
Jack Strong Takes a Stand by Tommy Greenwald

scratliff's review

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A must-read for overzealous parents!

kellerm's review

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Good Book! I think kids will really like it and identify with jack and the other characters. I'm not sure they will will find their parents in the book but very well done.

eandrews80's review

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Middle schooler Jack Strong has well-meaning, loving parents, but they're so obsessed with getting him into a good college that his life has become a blur of lessons, recitals, and obligations. All Jack wants to do is hang out on the couch and be a normal kid, so one day, he goes on strike and vows not to leave the couch until he can drop all the activities he doesn't like. Cue a battle of wills between Jack and his strict father, and a burst of fame as the local media gets ahold of the story.

Greenwald has written a children's novel that's both laugh-out-loud funny and very insightful. He never vilifies either side of the argument, but explores the pros and cons of devoting your childhood to college applications and resume fodder.