
Bring on the Dusk by M. L. Buchman

mb_booklady's review

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Finally, a love for D-boy Michael.

I liked the fact that he chose to share his trees faith Claudia. However, it is ironic that this most seemingly brave warrior turns out to be a coward when it really counts.

This is also the book in the series where Emily finds out she is expecting a second child with her husband, Mark. That scene was not very realistic either, unusual, but not realistic.

kstewart424's review

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I had long awaited this book in the Night Stalker series. Michael has played a side role in almost every book so far (I say almost because he is not in the novellas). The book is a great way to continue the series, however, it is also a completely stand alone book as well. You do not have to have read the other books to understand anything in this book. I was surprised with the new female character that was introduced. She was not nearly as wild or deeply scarred as the other female characters so far. However, I began to bond with her the further in the book I got.

The plot follows the new female Little Bird helicopter pilot. She is brought in and pulls Michael out of a sticky situation on her first night. They go through the standard on/off relationship habits of the other books, but it is nice to be able to get to know these two characters. They are both very introverted and getting to hear their thoughts as they observe others is very interesting to me. Of, course there is a big mission that will prevent a world war. Claudia proves herself over and over in strategy and planning, balancing out to Michael's adaptive reaction response to situations. There are a couple of surprises, but nothing crazy. I didn't think it had the same intensity as the other books, but that might have just been me. There is a lot of suspense and action, drama and heartache throughout the entire book. I was a little confused at the end of the book as to where these two characters would end up afterward, there were a few things that popped up near the end that has me wondering and there was nothing concrete said. I am looking forward to the next book just to see how these characters make out later on.

I would recommend this to anyone who likes military romance or romantic suspense. The sex scenes are there, but they are spread out and the author focuses a lot on emotions and what drives the different characters. All in all it is a great read, but definitely not for someone new to the military romance or romantic suspense. There are a lot of military references and the fighting scenes are intense, just like the other books. If you are just getting into this series, I would recommend starting at the first or second book - The Night Is Mine and I Own the Dawn.

attytheresa's review

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Arbor Day/Earth Day came around and I suddenly remembered there was this romantic thriller I read that had trees... amazing trees. Over a couple of days I managed to isolate the author, series and Voilà! I had my Arbor Day escape read.

Claudia, a helicopter pilot, is enroute to joining a black ops team in the Middle East, realizing a dream to be among the first women to join the elite forces, which only get the best of the best. Suddenly she's re-routed to Yemen to give a last minute assist to a secret op in the desert. There she picks up Michael, the top Delta Force operator in the region. Attraction is immediate (this is a romance after all) and grows as Claudia and Michael work together on various ops along the coast of Africa and later in the Black Sea. There is plenty of action and military special ops detail, as well as one wonderful strong, smart, talented, fearless woman at the heart of the story. Buchman is one of the few male authors writing romantic suspense that does a great job portraying strong women. His Night Stalker series is excellent.

But where are the trees????

Michael's hobby and passion is climbing Titans, the tallest redwoods in Northern California. There are two superb sections where Michael's love for these amazing trees and an actual climb (with Claudia in one) leap off the page. I've yet to visit the redwoods, and climbing one is out of the question at my age and physical condition (assuming you even are allowed --- treeclimbers are very protective and secretive about the tallest Titons). Reading this made me feel I was there.

bananatricky's review

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I feel so disappointed. I have loved Michael, the quiet Delta guy, in every book and I was sooo looking forward to his story.

This was (in my opinion) just awful. Only the mission saved this from being a one star review.

*commence rant* Michael comes across as some woo-woo mumbo-jumbo weirdo - I honestly expected him to say he believed in astrology at one point. Claudia is similarly odd, oh and she is suddenly even better than the great Emily Beale - I don't think so! At 56% I was just bored. There was too much climbing big trees and communing with nature. I even thought the goddamn raven was going to be a symbol of something *ends rant*

If I had written this review before I had read the novella Target of the Heart I would have believed that maybe the series had run its course and/or M.L. Buchman had lost interest. Luckily my faith has been restored.

ws_uds's review

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hai đứa nhân vật chính kỳ quái vãi ;-;

prgchrqltma's review

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Characters: helicopter pilot, delta force colonel
World Building: Redwood climbing (who knew?!), weapons, helicopters, military strategy
Plot: Carry out difficult mission, overcome internal emotional issues
Sex: Medium, largely offstage, but memorable when onstage.
Read another: Always

Buchman's books always seem to hit the right balance of plot/emotion/world building for me.