wheels68's review against another edition

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I enjoyed all 14 stories.. I had lots of laughs and tears.. I felt like I was in the home of all the stories..

meezcarrie's review against another edition

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Before I look at each individual novella in this collection, I have to say that Amish Christmas Miracles is a fabulous read from start to finish. While – as is always the case with a multi-story collection – there were certain stories I loved slightly more than the others, there were absolutely none that fell flat. Each story is full of love, family, faith, and Christmas – with engaging characters and heartwarming plots that hold your attention from beginning to end.

Peanut Butter Christmas by Jennifer Beckstrand

Oh how I adore this author’s humor & the way she incorporates it so perfectly into her stories. I fell in love with precocious twin brothers Benji & Alfie in Andrew and they quickly became my favorite of her characters… well, next to Felty & Anna Helmuth and Bitsy Weaver. Anyway, the youngest Petersheim brothers are once again up to their misguided (not to mention hilarious and infinitely endearing) matchmaking efforts, and readers won’t be able to read this one without a huge grin on their faces.

The Christmas Prayer by Lenora Worth

This is such a sweet, heartfelt story of second chances and forgiveness. Thomas and Lizzie’s love for each other hasn’t faded but other people’s choices have kept them apart for five years. When Lizzie summons him home at his dying grandmother’s request, the magic of the season and a soul that needs to right a grievous wrong work overtime to stir those feelings to the surface once again. The author beautifully captures the poignancy to these scenes, and you may find yourself a little misty-eyed as I was on a couple of occasions.

A Stranger for Christmas by Serena B. Miller

Miller’s offering seems to be the longest story in this collection and looks to be the start of a new series. I really hope so because I wasn’t ready to be done with these characters yet, particularly with Lucas and Amy. But honestly I’m just as invested in Keenan-D and young Cameron too – for different reasons lol. The author wrote with touches of humor (the rooster scene!) and lots of heart. This is the perfect story to cozy up with in front of a roaring fire and let the spirit of Christmas wrap around your heart.

Sleigh Bells Ring by Kathleen Fuller

This is one of the shorter novellas of the group, but it carries the same warmth and talent as the others. Fuller makes use of every word, setting the scene and developing the characters as smartly as those of much longer novels. She soon has readers fully embracing Griffin and Hope and rooting for them to make their feelings known. Woven through the romance is a gentle message of the importance of community & belonging – and extending both to even the difficult people around us.

A Christmas to Treasure by Rachel J. Good

I always enjoy this author’s romances, and her novella in Amish Christmas Miracles is no exception. Full of emotion-laden romantic tension, Joshua & Rose’s story may make it difficult to breathe sometimes – from both the emotion and the romance. Lots of wounded people in a thrown-together family means tension of all kinds is in full display, and your heart will break for each of these characters. But with the grace I’ve come to expect from this author she adds well-timed doses of precious sweetness and wit to lighten the load … and wraps it all in the comfort of Jesus and the beauty of tentative new love.

An Unexpected Christmas Gift by Jennifer Spredemann

This author’s work is less familiar to me, so I really enjoyed getting this taste for her writing style. I loved her winsome characters as well as the clever plot, Rosco the dog, and Janie’s dad with a twinkle in his eye. Fun wit and humor are sprinkled throughout, as well as a full range of other emotions. Rob & Janie’s ‘meet cute’ is creative and leads to a very sweet romance with some great kisses. This is a really cute story that just makes your heart smile, and I’ll definitely be reading more of Spredemann’s books in the future!

A Christmas Homecoming by Mary Alford

Alford’s novella is another lovely second chance romance in a charming setting and a gentle faith message. I loved the parallels (whether intended or not) between Abby & Simon’s rekindling relationship, regrets over past choices for them both, and the restoration of Abby’s family home. It gave this story a lot of depth and additional layers, and watching them fall in love was really sweet and enjoyable.

The Christmas Program by Laura Bradford

Any time I have a new Laura Bradford read at my fingertips is a happy, happy occasion. I love her warmth, the dimensionality of her characters & plots, and the tender romance she weaves throughout. Her novella in Amish Christmas Miracles is everything I hoped it would be. Leah’s natural gift as a teacher and love for her students made my heart smile, and little Emily Mast stole the show for me. I loved watching this unlikely threesome help each other overcome fears & insecurities, and of course the sweet romance was icing on the sugar cookie! (And did I mention how much I adored Emily?!?)

Louisa’s Christmas Blessing by Dana R. Lynn

This is another favorite author of mine (though usually I’m reading her romantic suspense novels), and oh my goodness I loved this story! Tragedy derailed a budding romance between teenagers Caleb & Louisa and when we catch up with them nine years later it’s another tragedy that brings them together. And of course I fell headlong into love with Caleb’s young kids – they are so precious, adorable, and completely heart-stealing. The conversations between Caleb & Louisa are a delightful mix of witty and sweet, and it was truly a pleasure to watch their feelings for each other leap back to life. One of my fave stories in the collection!

The Heart’s Return by Adina Senft

While I’ve previously read and loved the majority of authors in the Amish Christmas Miracles collection, this is my first time reading anything by Adina Senft. I went into it with no expectations but quickly found myself enjoying it just as much as the other stories. Anna and Neil are great, though realistically flawed, characters and while they suffer from a typical lack of communication it doesn’t squelch their chemistry or the longing evident in both of them. I also really loved one of the supporting characters, and since this is part of a series, I’m hoping to discover more of her story as I catch up on the author’s other books!

The Christmas Fudge Miracle by Susan Lantz Simpson

I’ve read (and enjoyed) one other book by this author but am still fairly new to her work, so I was very glad to see a story by her in the collection. First of all, I have to say that it made me super hungry for Christmasy food haha. I also really enjoyed spending time with BethAnn & David, getting a front row seat as they developed a sweet friendship that soon blossomed into something more. BethAnn is easily likable, and David is too, once he gets past his initial gruffness. Their wit and affection will leave a smile on your face for sure.

The Blessings Jar by Loree Lough

It’s been a while since I got to read something by Loree Lough, and I wasn’t disappointed at all by the chance to correct that oversight with The Blessings Jar. The author tackles some sensitive issues in her novella – and does so with great tact and grace, as well as dignity. My heart broke for David’s past and Anna’s present, and I wanted to give them both big hugs more than once. Nonetheless, this isn’t a heavy story, and there are plenty of opportunities to smile, chuckle, and swoon too. I even liked the quirky & affectionate turkey Broze (high praise from me since I share Anna’s bird phobia). Very sweet message throughout.

A Gift Worth Waiting For by Tracy Fredrychowski

This was my first read by this author, too, and it ended up being one of my favorites in the collection! Like some of the other stories in this book, Amanda & Adam’s romance is a blend of heartbreaking and heartwarming – and the author achieves the perfect balance of both. Lots of cute and humorous moments with the kids involved, plenty of gently swoony moments with the adults too. I loved both Amanda and Adam, as well as Amanda’s siblings, and all of their interactions even in the midst of their grief and uncertainty. A tender reminder that God cares and has plans for our good, no matter how unlikely.

The Amish Author’s Christmas by Ashley Emma

Another new-to-me author! It was fun to watch Ivy’s somewhat misguided attempts to get much needed inspiration for her next novel by tagging along for an Amish Christmas, and of course falling in love with more than just Isaiah. Her faith journey is quite touching, and I appreciated how naturally the author worked that into the story without being preachy or feeling forced. I also enjoyed getting to know Isaiah’s family through Ivy’s eyes – and her through theirs. A lovely story all around!

Bottom Line: Phew! That’s a lot of stories haha but wow – they were all so good! No weak one in the bunch. A collection like this is always a great way to find new authors and get a taste for their style, while also enjoying familiar favorites. I found that to be very true in Amish Christmas Miracles, and I heartily recommend it for fans of Amish fiction or just sweet holiday romance.

(I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I purchased for my own collection.)

first appeared on Reading Is My SuperPower

wheels68's review

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I enjoyed all 14 stories.. I had lots of laughs and tears.. I felt like I was in the home of all the stories..