
PATHOGENS: Who Will Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? by James Schannep

anastaciaknits's review

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My second book by this author. I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid, and this is once again a fun return to my youth and those fun books.

This book has the same characters as his other Zombie book, but you definitely don't need to read the first one to read this - and trust me, I never say that! LOL I honestly couldn't remember a thing about the first book, including character names, so you'll be fine if you just start with this one. I read this one through about five times & hubby read it once (and on it a second time) so it's definitely a good book to read multiple times, with a slightly different story each time. Though I admit, by the time I read it through a few times, I found it harder to pick different choices to get a different story and it was starting to be a bit repetitious.

The author does a fantastic job of making sure the choices actually fit with the current storyline- you remember those old Choose Your Own books? There was always, always something that didn't quite fit because it was written so generic. These are written much better.

And plus, zombies! Nothing too gross, too bloody, too gorey, I promise...