
Collision Course by K.A. Mitchell

arf88's review

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Joey was such an adorable character, and was so easy to fall in love with. Aaron... not so much. He was a dick, and the entire relationship was on his terms, to the point where it got ridiculous. "Don't fall in love with me! Don't ask me about my feelings!" "You fell in love with me and didn't tell me! You manipulative fucker!" lol what? The last couple of chapters he redeemed himself by acting like an actual human, but the story still somehow managed to end with Joey loosing his job that Aaron hated. Because that doesn't have skeevy implications at all.

Three stars because Joey was such a joy to read about, but there was way too much sex, and Aaron could have done with a kick up the ass.

mikibooks's review

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A ver. Este es un ejemplo de aquellos libros que me resultan dificiles de puntuar cuando termino de leerlos. En los que no me sale automáticamente la cantidad de estrellas a entregarle. Así que voy a tomar literalmente el criterio de GR, que dice que 3 estrellas es "I liked it"

Porque realmente me gustó, lo disfruté, lo leí muy rápido, y en ningún momento me resultó tedioso. La química entre los protagonistas está, nuevamente, muy bien escrita y Aaron es absolutamente genial. Bueno, es mi tipo de personaje; esos medio jodidos, directos, que no se andan con vueltas ni con pelotudeces, que no buscan caerle bien a la multitud, pero que en el fondo son unos tiernos. Por ejemplo, cuando dice:

"Fucking prepackaged happiness. The only happy people in this world are the ones who don't know what the fuck is going on"

Lo que que me sacó un poco de eje fue sobre todo la escena inicial. Y la reacción fundamentalmente erótica de Aaron frente al panorama delante de sus ojos, que no era solamente el deseable cuerpo de Joey, sino un espantoso accidente con heridos y una mujer con la mitad del cuerpo casi que arrancado de cuajo. No, no me parece ni creíble ni agradable ni correcto que el texto describa al paramédico con el miembro erecto, paralelamente a una mujer casi muerta.

Una cosa es que se detenga a mostrar los pensamientos de una persona, que claramente son libres y pueden irse para cualquier parte, aún en las más funestas situaciones, pero otra es representar una reacción física de placer en un panorama que se supone dramático.

Mi otro tema fue con las quizás un poco excesivas escenas de sexo. La historia entre ellos se resuelve básicamente a través del contacto físico, pero por momentos me saturó.

En fin, ese comienzo me resultó poco creíble. Pero luego la historia va tomando más forma y aún requiriendo algunas concesiones, me resultó muy entretenido.

litagentsaritza's review

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I don't think I have found a K.A. Mitchell book that I haven't completely devoured and loved and Collision Course is definitely no exception!

Summary: Immovable object? Meet the irresistible force.

Paramedic Aaron Chase doesn’t have anything against love. It just comes with a lot of responsibility, like when he had to raise his sister and brothers after their drug-addicted mom took off for good. Now that the last one is off to college, Aaron’s anticipating enjoying life on his own terms. He certainly wasn’t expecting Joey Miller to accidentally drop into his life.

Joey’s sexy, funny and annoyingly optimistic, and his tendency to get into trouble keeps sending him Aaron’s way. Even the fact that Joey works for the hated social work system isn’t reason enough to keep him out of Aaron’s bed.

Joey knows all about love. He’s fallen in it ten times—he thinks. It’s not that he can’t tell the difference between sex and love. All that experience has to count for something, right? With Aaron it’s different. Maybe because there’s something to fight for.

This time Joey’s fallen for good. He’s not going to let number eleven get away.

Warning: This love story may overheat readers or the devices used to read it. Explicit male/male sex scenes involving extra penetration, toys, and spanking.

Why I loved this read: Mitchell has to have been a gay man in a previous life because the sex scenes in her books are not just perfectly detailed, they are so vivid, you can practically taste the lube! The sex scenes don't overpower the story either and I love that! The characters grow together, apart and together as fluidly (why does that word sound weird in this context?) as their sex scenes move and bits and pieces of the plot get peppered perfectly throughout the story.

Of course, being a Florida girl myself, I love books that are based in my home state. Now I'm going to be looking for a hot American-Indian-looking 30-year-old on a Ducati and following his ass home! :D

Excerpt: From the way Joey was biting into his lip, one thumb and Aaron’s mouth were enough to make Joey work hard to hold back. Aaron drew it out as long as he could stand it, watching the sweat break out along Joey’s hairline, the way his mouth went slack before he regained his concentration, the way his chin kept dropping to his chest as his eyes squeezed shut. When the pressure of smooth, wet walls on his thumb made his dick too jealous to wait, Aaron pulled his hand away and let Joey slide from his mouth again.

A nudge on his hip and Joey was sliding back. He worked the condom down Aaron’s dick and lifted himself on one foot and one knee. Slicking the latex, Aaron guided his dick in as Joey lowered himself, stopping with the head halfway.

Christ, tight pressure right on the head, squeezing him. From the way Joey licked his lips he was enjoying the stretch, so why had he stopped? Aaron tipped his head to see Joey’s eyes. He was plotting something with his I’m-gonna-get-what-I-want look, chin stuck out.

Aaron raised the hand holding Joey’s hip and brought it down with a stinging slap against Joey’s ass. “Take it.”

A hard clench on Aaron’s dick as Joey’s body reacted to the spank. Oh, he definitely liked to play.

Aaron laid another sharp smack right over the last one. Joey groaned and took him in all the way. Every time they did it, Aaron swore the little blond couldn’t work his cock tighter or better, but Joey did, not even moving but pulsing his muscles all around him,the soft walls closing in hot sweet pressure.

Joey looked at him with a challenge in his stubborn jaw, and Aaron spanked him again. “Move.”

The slaps and the way he took Aaron deep and fast didn’t have any effect on Joey’s erection but to make it leak and twitch.

“Now.” The word snapped and timed with his hand on Joey’s ass.

Joey got up on his knees and rocked, sliding up and down on Aaron’s dick, muscles flexing. Balancing himself with a hand on Aaron’s shoulder, Joey rode him, slamming down so his ass slapped against Aaron’s thighs with every stroke. Aaron put another handprint on him, listening to the husky groan Joey made as the heat hit him.

Aaron grabbed the hot skin in his hands. “Faster.”

nicola949's review

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Really enjoyed the story and the character development. Joey is a really likable character and the relationship he has with Aaron is believable.

bibliophile24's review

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I love anything by K.A. Mitchell! I can't wait to read Diving in Deep and No Souvenirs! (Yes, I accidentally read #2 first). I can't wait to read about Cameron and Noah's story now!

reenz38's review

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not even close to my favorite but a satisfying read.

Can I just say I hate Aaron Chase?! I want to stab him in his fucking neck! He reminds me of Brian Kinney from QAF...he cares for justin/joey pushes him away and the minute he gets in something serious he's concerned! the fucker! ..Joey deserves SO much better than this guy. Seriously!

crtsjffrsn's review

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Collision Course is the sequel to Diving in Deep, but you don't really have to read it to get into this book. This installment follows social worker Joey, who was briefly shown as being with Noah for a while in the first book, who crosses paths with paramedic Aaron (who has reason to distrust social workers based on his own family's past experiences) and finds a spark that he has a hard time denying. But can they form a relationship when what they do and what they want isn't even close to being in sync?

This was about as good as the first book and if you've read the first, there's a good continuity here not only in terms of writing style but also in the writing style itself. There was a point near the end where I felt it dragged slightly (I believe I had a similar complaint with Diving in Deep), but overall it's an enjoyable read.

bookcraft's review

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The writing was excellent, the story interesting, and the characters engaging. I didn't always agree with the characters' pop-psychology assessments of one another's behavior, but that wasn't enough to keep me from enjoying the story and cheering on the developing romance.

mpyff's review

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Hot, hot, hot!! This one was scorching! Loved it! The sexual tension started almost immediately and the actual sex didn't follow too far behind. I enjoyed watching Joey and Aaron fall into lust and then watching their relationship evolve. There was plenty of hot, hot sex - strictly m/m. There was angst. There was emotion, and tugging at the heartstrings. KA Mitchell is an excellent writer, and drew me into the story immediately. It was hard to put down... I would recommend this to anyone looking for a hot, steamy m/m read!!

ccgwalt's review

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There were several things I enjoyed about this book. The writing itself was very readable, and felt very fresh and current. It took me a chapter or two to get the rhythm, but the brash style felt right after a bit. Joey was a great character, flaws and all, and I couldn't help but smile almost every time he was on the page. Aaron wasn't as likeable, but his problems and reactions made sense in context so that wasn't a problem.