt of happy ever after in a sitting. I thought they were all well written (though my favorite was Abigail Drake's because lets face it who wouldn't love to be wooed by a Prince, talk about fairy tale romance!) and each gave you a fair sample of the individual writer's style while having a central theme to bind the stories together. The only thing wrong with shorter stories like these is its hard to get rich characters within the confines but I felt these stories got me hooked pretty well. I definitely recommend these stories to someone short on time, they are filled with warm fuzzies and in a rated R world they are refreshingly PG-13.

becsa's review

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1) A Royal Pain - Abigail Drake

Chloe Burkhart is having another bad Monday when she is shot in the butt and ends up saving the life of Prince Alexander of Latovia. Yet Chloe has a secret about what really happened that morning and will the truth save her or place in more danger?

This was such a good read and I loved how bad Chloe's Monday was! I thought it was great how she ended up in over her head with her story as she was afraid that revealing the truth would ruin the good things that were coming her way. That being said she had good reasons for wanting to keep parts of her life in the shadows.

I loved the immediate chemistry between her and Nico. I really wasn't sure what was going to happen between her Nico, Chloe and Prince Alexander but I loved how everything played out.

I thought it was awesome how Chloe was able to discover who the guilty person was and the end made me laugh with Chloe's bad luck.

2) Caught by Him by Tammy Mannersly

Brody Nash is an actor from Australia who sees someone suspicious climbing over his neighbor's fence.

Willabelle Stone is house-sitting for her Grandfather but is going in an unconventional way when she meets Brody.

With Brody and Willa becoming friends will someone from each of their pasts give them trouble for their future?

I loved the way these two met and how they were able to figure things out after their "rough" start. The two got to know each other and liked each other for being themselves and not what they perceived to be like.

I thought Carmody was such a rotten person right from the beginning and it was clear that she wanted Brody for herself. I expected what she did but I thought more was going to happen after her conversation with Hayden.

I thought the ending was awesome!

3) Romancing the Princess by Bridie Hall

Sebastian Stratford is an American engaged to Princess Alixandra Marie Charlotte of Norrone. Everything is going great in their relationship until the day before the wedding and the prenuptial is presented. Will the historic terms cause the two to split before the big day?

This was a super interesting read and I loved how the prenup threatened everything because of how long the laws had been in place. Although I had hope everything would work out I wondered how Sebastian was going to take the ancient laws. I loved how Sebastian spent time really reflecting and how Alix's grandma was ready to adjust things.

4) All My Memories by Grea Warner

Finn Murphy is a country music star who may be able to reconnect with a friend from the past, Lara Faulkner, but he still has to contend with the girl he is currently engaged to, Audrey.

This book was a great start but I hated that it left me hanging at the end as it continues in another book.

I really liked Finn and I think he definitely would have gotten closer to Lara but because of what happened with her dad she left and Finn moved onto Audrey. I really wanted more from this book and I hate having to wait for the conclusion.

5) Me & Tillie by Lisa Hahn

Tillie Parker works at a restaurant where she happens to serve actor Oren Cooper, who used to hang out with her older brother.

When Tillie sings for Oren he knows he has found his partner but will she be able to convince the people for whom it counts the most?

I liked this story and the past feelings that Tillie had for Oren from when they were kids. It was also interesting how it was Oren trying to convince Tillie to act and sing with him and not the other way around.

The ending worked out the way I thought it would but I still enjoyed it.

6) Defending Demma by Melissa Kay Clarke

Demma St.John is an actress with a hidden past that no one is supposed to know about but when she receives a threatening note with "Beatrice" on it her best friend, Montgomery Allen tells her to contact Kathleen Barosa of Starpower Incorporated.

Ryker "Digger" McMillan is a former Marine and now the top IT guy for Starpower Incorporated.

When Demma meets Ryker she asks that he be the one to protect her, even though he is normally not in the field but Ryker can't turn her down. Can Ryker find out who is blackmailing Demma before it's too late?

This was another one of my favorite stories as you got attached to the stories and characters as neither of the main ones were perfect.

I loved learning about Demma's past and was super sad about Zach but I was proud of Demma and how she turned her life around. I liked how she bonded with Ryker right away and knew he had his own past.

I was definitely surprised at one of the twists but I was mad at Demma a little for not listening to Ryker's instructions which ended up with her getting herself into some trouble.

The ending was awesome and I loved where Demma and Ryker went!

7) His Royal Typeface by Stephanie Keyes

Asher Tarrington is in line to become king of Florica when his grandma passes the throne to him after the death of his parents. Unfortunately his parents left him and his grandma with no money and Asher must take a job in order to save the Winter Palace.

Bailey Parker is originally from Florica but has moved to New York and owns her own graphic design business. When she hires Jensen Keats to work for her she has no idea the truth behind everything.

When Asher's secret comes out will Bailey help him with his secret? Will Asher be forced to marry in order to save the palace?

This was another one of my favorite stories as I loved how Asher was forced to work as he was left with nothing yet he couldn't let anyone know.

Asher was determined to do what he could to save his family home and I was super mad at his mom for putting him in this position. I loved how he had already gone to school online and was able to do all of his work secretly while he still kept up his royal duties.

I thought it was funny how Bailey was from Florica and always had a crush on Prince Asher and how shocked she must have been when she learned the truth. Yet she still supported him, knowing that she was not going to have him in the future.

I liked Asher's grandma and how she voiced her opinion at the end of what she wanted Asher to do, even though he had thought she meant something else.

The ending was great and this was such a good set of books!

nic_w's review

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Can't buy me love is a collection of 7 novellas about the rich, famous and royal finding love. This collection covers all bases from country rock stars to princes and princesses to actors.

My favourites were Royal Pain by Abigail Drake, Caught by Him by Tammy Mannersly and Defending Demma by Melissa Kay Clarke.

In Royal pain we meet Chloe, a socialite and publishing heiress and Nico who is suspected at being a bodyguard but is actually a count. This was very cute and funny with likeable characters and events.

In Caught by him we have famous a grade actor Brody Nash and Willa Stone who is a suspected break and enter their at Brodys neighbours house but turns out to be Willas grandfather and a famous director who she is house sitting for. The constant banter between the two made for a very enjoyable introduction to the couple.

In Defending Demma we have up and coming starlet Demma and security/information technology specialist to the Stars Ryker aka Digger. The developing relationship here felt natural and I love a little suspense with my romance.

This collection should have something for everyone and is a nice introduction to some new or favourite authors.

I voluntarily reviewed this advanced reader copy and I have not been compensated in any way.

danireads1225's review

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t’s so hard to write a review for an anthology. That being said, I truly enjoyed each and every one of the novellas. Each author brought something unique to the anthology. All were well written and enjoyable.