
Monster by Julia Sykes

openallnight's review

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3.5 Stars...

This is a short read but even with the lack of plot details/development... the story hooked me and I sped to the last page. I certainly do not consider this even light BDSM but some readers are very sensitive so let it be known that the H is dominant.

mvbookreviewer's review

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Rating = 4.25/5

Review with quotes will go live on April 23, 2013 at 00:00 MVT and will be available on MBR's Realm of Romance

Rated as an AWESOME READ from the sunny side of life

divapitbull's review

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I was intrigued by the premise of Monster and was going to read it regardless as to whether or not it was free. I think overall it had allot of potential which it didn't quite live up to; but I also felt it had enough going for it in terms of originality to rate a solid 4 stars.

What I didn't like were the plot contrivances which were beyond coincidental (for example Sean's helpful habit of popping up where he was most needed and least expected). I felt the characters could have been better developed. I also don't get the point of taking a medium length book and breaking it up into 3 installments. It's annoying.

What I did like was the chemistry between Claudia and Sean. I was a little troubled that I found myself liking Sean better than Claudia (and frankly I found her a bit annoying at times). While both have had difficult childhoods and both are dysfunctional in one way or another; Sean seems to be the more emotionally honest and stable of the 2. I found Claudia's decision and the reasons for it at the end of this installment befuddling.

If the story ended here I wouldn't care for it as I prefer HEA's but I am trudging on in the hopes that Claudia comes to her senses and Sean has an opportunity for redemption.

caramels's review

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Let’s stop for a minute and ponder: “is it life really not worth living or is it books like this one that just take my will to live away?” (And for the record, no, I’m not being a drama queen, I’m just going along with the style of this god-awful nonsense. The fact alone that this lame story was called “monster” is a clear example of that. I mean come OOOON, aren’t you just being a bit melodramatic?)

This has got to be the most ridiculous, boring, irritating shit I’ve ever read. The “heroine” thoughts were formulated in such an irksome way I wanted to slap the bitch in the face every time she opened her mouth (which was always). Being in her head was the most horrible, traumatic experience of my reading life.

A random example of what I mean:

“His hand shifted to the front of my throat, applying pressure so that I was forced down onto the pillows. The act awoke something primal within me, the recognition of his utter dominance making me go limp beneath him as I demonstrated my submission to the alpha male."


There were tons of lines like that that just made me laugh for all the wrong reasons. Another example: I never particularly liked the expression "his eyes darkened", but I didn’t feel like I could cut a bitch whenever I read it either, well now I do. THANKS, Claudia.

The writing consisted of entire lines repeated in the same way over and over and over again and the way the plot was laid out was really amateurish and at times nonsensical.

And did I mentioned that all this was so BORING I almost passed out?

The story:

-bitch is kidnapped
-bitch saves guy’s life (in a very questionable way but let’s not even go there)
-they barely talk, she doesn’t have a clue of anything but doesn’t ask
-they barely do anything, sometimes she stares at him or sit around all day whining in her head about how miserable her life is
-out of nowhere guy is revealed to be some sort of christian grey
-they have unprotected sex because why not
-some kind of revelation
-the end
-well not exactly the end because in fact there’s two more of this. Good luck with that. As for me,


bookgirl0925's review

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I liked it but didn't love it. I was expecting a little darker storyline

talldrinkofdietcoke's review

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I was provided an ARC of this book in return for a fair and honest review, which I fully intent to give.

From the very first page, very first line, we were immediately thrown into the world of Dr Claudia Ellers, as she's being kidnapped (am I the only person who doesn't like this word when it refers to grown adults?) by a man, Bradley, with the intentions of forcing her to save his friend who has been shot. Sean is a stunningly attractive man, even with a bullet hole in his chest and covered in blood. Claudia is instantly drawn to him, and as he begins to heal, she's even further drawn to his charisma. Since she's completed the task at hand, Bradley in instant on killing her but that's a line Sean isn't comfortable crossing. But that doesn't mean he's willing to let her leave either.

The attraction between Sean and Claudia is strong, as Claudia considers using it to gain her freedom, but is she strong enough to remain unattached while giving in to the attraction?

Being thrown immediately into the action of the book, I wasn't able to connect with Claudia on a level that I would have wanted. It took a way a bit of the empathy that I had for her. But I was engrossed in the chemistry between her and Sean. Constantly thinking about what I would do in that situation. I really wanted to know more about both Sean and Claudia.. even the jerk, Bradley. Perhaps in the future books to come, as this ended with a cliffhanger.

Overall though, I enjoyed this book and will be getting the next one upon it's release.
What I Liked:
I liked the angry banter from Claudia to the amused Sean.
What I Didn't Like:
The drawer of kink. Seemed unnecessary.
Favorite Quote:
“You’re a lot bossier than most of the women I find handcuffed to my bed, you know.”

eslismyjam's review

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I read all three of these books but I'm only going to review this one. The premise is victim falls in love with her kidnapper. I read all three because I wanted to find out what happened in the end. It's actually driving me crazy the way so many books are written as serial novellas these days. Just finish the story already! When I pick up a book I want the story to finish.

Sadly this book just didn't pack enough of an emotional punch to make an impact. There are many other books about getting kidnapped and falling in love with your captor that I feel treat the subject with much more plausibility and interest. The Dark Duet by C.J. Roberts series for one.

heatheray's review

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This is a review of all 3 books because I purchased Impossible: The Original Trilogy with Monster, Avenger, and Traitor in it.


Oh my, where do I start without giving any spoilers??? That’s really hard to do when you’re reviewing a trilogy.

From Julia’s Goodreads page:

Julia’s primary goal is to take readers on a sexy, emotional roller coaster ride.

She did do that. She did an amazing job with sexy, emotional roller coaster ride.

I’ll tell you what, I was starting to wonder how screwed up I was when I was rooting for Sean in the first book. Sean was the ultimate alpha male, strong, way protective, seriously domineering. She was kidnapped and here I am still thinking Sean is going on my book boyfriend shelf. Technically he didn’t kidnap her, Bradley did.

There is crime, there is passion, there is heat. Oh my goodness is there heat. Julia, you have a way with words, on all fronts, not just the love scenes.

I loved it. Every book in the trilogy. I loved them all.

I’m so glad I got it as a trilogy and had them all right here at my fingertips, going straight from one to the next. I don’t know if I could have handled waiting for book 2 and 3.

I knew I was looking at a good series when I put all 3 separately on my Kindle wish list back in May.

I’m so happy I just happened to come upon Julia’s site during a blog hop and see that this was on sale for 99 cents. I knew I had the books on my TBR shelf. I had to grab it.

I don’t feel like I am doing the book justice but if I go into too much detail I am going to give spoilers. That’s bad. No spoilers.

It’s just really really really good and really really hot.

I think I’m finally getting over my book hangover I had.

Right now, Impossible: The Original Trilogy is 99 cents. You get all 3 books: Monster, Traitor, and Avenger. I’d snatch it now before the price goes up. I’m so glad I did.

wperdue92's review

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Ahhh.....novellas....just as you're REALLY getting into the story...BAM! It's over! Claudia is kidnapped one night and taken to treat a man with a gunshot wound since she is a doctor. Obviously since Seth was unable to go to the hospital for treatment, she figures he was involved in something illegal. She is kept captive at Seth's apartment with help from his friend Bradley. Bradley wants to dispose of her since her job is done, but Seth refuses. The attraction Seth and Claudia feel towards one another is undeniable and something they eventually give into. Claudia is wrestling the "What the **** am I doing" feelings as long as fighting her own past. She soon finds out that Seth has some pretty big problems of his own.
I had a little trouble getting past the whole premise of a willing sexual relationship with an abductor, but it was written so well that I couldn't help but be sucked in to a dark little world that I found myself enjoying. Of course, the nice little cliffhanger at the end leaves me reaching for book 2.

ravenisaqueen's review

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3.5 stars