
Sophie's Secret by Tara West

leanne12's review

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Just read this today. There is a story there but I'm still waiting for something to happen! When I finished it, I was left wondering was that it? Not sure if ill move onto the second book!

selket16's review

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Sophie and her two best friends have something in common, they all have special powers: Sophie can read minds, AJ has visions of the future and Krysta can interact with ghosts.

Newly skinny Sophie is beginning her Freshman year a whole new person, but she's still carrying the baggage of self-loathing she picked up as a "fat girl." On top of this, the cute guy in school that she has a crush on keeps asking her to break the rules for him.

It starts with a scene entirely meant to shock the reader, making it sound like the three girls are talking about sex instead of their powers, but it's a conversation that they would have had when they first found out about each other, so it's there for no valid reason other than to confuse the reader, so, I mean, I'm kind of mad at it from the outset. Sophie uses her telepathy rather willy nilly when it furthers the plot, but never when it would further the plot too much, basically she never uses it when she should.

These are only a few of the things wrong with the story, culminating in a cruel revenge plot that makes her as much the villain as the person she retaliates against, but it's got just enough teen angst and the little guy winning that it's thoroughly enjoyable. I wouldn't call this a great book, it has a lot of flaws, but all in all, it was a light easy read. I'm kind of up in the air on whether I'm going to continue with the series.

tpriest's review

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Absolutely a new fan on this amazing author. I fell in love with the characters of this series and love how despite their differences with their families and upbringings, this trio has bonded over their extraordinary differences. I purchased the first 3 books in a box set and look forward to reading the rest of the books. In this first book Sophie is learning who she is after not attending public school for the last year and loosing 30 lbs over the summer, while also experiencing an influx in her abilities. However with the help of her friends, family, and meeting a special guy. She comes along way towards becoming comfortable in her own skin.

rayne's review

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A good read, for a teen.Typical storyline.

jen286's review

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

I did not really enjoy Sophie's Secret. It was like the worst parts of high school, but the bad parts were treated like they were good at times. Really the ideas behind a lot of the things, what the book shows as okay and correct, I had a big problem with. The book made me angry at times. I have waited a few days to write this review as I needed to calm down some. *Some slight spoilers ahead and it might get a bit ranty*

This is the story of Sophie. Sophie who can read people's minds, but she tries not to. I thought the reading minds thing would have been a bigger part of the story, but it wasn't. The way everything played out just seemed to happen coincidentally, not like Sophie used her powers for good or anything. It was a bit of a let down. I guess one reason it was good she had her powers is that then she knew the girl in yearbook class wasn't actually a slut like everyone said. Man that whole thing made me angry. Sophie is just like ew - I don't want to work with the slut...oh wait I am reading her mind and she is thinking please don't think I am a slut like everyone is saying. I am not. Oh okay, she isn't. I guess it is okay then. Argh. It just...even if the girl had slept with some guy why would she be a slut? Way to slut shame book. And way to be judgemental Sophie! I do not like.

So Sophie decides she likes this guy Jacob because he's cute or whatever. I can get behind that. I remember high school. Plus she found out that he used to be fat too so they are meant to be. But when he asks her to cheat for him and such she just goes along with it, then think maybe he is using me? Oh I hope he likes me. I was just like come on. Everyone, her bff's included, tell her how horrible Jacob is and she is just like no way. He is...not really nice to me or anything, but you guys he totes is the best. He used to be fat! I used to be fat! We are soul mates!!! So what I hear people's thoughts that are like if you only knew what Jacob did you wouldn't like him as much and such. She doesn't have any direct irrefutable proof that he is a jerk so yeah. Too bad everyone else she is sticking to her liking him cause...cause she is incredibly stupid and frustrating!

We also have the popular girl who is totally mean and has a locker right next to Sophie. Apparently Sophie is a push over and cannot stand up for herself and her one bff fights her fights for her. When the super nice popular guy seems to be interested in Sophie popular girl does not like that at all. No way! So things get a bit worse for poor stupid Sophie. I guess this is another time when her mind reading came in handy as she treated nice guy Frankie like crap, but then when she would hear his thoughts how he was hurt by what she said, I guess she doesn't really like me, etc. she can correct herself and be like no, I am totes sweet and nice see? Ugh. And the revenge on popular girl? I was reading the book and the whole thing plays out with nice guy Frankie right there. I thought oh no Soph, you did it this time. He will want nothing to do with you now as this is horrible and not how you should be. You are a mean girl too and why would nice guy Frankie want to be with someone who does something like this? You blew it Soph. Only she didn't. Frankie was totally cool with her being a mean girl! No, just no. That is not how the situation should be handled. It was terrible and I hated it. It just made me angry.

Ugh there was so much wrong with this book. Sophie used to be fat, but now she is totally pretty since she lost weight and can be popular now. She cannot tell if someone is a male of female if they have short hair and a not clearly feminine voice? Really? Her bff's seem like they are all enemies. I really don't know why they are all friends except they all have different powers. She is super judgemental and kind of terrible to people whenever she feels like it. It was not the book for me. The powers were in the background, the writing wasn't my favorite, the themes behind the story I really disagreed with, it was just a mess for me.

kirstieellen's review

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I had no intentions of reading this book as soon as I did. But after I downloaded it, and read the first line, that was it. I was half way through the book before I knew it! Sophie's Secret is a book about a girl with a supernatural power: she can read minds. Sophie is faced with various decisions to make whilst at school, including standing up to bullies, dealing with teachers, and making tough decisions when it comes to boys.

This book is a really good, quick read. It captures the thought process of a teenage-girl with boys problems really well. Despite the simplicity of the plot, I just could not put the book down.
Sophie is a really insecure girl who has gone through a transformation, fat to not fat and pretty. And she's drawing more attention than what she's comfortable with.
Summer Powers is a typical popular girl who makes the lives of everyone else miserable. She really does embody that horrible girl that just about everyone hates. Summer is a cake-faced bitch, and Sophie has to learn how to stand up to her.

AJ and Krysta are Sophie's best buds [also with supernatural powers]. And they actually have a much smaller role to play than I expected. Well, not small, just not that big. But they're pretty interesting. I think they'll have a lot more to do in the following books. Let's not forget the characters of Lara, Mrs. Stein and Rose Marie - all awesome, all great, and all leave you wanting more of their characters.

Frankie . . . *melts*. What a babe. I don't think I need to say much about Frankie, because he's just gorgeous. West has really made the quite the achievement here - she's made the name "Frankie" seem undeniably sexy. I love him because him and his sexiness [and the way he treats Sophie], would just never ever happen in real life. He's like an amazing dream, and who doesn't love dreams like that?

All up, Sophie's Secret is a really good book and a ridiculously enjoyable read that keeps you unable to do anything else but turn the pages.

sabine1998's review

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2.5 stars