
Evolution A200: A Bubonic Apocalypse by Nathaniel Connors

samanthapearl's review

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Thank you to the author for a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Evolution A200: A Bubonic Apocalypse brings us to the end of the world brought on by an expedition gone wrong. When this story opens we start with our basic main characters. You have the guy who notices something is wrong and doesn't care because he wants the payout, the sidekick that follows him and the Doctor who wants to stop digging because she also knows something is wrong. In this case these explorers end up bringing on the end of life as we know it when they unleash a virus that turns people into zombies.

I thought this book was just fine. The writing was fine. The pacing wasn't too bad. It was a little slow, which isn't bad for a zombie novel, it was just missing the creepiness factor. I found the characters to be pretty average, I didn't have strong feelings towards any of them one way or the other.

The biggest disappoint with this book for me was the lack of zombie gore. I would have loved to have some more violent zombie action. Don't get me wrong, there were some good scenes in here. However, being a zombie story I would have enjoyed it a lot more if there had of been more gore.

The creepiest part of this book was how intelligent the zombies were. While I prefer my zombies brainless there is some merit to what intelligent zombies bring to the table. The thought of someone turning into a monster that is twisted enough to want to eat you raw while still being smart enough to organize an undead army is enough to keep you awake at night.

Actual rating: 2.5/5

gem_zeroshelfcontrol's review

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Received this book from NetGalley and the publisher, in return for an honest review. This review is based entirely on my own thoughts and feelings.

Overall rating : 4*
Writing : 5*
Pace : 5*
Characters : 3*
Storyline: 3*

I really enjoyed this one. I love a zombie story be it book or tv, there were aspects that were cliche and crop up in every zombie story ever, but there were also unique parts that I really really enjoyed. The characters were slightly predictable (a sheriff, a farmer, a diner worker) but were explored in enough detail that I cared about (some) of them. A quick read that I'd recommend.