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Love, Lies and Crimes Anthology by Various authors

4 star review

What a fantastic anthology! 10 brilliant authors coming together to create fast paced, action packed stories all with a different theme which included genres such as romance, crime & erotic. Overall I thought this was a great anthology because not only were there short stories from some of my favourite authors but it was also an introduction to some new ones too. I admit I enjoyed some stories in this book more than others but they were all good reads.

ShutterSpeed by Freya Barker
I loved this story! It was a complete novella and had some great twists and turns! I’ve read a few full length novels by this author and it had the same feel about it even though it was much shorter! In this story we see Isla taking over her Uncle’s campground and ending up in the middle of all sorts of trouble. I liked that the characters in this story were older (a thing a love about Freya’s stories!) it makes a refreshing change! This was my favourite story out of the anthology!

Twist in Fate by Danielle Jamie
This was an interesting piece for me as I’ve never really read about time travel before but I really enjoyed it! However I will say that I was just getting in to it and it ended on one giant cliff-hanger! I hope the rest of the book is out there as I really want to see what happens next!! The story is about Lucy who discovers that a piece of jewellery left to her by her Grandmother may not be what it seems!

Sinner by Kathryn Kiden
I have to admit I was not a fan some of the content of this story however it was brilliantly written! It was gripping but also very, very dark and had some graphic violence in it, so be warned! And that’s all within the first few pages!! It certainly had some great plot twists in it that I definitely was not expecting! The story is about a modelling/high class escort agency whose female staff are being brutally murdered – I still haven’t made my mind up yet about the characters in the story but this was definitely a great teaser for the rest of the story and if you can deal with some of the graphic parts then I think it will be a really good read!

Breaking Black by Addison Kline
This was another great short story! It is one of the longer stories in this anthology about a jailbreak where members of a MC are back on the street and they are seeking revenge against the people who put them behind bars. There’s definitely a lot of action packed into this short story. There’s definitely more to come after this one and I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

Blind Disillusion by Jesse Lorenzo
This was a fast paced story with one twist that I did not see coming at all! In fact I’m pretty sure I gasped when I got to the end! The story is about Elizabeth who has this feeling that she is being watched. Strange things start happening, voices she can hear, unexplainable noises and cryptic notes left for her. The author did a fabulous job of concealing the identity of the stalker right until the very end of the story – and it was definitely an ending I didn’t foresee! The whole story was very cleverly written and it kept my attention throughout!

Exacting Vengeance by Imy Santiago
This was another good story in this anthology about Natalia who is recruited for a secret mission in the Middle East. When she is injured she can’t shake the feeling that all is not as it seems, protocols aren’t followed as she would expect, people are whispering around her and then the unexpected happens! I’m definitely looking forward to reading the rest of this story! This was a great start to what seems like is going to be a great read!

Mantis by Courtney Shockey
I’ve read a few books by this author so I knew I was expecting something a little dark but this wasn’t the story for me but I cannot fault the way in which the story was written. It was fast paced and flowed well, I just wasn’t keen on some of the content but it did end on one might cliff-hanger – one that has you questioning whether or not you want to read on! I still can’t decide!! The story is about Gina and Rosa who like to entice men into their erotic games but this time they may have found the wrong man to play with!

Little Temptations by Madison Street
I liked this story; I’m a fan of bad boy fighters! I thought there was a lot of content in a short story which made it all the better! I also liked that it was mainly told from the male’s perspective which made a nice change! I have no read anything by this author before so I will definitely be looking for more by her. I know I was definitely looking for more after I finished this story!

His to Take by Melissa Toppen
This was another favourite of mine from this anthology. It started out really well and I was hooked from the very first line. It is a complete story which was fast paced and really well written. It was about Chloe who was taken as payment against her father’s debts and was to be sold as a sex slave. Luckily for Chloe, it was Walker who insisted on training her before her sale and who said he was going to do everything he could to free her before that happened. I actually would have loved this to have been a full length novel, I think it definitely had the potential there – but I still loved it as a short story!

Dirty Secrets by Silla Webb
This story was a strange one for me, on one hand I wasn’t keen on the content but on the other hand I was captivated by the physiological issues that were addressed. The story is about Josh who was sexually assaulted as a teenager by his mother’s best friend, although at first as a 15 year old he thought it was great having sex with an older woman their time together soon took a different turn. The story picks up much later and Josh in is in jail and we see him in his therapy sessions addressing what has happened in his life and whether this abuse was the root cause of his problems. As I said before I wasn’t sure about this story and I did find it confusing at times but for a short story it was different and it did have a few different twists and turns in it that I wasn’t really expecting. The story is to be continued!

So for me overall I thought this was a great anthology with some great stories, for me some better than others but a great way to be introduced to new authors. I think it’s definitely well worth a read!

bwagner's review

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Love, Lies and Crimes Anthology is a collection of ten stories full of love, lies and crime. It is a must read as the stories will keep you wanting for more. It will have you turning page after page until you have finished all ten stories. I highly suggest this anthology as I know you will fully enjoy reading it as much as I have.

Shutterspeed by Freya Barker
Isla Ferris is a woman who has the opportunity to run her uncle's campground for the rest of the summer. When the camper in site twenty-three stops and asks for more firewood, she never expects to find him so sexy. Who is he? Is he who he says he is? When odd things are happening on the lake, what will she do? Will she find more then just pretty places to take pictures? Is there a connection between them?
Trust in Fate by Danielle Jamie
Lucy was a young girl when she had a tragic boating accident. The man she seen had eyes that she will never forget ever. Years later when she graduates from college, and moves back to Chicago. What happens when she receives a letter from her Grandmother? What will happen when she puts the pendent that her Grandmother left her on? What powers will the pendent hold? What will she do when she finds out what her ancestors really were?
Sinner by Katheryn Kiden
Dani Beckett is the owner of a modeling agency and brothel named Sinners and Saints. One by one her girls are being murdered. Who is out to get her? What will happen? Are they safe or is someone out to kill all whores?
Breaking Black by Addison Kline
This story has a multiple of characters and lots of action going on. A motorcycle gang escapes from prison looking for revenge. Will they all stay safe? Will they be able to protect their loved ones? It will keep you on your toes. You will never see what is coming.
Exacting Vengeance by Imy Santiago
Natalia is a female military officer that is sent on a secret mission. What will happen when she gets injured? When something seems off, what is it? Will she figure it out?
Mantis by Courtney Shockey
Rosa and Gabriella are two females that are on the prowl for a male mate. Who are they? Are they really what they seem? This story is action and suspense. It will keep you wondering what will come out of the shadows next. Will they find that they found their match?
Little Temptations by Madison Street
Taylor Monroe is a fighter who never expected things to change, what will he do when they do? When he manages to get into trouble, he has to deal with her. He finds her annoying. What will happen with them? Will things heat up between them? What will fate have in store for them?
His To Take by Melissa Toppen
Chloe Deltorro finds herself alone, scared curled up in a corner of a strange room. She is being held captive for her father's debt. She has been told that her captive will train and then sell her. What will happen? Will she survive? You will be surprised by this story. There are secrets behind every page. Find out what happens to her.
Dirty Secrets by Silla Webb
Josh has demons that he would rather leave lie, protecting those he loves is more important. He is a dark person that will take you into his head and show just how dark he is. When he is ordered to take therapy, will the therapist, unleash the darkness in him? What will happen when the FBI needs his help? Will he talk to them? What will he tell them? This story is suspense and so much more. Find out what his darkness will hold.

angelahayes's review

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5 Stars

Love, Lies and Crime is and Anthology of short stories/Novellas by ten talented authors. These authors all have different styles and approaches to writing; they are all unique and individual, but with the same thread running through each of the stories- that of Love, Lies and/or Crime.

Shutter Speed by Freya Barker.
Isla Ferris 39, has found herself at McPhee Reservoir for the summer- managing the popular lakeside camping grounds. She is an avid photographer and can’t wait to start taking snaps of the picturesque surroundings.
Ben Gustafson 48, has booked in at one of the campsites for the summer. He looks quite dangerous with all his tatts, long hair and his Harley Motorcycle. But there is something about him that draws Isla to him.
But things are not as they seem, danger lurks all around. There is more to this story and secrets that are yet to be uncovered. Will Isla be able to avoid all the danger and the sticky situation she has unknowingly gotten herself caught up in? What happens when she discovers Ben’s Secret? What is going on at the campgrounds? Do Isla and Ben have a future together?
Wonderfully written story- had me hooked from the start. It’s fast paced, flows well- a quick read with a HEA.

Twist in Fate by Danielle Jamie.
This is great paranormal story, about time travel. Lucy McAllister is 22 years old and has just discovered a family heirloom in a trunk that belonged to her Grandmother. With it was a letter revealing their family secret.
Lucy is caught up in the stories outlined in the letter, curiosity getting the better of her. She uses the heirloom, finding herself transported to a different time. Where does she end up? What is her fate? Will she find what she’s looking for?
This story was wonderfully detailed and descriptive- so much information for such a short story. Well written, unique storyline. Ends on a cliff-hanger. I really need the next book so I can find out what happens. Very enjoyable.

Sinner by Katheryn Kiden.
Danielle Becket is the daughter of a Police Captain and owner of Sinners and Saints Modelling Agency. A psychotic killer is on the loose, targeting the models and killing them off one by one.
I was caught up in the story from the very beginning. It is very graphic, quite violent, really dark and deliciously twisted. I was frantically trying to figure out who the killer was- I was so far down the rabbit hole, that I never saw the cliff-hanger coming! My mind was seriously messed with, and I loved it. I really can’t wait to continue this story!

Breaking Black by Addison Kline.
When 37 members of Seventy Devils MC, break out of jail and land back on the street, you know you’re in for an action packed ride. The dangerous Bikers are out to exact revenge on those responsible for putting them away and who took out half of their club members, destroying their property in the process.
This had a lot happening in it, from start to finish- I was amazed at how much the author was able to pack into a short story. The story is to be continued and I am looking forward to seeing what happens.

Blind Disillusion by Jesse Lorenzo.
Elizabeth works in a busy city Diner- “she never deviated from her predictable, methodical and boring routine. Every single day was exactly the same and she found comfort in that.” Unfortunately she has come to the attention of a serial killer, who has designs on making her his ‘lucky’ number 13. She had become his ‘chosen’. His aim is to take her mind, body and soul. First he watches and follows; then he begins a mental assault on his victim; before finally collecting their soul.
This book twisted my mind so completely. It is a thriller, full of suspense, twists and mind games; I enjoyed every word and will definitely be reading more from this author.

Exacting Vengeance by Imy Santiago.
Natalia has been ordered on a covert, unsanctioned overseas mission; that only she is qualified to carry out. Only once she gets there does it become apparent why the Captain had sent her. Things are not what she expected and something is not quite right. Can she trust the men who are meant to be keeping her alive? Will she figure it all out in time? The story is to be continued
I hadn’t read any of this authors work before and found the story to be really captivating! I will happily read more of Imy Santiago’s books.

Mantis, by Courtney Shockey.
Gabby and Rosa are lovers who need a man to satisfy their urges. But these two lovely ladies are definitely not what they seem- and Danger abounds. They are being watched by a mysterious man. Will he prove to be a friend or a foe? Can they trust him? Does he have ulterior motives? What will become of them?
Ms. Shockey has delivered a gripping story in her own unique, vividly descriptive, dark and rich, slightly bent style. I relished every word! I’m now waiting expectantly for the full length story, coming in the very near future!

Little Temptations, by Madison Street.
A story about MMA fighter, Taylor Munroe, who suffers a serious defeat in the ring- finds himself in a bar being taunted by a group of trouble makers. Punches are thrown and Taylor gets arrested. His lawyer Harley turns out to be a woman- an infuriating, sexy, demanding woman. He wants to strangle her because she irritates him so much. She can’t believe how annoying, frustrating and arrogant he is. Sparks fly. Will they be able to maintain a purely professional relationship?
This story is told from a duel POV. It was a great read and I look forward to reading more from this author!

His to Take by Melissa Toppen.
When Chloe wakes, she finds herself bound and in a darkened room with no idea of where she is or how she got there. She soon learns that she was taken because her father failed to pay the debt he owes. Chloe is to be broken in, trained and then sold as a sex slave. Her future is looking pretty bleak. The man assigned with her training, is not what she expected. He doesn’t seem like all the others. Can she trust him? What secrets is he keeping? Will she be able to break free before it’s too late?
What a fantastic story! I think it would make a wonderful full length novel. Ms. Deltoro is a superb storyteller. I can't wait to read more of her books.

Dirty Secrets Silla Webb.
Joshua Moore has had a troubled past. He is incarcerated for some heinous crimes. The FBI become involved and as his story unfolds, we learn of a taboo relationship, sensitive topics, abuse, manipulation and extortion.
“I’m twisted up in this game…. And I don’t know how to set myself free.”
The author really didn’t pull any punches with this story. She got into my mind and messed with my brain. I really didn’t know how I felt when I finished, but I knew I wanted to know more. Luckily the story is to be continued in “Depths of Darkness”- I will be one-clicking that one, for sure.

I went into this book not really knowing what to expect and have come out the other side totally blown away. All the stories are amazing, so engrossing, with wonderful plotting, well developed characters and all were extremely well written. I have read some books by a few of the contributing authors before- but quite a few of the authors were new to me, so I was excited to not only read the work of the authors I knew and loved, but also get an introduction to some authors who are new to me.

Buckle up and be prepared for a thrilling, nail biting ride that will have your heart in your mouth and on tender hooks the whole way through. There are some seriously suspenseful, mind blowing parts; funny, light-hearted and tender moments; extremely hot and intense sex scenes to be found; flying on the seat of your pants action throughout; then moments where you will despair for the character/s. But you will enjoy, Every. Single. Minute!

I really recommend this Anthology- you won’t regret buying it! It is worth every cent of the purchase price, and you are helping out a charity in the process. It doesn’t get better than that!

Thank you to all the authors!