
Butterfly Dreams by A. Meredith Walters

cherryredsreads's review

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Enjoyed the story, I was a rollercoaster of emotions. This book was a hard read because I felt I wanted more out of the characters

hannas_heas47's review

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Loved it! review to come!

kaylakaotik's review

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Rating 3.5 stars

I've read a few books by A. Meredith Walters and I've enjoyed each of them. There's something about her writing style that really draws me into the story. Butterfly Dreams was enjoyable, but didn't feel as strong as the other books by her that I've read.

For books like this, I really need that emotional connection to the characters to thoroughly enjoy the book. While there is a connection there, it doesn't seem very strong. It sort of comes and goes throughout the book. I certainly felt a strong connection with Beckett and I really enjoyed him as a character. He certainly saved this book. I definitely enjoyed Corin as a character as well, but I didn't connect as strongly with her as I would have liked.

Secondly, I wanted more at the end. The way the book ended seemed way too rushed. A slightly more fleshed out ending would have easily bumped the book up to a solid 4.5 stars for me.

Overall, Butterfly Dreams was a good book, but it wasn't the best book by A. Meredith Walters that I've read. It was a slight let down, but I know many people will absolutely love this book.

gabookaholics's review

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lauroberge's review

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There are some books that you just know are going to be good. When I picked this one up, that's exactly the feeling I had, and I was not disappointed.

While I was expecting some sort of love story, I was surprised to find that this story is more about Corin's mental illness. It wasn't a bad surprise at all, because her character development is absolutely insane. She goes from an unstable character in denial to an amazing woman who's been through many things and is now much stronger. It was great seeing her change so much while staying true to herself. Also, I loved discovering more about hyponcondriac people, because I don't know much about this illness. My mother's cousin has it, but I haven't seen her for a couple of years now and her mental state was just confusing to me then. Now, I feel like I understand a lot more about how she must have felt, because part of the story is told in Corin's perspective and she has to go through this every day.

That being said, I still really enjoyed reading about her and Beck's love story. They're the cutest together and I loved reading what Beck thought of her, because he's the only one who can see her for who she really is, which I found amazing. They never give up on each other and I wish there were more stories like that, where the characters are always there for each other and they become strong as a whole. Beck's past (and present, to be honest) is very sad, especially since he was such an active person and he had to give up on anything close to exercice. I may not be like him, but with the way his feelings were explained, I really felt like I understood precisely how hard it was for him. I'm glad he gets better with Corin, because it shows how being together fights back their issues.

Overall, this story is really great. I loved every page of it and I'm glad I got to read such an awesome book.

(Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.)

kle105's review

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Corin spends more time with her doctor than her friends, after losing both parents so close together she is convinced she is sick. At her newest support group she bumps into Beckett who is fighting for his life after having a heart attack while out running.

His whole life is changing and he is getting Corin to help him learn. At time Corin's obsessive nature of her diseases and her complete tendency to only worry about herself she wasn't completely horrible. Beckett was the light of this book. While he has his moments of sadness about how his life has had to totally change he keeps a positive outlook throughout.

The end part angered me, left me sad, happy and all over the map. The sign of a good ending.

* I received a free copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

cowmingo's review

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I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for a review and boy am I happy I requested it. I loved this book. I found it very hard to put down. Beckett is my new book boyfriend. I think it was a powerful story about grief and the impact it can have on your life. Corin was hard to deal with at times but I think that's because she was so well written and honestly portrayed that it makes sense to me that it was difficult to like her in some moments. I really felt what the characters were feeling and I just don't think I can say enough positive things about this book.

manda0983's review

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ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

anabelsbrother's review

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DNF at 21%.

ah man. I hate DNF-ing books, really, but this one is just not for me. I love the author and I've read her other works and enjoyed them, but I've been trying for weeks to finish this one and I just can't get into the story or connect to the characters.

E-ARC is provided thanks to the publisher and Netgalley.

carleneinspired's review

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I'd like to set the stage for this review. You're lounging on the couch, Kindle on in front of you and Butterfly Dreams is open to the first page of the epilogue in the book. Your boyfriend/girlfriend/SO/Parent/Friend/Whatever walks in, "oh my god, are you okay? What happened? What can I do?" You're bawling, the tears are dropping nonstop, so hard that you can't breathe. Yes, that was what this book did to me.

Corin Thompson has guilt, a fear of death, and is a major hypochondriac. She attends support groups for every ailment, convinced something is going to lead to her death. She's closed off from everyone, except for her friend Adam. After watching both her parents die and dealing with a bitchy sister, she doesn't need anyone. Until she meets Beckett Kingsley, an incredibly attractive guy in a support group who happens to have heart failure. He's already had a brush with death and Corin is making him feel alive again, he wants her happy. Together they start facing their fears, learning to live again, and focusing on the right now.

If you aren't hooked within the first chapter of the book, I don't know what you're problem is. A. Meredith Walters wrote a book that pulled me in with two pages and I stayed hooked until the very end. This is a beautiful written story that will make you feel the panic, the fear, the love, and the constant embarrassment of the characters. Told in alternating POV's, Corin and Beckett's story is weaved together through individual moments of who they are when alone and how they are when together. Corin is a ball of anxiety, I got anxious for her, but I understood her and just wanted her to succeed. Corin makes a frustrating illness so easy to understand and sympathize. She was so much more than just a hypochondriac and I totally see why Beckett wanted to be beside her. Their relationship is quirky, it's fun, and it's dealing with the kind of issues that would scare normal young adults away. I loved how the characters found themselves by being together, through viewing the world in new eyes instead of from their own bleak views. I laughed a lot, I also cried a lot, because hello, major life issues and love mixed together just make me cry.

This was an excellent booth from A. Meredith Walters, full of the angst, love, intense emotions, and relatable characters that she is known for. Yes, there are times when it is slow, a bit predictable, and sometimes even unbelievable, but it's a perfect balance of intense sadness and beautiful, happy love. If you're looking for an emotional punch, look no further.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Loveswept for providing an ARC in exchange for my honest review.