
On dirait vraiment le paradis by John Cheever

carlotacastells's review against another edition

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bjr2022's review against another edition

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“He skated and skated. The pleasure of fleetness seemed, as she had said, divine. Swinging down a long stretch of black ice gave Sears a sense of homecoming. At long last, at the end of a cold, long journey, he was returning to a place where his name was known and loved and lamps burned in the rooms and fires in the hearth. It seemed to Sears that all the skaters moved over the ice with the happy conviction that they were on their way home. Home might be an empty room and an empty bed to many of them, including Sears, but swinging over the black ice convinced Sears that he was on his way home.”

I had a craving to read a short, immediately available (as in, a free download from the New York Public Library) novel by a mature writer—someone long past the arrogance or ignorance of showing off, someone who would be bored by carefully crafting corkscrew sentences that require multiple readings to comprehend, someone who respects craft and uses it to tell a story, someone who knows that less is more and that complicated stories told with simplicity are a thing of beauty and can convey great complexity. And even better, something funny.
“As we watch Sears put his genitals into his trousers it is worth observing the look on his face.

Sears was a thoughtful man and there was no effrontery or arrogance here, but he seemed to enjoy something very like authority, as if this most commonplace organ, possessed by absolutely every other man on the planet, were some singular treasure, such as the pen that was used for signing the Treaty of Versailles, robbing Bulgaria of Macedonia, giving her Aegean coast to Greece, creating several new quarrelsome nations in the Balkans, expatriating and leaving homeless large populations, giving Poland a corridor to the Baltic and sowing the seeds for future discord and war. Putting his genitals into his trousers Sears seemed to think he was handling history.”

I found John Cheever’s Oh What a Paradise It Seems. Relief.

nesetzengin's review against another edition

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Cheever'ın gerilimi, çevre duyarlılığı üzerinden işleyerek taşralı/kentli tipleri anlattığı novella. Cinsel gerilimler, uyanışlar, rekabet duygusu, küçük trajediler. Kitabın bir yerinde karakterin penisinin Versay Antlaşması'na benzetildiği tuhaf bir betimleme vardı.

cristinavulpe's review against another edition

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Daca tot am obsevat ca am o serie de carti parcurse acum ceva vreme, dar asupra carora nu mi-am exprimat parerea, am zis ca ar fi timpul sa ma pun pe treaba.

Totul pare un paradis e un roman scurt, dar surprinzator de bun. Cel putin asa a fost pentru mine. Lucrurile sunt prezentate intr-o maniera directa si clara, in asa fel incat cititorul intra instant in atmosfera oraselului care e personajul principal, si care se cheama Janice, much to my surprise, as it is a woman's name. La marginea orasului se gaseste un lac, Beasley's Pond, unde un individ varstnic pe nume Lemuel Sears obisnuieste sa patineze, pentru a se relaxa. Intr-o zi, dorind sa se destinda dupa munca de birou pe care o intreprinde periodic, Sears ia trenul inspre Beasley's Pond, cu aceeasi intentie de intotdeauna, anume de a patina. Ce gaseste acolo il lasa interzis, insa, pentru ca lacul incepuse sa fie folosit pe post de groapa de gunoi, avand in varf un cadavru de caine. S-au dus, deci, zilele in care putea aluneca pe gheata avand un sentiment infinit de libertate, s-au dus momentele pretioase de lejeritate si inviorare.

In fine, Sears devine obsedat de restaurarea lacului, astfel incat incepe sa duca o campanie in acest sens, anagajand si un avocat care sa investigheze propriu-zis cum s-a ajuns la aceasta situatie. Aflam, destul de usor, faptul ca primarul orasului Janice era implicat intr-o serie de afaceri dubioase cu mafia, si ca angajase special oameni pentru a deversa tot felul de gunoaie in fostul lac. Unul dintre aceste personaje are o familie, iar inainte de a fi angajat de mafie, avea dificultati financiare serioase. In alte cuvinte, cred ca ceea ce incearca Cheever sa ne transmita e ca exista intotdeauna doua fete ale unei povesti: exista perspectiva sociala, care ne indeamna sa privim acuzator oamenii care comit fapte condamnabile, dar exista, bineinteles, si celalalt unghi, al personajului care e responsabil pentru actiunile respective. El intotdeauna va gasi o scuza, si poate, uneori, va fi chiar una respectabila. Spre exemplu, cate cazuri de prostitutie am auzit de la televizor ca exista, doar pentru ca femeile alea nu au ce manca, sau n-au ce pune pe masa copilului, cand se intoarce de la scoala?

In afara de asta, se pune accent pe aventura pe care Lemuel o intretine cu o femeie oarecare, cu care face cunostinta in circumstante total obisnuite, dar care pur si simplu ii deschide ochii. Exista, bineinteles, si aici o diferenta destul de mare - dupa ce-si da seama de sentimentele pe care le are pentru ea, Lemuel vrea o relatie stabila, dar Renee e prea obisnuita cu promiscuitatea libertina pe care si-a instalat-o deja de multa vreme in sistemul personal de valori. Sunt detalii simpatice, care contureaza destul de bine viata lui Sears si tipicul ei.

Ramane sa descoperiti voi cum se va termina problema lacului, daca se va solutiona sau daca, din contra, mafia si coruptia vor castiga in detrimentul valorilor sincere, cum sunt dreptatea si protejarea mediului.

Cheever mi se pare un narator absolut grozav, care nu plictiseste deloc datorita detaliilor. Amanuntele sunt intr-un numar absolut decent, in asa fel incat cel care parcurge o pagina sa-si poata imagina singur infatisarea peisajului, precum si a personajelor. Cred ca e foarte important ca un scriitor sa lase mana libera cititorului, altfel romanul tinde sa devina ori prea greoi, ori de-a dreptul cinematografic.

avitalgadcykman's review against another edition

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A good novella about aging, love, lust and politics. His descriptions of people are extraordinary as always.

bobareann's review against another edition

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Concise writer, but I was just not interested in the story.