
The Dragon's Treasure by S.E. Smith

raven168's review

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I was so excited when I found out that the newsletter freebies from this author were going to be made into novellas. I really liked the stories and couldn't wait for them to be lengthened. This one was just so much fun. The world is fascinating, the magic great, and the characters fun. And given the chance, I like to think that I too would ask if I could choose the dragon as my treasure. How could I not!?

I loved Carly because she was so believable and quite amusing with her quirks. There was just so much about her that was so easy to relate to, and while that made me jealous (yes, of a fictional character) of what she got, you can't help but like the girl.

I also quite liked Drago. He's hot, confident and a great man. After a decade of loneliness and sleeping away the time, he is reawakened in more than one way when Carly appears before him. She changes him quite a bit, and he becomes a dragon sweet on her willing to do anything for her. We don't get to see him fight at all, but he has to be a great warrior...right? He's a dragon, and a king after all.

Carly was out hiking one day when a huge storm moved in on her. She quickly finds out that yelling at the sky gods does not help (something that I have also learned numerous times on my own walks) and things keep getting worse. She finds safety from the storm inside a cave. Drawn by light, she ventures farther in until she finds herself in a huge cavern filled with gold. And a dragon. Her whole life Carly has loved dragons and so she can't help but be drawn to it. What she doesn't expect is for it to be real.

When the evil sea witch had tuned every single one of Drago's people into stone, he was left alone with nothing but silence and crushing hopelessness. After moving all his people inside, he sets up an impassable barrier around his island and goes to sleep inside his hidden treasure room. He knows the second that Carly steps inside but doesn't move until she touches him. When he tells her to choose her treasure carefully and she chooses him, his curiosity is peaked.

Carly is so happy with this world and dragon-man that she has found herself with that she questions whether she's dead or it's all in her head. But as time goes on her happiness only increases. Her and Drago spend everyday exploring his kingdom or each other. It's only when, weeks later, Drago brings up going to other islands for different foods and more supplies that things change. Their trip and stay there were interesting for all. Frustrating for Drago though when he is ambushed by the other leaders or their representation for a meeting on how to deal with the sea witch. On the way back, something terrible happens to Carly and Drago doesn't find out soon enough. When he finds her, he wants to panic but there's nothing he can do. So he resigns himself to follow her when she takes her last breathe. But his little thief has indeed stolen a dragon's heart and a great reward comes to them both.

While I loved pretty much everything about this story, there is one thing I wish would have been touched upon more. I wanted to know more about the ties between Carly and Drago. Especially because Carly could see them occasionally. Was it a mating bond? Was it just the link Drago created? Would it allow them to hear each other like Drago could the rest of his people? It was just something neat that I would have liked more on.

iggyebab's review

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Dragon shifter. She falls into his treasure trove by accident and saves him from the sadness he is under.

sidhewitch's review

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Audiobook narrated only by a man, which is my least favorite way to do these things, but that's not why I DNFd. The way so much focus is put on the heroine being plus size, and apparently her only personality traits are that she is clumsy and fat, we're really off putting. And I'm normally all about having a plus size heroin, but it just felt childishly written. Especially when paired with all of the weird slapstick. After a relatively interesting prologue it just got boring. And I don't have time for boring.

samnicholls12's review

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Oh Yeah!

There is something about S.E Smith's writing that draws you in from the first page. It's familiar, it flows well and the characters are always likeable. The world building in her books is fabulous and who doesn't love dragons?!
Awesome, can't wait for the next book!

chyina's review

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Drago is the king of the Isle of Dragons or at least he was, now he is the only dragon left. Ten years ago he decided he would sleep and for ten years, he rested. Carly is a clumsy girl from a small town with a love for dragons. One day while she is hiking she gets caught in a storm and seeks shelter. Little did she know the cave she entered was a doorway to another realm.

I have to admit that I was very disappointed in this novel. Not only did it set up a very interesting action-packed adventure in the prologue but it didn't follow through with it at all. Drago seemed so set on avenging his people and finding a way to free them from this curse but now that he has a girlfriend, helping his thousands of fellow dragons isn't important? Additionally, Carly sort of becomes a stock character towards the end, losing the quirky personality Smith seemingly wants her to have.

This is not a book I would recommend as it lets the reader down. In fact, the entire story of Drago's loneliness and Carly's past relationships have no real part to play in the book. So why give us all that if they are unimportant?

wondernikel's review

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I love me some dragons, pirates and a sea witch! I even enjoyed the cover of this novel, and all the characters! But the story kept me wanting something is missing! Will at least try out the next book in hopes it gets better.

addheading's review

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this book tries so hard to be something it's not: good.

mountainblue's review

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Choose your treasure carefully, thief…

At first glance I loved the cover of this book, the synopsis was even better. Carly Tate’s hiking trip to Yachats State Park led her to a magically hidden cavern full of treasure guarded by Drago, King of the Isle of Dragons and the last dragons of the Seven Kingdoms. She awakens the magnificent sleeping dragon, her eyes on him instead of the vast treasure.

'Can I choose you?'

I liked the beginning, it was occasionally funny, Dragon's backstory was intriguing but something was a bit off about the hero and heroine's chemistry. It felt forced. The biggest problem I had was the heroine, she came across as a bit immature and reminded me of a young teen even though she was supposed to be a grown woman and an assistant manager of a small bank. She was dangerously awkward, clumsy and she even managed to hurt or knockout Drago by accident.

Here is an example of what Carly says and does after hitting Drago with a broom between his legs...

“I… You startled me. Did that hurt?” she asked in a slightly squeaky tone. “Yes…. It hurts,” Drago responded, dropping the broom which made a loud clattering sound on the marble floors. “Oh. I’m so sorry.” Drago would have responded that he was alright, but Carly had bent over to pick up the broom again. At the same time, a small rodent ran out of the bathing chamber. Her loud scream and the upward movement of the broom echoed through his brain even as the end connected once more with his groin. His knees buckled at the second assault and he dropped to the floor. in agony. The frightened rodent scurried up his thigh. Carly swung the broom at the poor creature – and missed. The broom struck Drago instead. Pain exploded along the right side of Drago’s face. The rough bristles of the broom dragged a dirty path along his cheek, catching in the light beard covering his face, and depositing bits of dust, dirt, and leaves along the way.

And it didn't end there, there was another accidental cringeworthy moment when they were about to kiss in bed. Yup, I really didn't like Carly and I just couldn't see her being the other half of this powerful ancient dragon shapeshifter. There was no chemistry or even spark between them. He was lonely for so long and she was the first woman to break through the magic and ignore his otherness. It was all a bit too convenient.

The author didn't give the hero much of a personality either. He was the typical brooding hero with a painful history and that's about it.

The lack of chemistry and an annoying heroine made this paranormal romance boring for me. There was a lot of telling and not enough showing, there was nothing much happening a lot of the time, and I had to force myself to keep reading making the 207 pages feel like a 500!

I wish the author had taken sometime to fleshing out her main characters. Especially Carly's character, giving her self confidence, strong personality and a well rounded background of a fully grown woman with experience instead of an extremely awkward 16 year old girl.

The Dragon's Treasure is the first in a whole new series and I hope the rest are much better when it comes to plot development, character development, romance and h/h chemistry.

And I hope I never come across another immature, quirky and horribly awkward heroine ever again.

coraotf's review

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I liked the elements of the story, especially the characters, but the story itself felt sparse. I'm hoping the next in the series is a bit more substantial.

lowbrowreaderofzerof_cks's review

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This author is a weird case of hit-and-miss for me. I have read some of her stuff that is funny, lively, engaging and well-written.
This story was not. The writing was simplistic, there was a lot of telling and not a lot of showing, everything felt rushed, the world-building was pushed at me in staggering blocks. I kind of understand a bit since this is a first book in 8-book series and author clearly wanted to set the stage up in as many details as possible. Sadly it was all done in long explanatory rants, most of side-characters felt like clear sequel-baits and h/H had fairly poor chemistry.
Sorry, Ms Smith, hoping for better luck next time.