
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain

jenni_elyse's review

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The Dark Divine is Bree Despain’s debut novel and I really enjoyed it. In fact, it has earned a place as a one of my favorite books. From the minute I started reading The Dark Divine, I wanted to know more about Daniel. I wanted to know what happened between him and Jude. I wanted to keep reading so I knew everything. Not a single part of the story was slow for me. Now that I’ve finished the story, I still want to know more. Even though I think the ending wrapped everything up nicely, I still have questions. Good think a sequel's coming out next year.

mer_dont_care's review

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Loved this book!!! Grace and Daniel are the PERFECT match!! Can't wait to read more!!!!!

tashthirteen's review

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An amazing book, could not put it down

breezy610's review

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a different twist on werewolves. it was interesting to read about the religious aspect of werewolves.

blurrypetals's review

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I think this was recommended to me on the basis that I loved Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke and, between that and the way the book description is written, I was expecting sort of a thing with demons or something like that. This is to say: I did not sign up for werewolves.

There are always exceptions to this, but, for the most part with fantasy and paranormal stories, I tend to try to avoid stories about fairies, Celaena Sardothien, and werewolves.

So, when the hints started getting dropped that this was going to be a werewolf thing, I wasn't excited or intrigued in the least. I considered dropping it right then and there, but by the time the "big reveal" happened I was more than halfway through and, since I had thought I would like this book, the only audiobook I had readily prepared last night was book two so I figured, fuck it, I'll stick it out.

The reality here is that this just isn't my thing. It's almost a decade old and it's a clear product of its time, where the YA section at Barnes and Noble was nothing but "sexy" paranormal romances to get all the young girls all twitter-pated. I do wonder if Past Me had read this if this might have been a favorite of mine, or if it would have joined the same "meh" pile I'm sending it to now. I think I just need to stop reading most YA that came out before 2012, which marked a huge turning point for YA as a whole.

As I said before, I do have the second book, but I don't currently plan on reading it. If it was a little more interesting, I'd be sticking it out to find out what happens (like I did with Unearthly by Cynthia Hand) or if it was poorly written, then I'd read it for laughs (like I did with Of Poseidon by Anna Banks) but this is just solidly mediocre. Nothing special, nothing terrible. Just meh.

reader4evr's review against another edition

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Ugh...this book was boring. I got through 4 CDs and I just couldn't finish it. Not only was it confusing but I didn't like the push in religion on the book plus the main character was so whiny.

byp's review

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This is one of two books I'm reading right now that are kind of Christian, and I feel weirdly guilty about them. We're not talking Left Behind here, because the writing and story are more interesting than that propaganda, but I still feel sort of guarded the whole time. I'm waiting for the Doubting Thomas character to show up, and then I'm out.

tashaseegmiller's review

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I thought I knew where this was going, but there were several twists I didn't see coming that kept the plot moving. I like how Despain made me think I knew what was going to happen - toed the line of a cliche character to set me up - then threw in something more original. Fun read.

sam_hartwig's review

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I had this book put aside for a long time and kept reading other things instead. I don't know why but I finally picked it up and read it in about 3 days because I loved how the mysterious "monster" wasn't revealed straight away. After each chapter i would think "just one more" and in the end i had to read it all! I really enjoyed the book not because I connected to any of the characters, i liked the book because of the story and really enjoyed letting it unfold. I look forward to the next book just to see where it takes me this time and whether the characters will grow on me more.

klippy's review

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I loved this book - it has so many twist and turns. And the surprise ending!!! Cannot wait for the next one!