delllli's review

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This book was not what I was looking for at the time when I bought it, but after a few years of it sitting on my shelf it was alright enough for where I’m at now. The author is very wordy, prosy, and likes to get into metaphors and analogies that occasionally work, and are often beautifully imagined, but in general are not the best as a foundation or “evidence” for an argument. She is more inclined towards a distinct sort of artistry, imagery, and whimsy that I don’t particularly care for so again, while I could appreciate the stories she expressed, I found myself skimming through them, stopping and reengaging when her prose became more concrete and straightforward.

As for the content itself, (and I only realized this halfway through) it is appealing towards individuals who are already Catholic/Christian, “Godly inclined” individuals, so it skipped over a lot of the conversation that I might have been most interested in. However, the themes she explores through that lens is well thought through (as it is retelling her own story and how she came to her own position).

Overall it was fine. This is my first book like this so as I explore this topic more I might come back with a better opinion born of comparison, but for now I’m just walking away with a few choice statements, quotes, and food for thought.

Last comment, but I think one of my favorite bits is from when she briefly touched on Christianity and laws (I think?). She made an explicit point that you can have Cristian morality. All fine and good. But it MUST be balanced with Christian charity (love). You can not have one without the other. And just in an “if/then” situation, but an “and”. Every action of Christian morality must not be merely tempered with Christian charity, but enacted with. Also lead with love. Relationships are the foundation of our society, and a foundation of love and mutual respect of another’s intrinsic and inalienable dignity is paramount for any relationship and conversation