apostrophen's review

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Edit, November 23rd, 2019: This wee collection is currently free over on Amazon for a few days.

Hello! It's me, one of the contributors, being, uh, contribut-y.

I wrote "Dolph" (my wee story in this collection) as a queer re-telling of the Rudolph story because I get frustrated at the holidays quite often by how, well, not-queer it is, and even when we can kind of project ourselves onto a narrative (like I did with Rudolph), it's never text, only subtext.

Anyway. I started re-writing Christmas stories, one a year, and when Matt Bright offered to put together a wee collection of reprints and stories of the holidays, I was happy to be included.

I hope you enjoy "Dolph," and all the rest of the stories, too (which I loved).