
Pisces Hooks Taurus, by Anyta Sunday

myendlessshelf's review against another edition

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Okay, so you might already know that Anyta Sunday is one of my absolute favourite romance authors, and her Signs of Love series is just AMAZING!!

When I saw her new release, I just had to one-click and I couldn't be happier, if a little sleep deprived (I bought this book at around 10pm last night and I didn't finish reading until 4 this morning!!) It's THAT GOOD, not to mention crazy adorable!

My favourite thing about Anyta's writing is definitely the slow-burn. These are easily my favourites, the tension she builds is so perfect that it's practically fizzing off the page and I LITERALLY cannot stop myself from reading.

The 'Signs of Love' series is all about bringing together two people who are pretty opposite in terms of their star signs and their personalities. Pisces Hooks Taurus is no exception and it's so much fun to see these two characters who seem at first to have almost nothing in common, grow so close.

As a word lover, I found this book particularly enjoyable as one of the characters is an English professor, whilst the other is intrigued by intelligence and so there's lots of cute and very fun wordplay and book appreciation to be found in Pisces Hooks Taurus.

Both Beckett and Zane are complex characters with unique personalities, challenges and character development arcs. They each have their own goals and obstacles to overcome and the two of them together provide plenty of laughs, especially when aided by a meddling, goodhearted elderly neighbour.

This story had me grinning from ear to ear, my toes curled in all the right places and the whole thing was just perfection, made even more so by the quotes from romance novels (mostly by Austen) separating each chapter.

"In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

I'm a mood reader, and when I picked up this book I wanted something that would cheer me up, and make me feel, this book swept me off my feet and I'm already contemplating re-reading the whole series.

Prepare yourself to meet Beckett and Zane, and brace your heart for an agonising slow-burn romance that will melt your heart.

'Beckett cast his gaze upward and muttered toward the stars, "Slow burn."'

Note: This book can be read as a standalone but honestly, this entire series is too good to be missed!

heresthepencil's review against another edition

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what's up, i'm bored out of my mind!! plot-wise & otherwise it kind of just feels exactly like the first book in the series, only way more annoying

rep: bi mc, gay li

imanewreader's review against another edition

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I absolutely LOVED this 4th book !
4,5 🌟/5🌟. -Missing 0.5 because I really wanted to read about their summer.. Haha-

Zane and Beckett are absolutely adorable together and are perfect for each other. They both have their own personalities which makes them a whole and that is what I love most about their relationship. Their behavior towards each other came naturally and was not forced by one of them. Moreover it is a sweet, calm and cute slow built.

I am so happy to have enjoyed this book. I loved Leo Loves Aries, book 1 in the series, but didn't enjoy book 3 and 4 that much. Which is unfortunate.

breadedbookpages's review against another edition

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This was just... delightful? I am in love? Forever? I just did NOT expect to feel this good.

Other reviewers: correct me but is Zane demisexual? He read like that so much to me (I'm demi too which is why I identified.)

Anyway this features the cutest opposites attract, professor / artist couple, a bit of an age gap (7 years, 23 and 30 years old), SLOW BURN AS FUCK!, at one point I just wanted to cry because it felt so good to be reading this. MC is Zane and is New Zealander (he's so adorably proud).

lilnikki's review against another edition

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But like my inner Pisces.

donationwayne's review against another edition

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I just want to start by saying I loved this series to pieces - so please don't judge me too harshly with this review. I really enjoyed the first three books, each one I practically sat down and read front to back, only sleeping because I had work early the next morning. I enjoyed them immensely, which was why I was so disappointed when I could get quite get into this book. It clearly took me a bit longer than the others to read, but parts of it made me smile nonetheless.

It felt like it was on an entirely different wavelength writing wise. I guess I might have just not clicked with it, it might have just been the characters. I really enjoyed Beckett, but Zane from the very first paragraph I knew he wasn't my favorite main character. I had a difficult time focusing, and I struggled with some of the dialogue. Though some of it was charming, I just couldn't handle something. I thought some of his little quirks were super charming, like when he misunderstood words (as someone whose done this a million times and been teased for it), I wish we had gotten to see more of Zane's personality other than just desperation for love at first sight.

Zane just felt very one dimensional to many of the authors other characters. I really wished to enjoy this book more than I did as I loved the other parts of the series so much! I did enjoyed the two vague cameos, and obviously Theo and Jamie's appearances as always! Maybe I just read this in the wrong mindset, but I'm really hopeful for the (supposed) next book in the series, hopefully I'll click with it a bit more. This wasn't terrible, and I by no means want to deter people from reading because some characters just don't scratch my fancy -- I just couldn't get over certain aspects.



I also wanted to throw in that I really felt for Beckett the entire time, because that poor boy had to suffer all of Zane's oblivious innuendos and flirtations in stride ... he was really out there dying, he deserves thoughts and prayers

itssarahc's review

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This was possibly the fastest slow burn I've ever read. Not in terms of the duration of the book it took for these two men to get their acts together - that one followed Anyta Sunday's slow burn formula perfectly. No, it was the amount of time that passed in the book's timeline that made this one the fastest slow burn. And that is solely because this book came with a deadline:

Zane has one month to fall in love and get married or else he has to leave behind his brother, sister-in-law, and new neice to go back to New Zealand, a place he really doesn't want to go. And when he finds himself with no place to stay, his brother and sister recommend that he goes to stay with her friend Becky. He assumes Becky will be a female and a part of him starts imagining a meet cute that leads to a happily ever after.

Instead, he finds Beckett and gets a not so cute meeting. But Beckett lets him stay there and the two men slowly begin to learn one another, all the while Zane is going on a string of failed first dates. He's also determined to get Beckett back out there after his ex completely pulverized his heart. What he doesn't realize is that he and Beckett are falling for each other, because he's too busy trying to have a romance movie plot to see the real thing in front of him.

And honestly, I loved him for it. I loved the obliviousness and the fact that he didn't seem to pick up on what Beckett was putting down. I loved the way the two men interacted with one another and the found family vibe they had together. I loved the way they pushed one another to grow - especially with Beckett helping Zane come up with ideas for his own graphic novel after spending years illustrating someone else's.

Every beat of this story fell into time perfectly for a realistic pacing. It may have been a slow burn, but it was a realistic slow burn that moved at exactly the right speed for the characters involved. We got cameos from the other couples - or mentions - and a lot more than cameos from Jamie and Leo, since Jamie's grandmother was their next door neighbor. We even got to see the coffee shop Wesley dreamed of opening at the end of the last book.

That said, this book can be read as a standalone but I think you'll enjoy the easter eggs of the other couples a lot more if you've read the other three.

atalinay's review

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This book is like an embodiment of no homo, but cute.
Bromance. Mm hmm riiiight. Go ahead thinking that.
Although the 1st book remains my favorite, this was still enjoyable. Like all the other books in this series it's funny and has charm.

jostyard's review

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3.5 stars. a cute addition to the series.

lausfg's review

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Me encantan estos libros pero también los odio porque al leerlos me dan ganas de conocer a otra persona que esté malita con el horóscopo, ser súper compatibles e irnos a vivir juntos con nuestros 5 gatos. Ya si lo pienso un poco más me da pereza (lo de los gatos no) y todo bien, pero que cuquis son estos libros.