
Sojourn: The Deadlands by B.D. Messick

faerietears's review

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First, I have to state that I read an unedited version of this book months and months ago, so it's not fresh in my mind.

I. Loved. This. Book!

I really enjoyed the first book, Sojourn: The Wildlands, but in book 2 things get REAL. While Rayn and Luk had obstacles in Wildlands, they're nothing compared to Deadlands. There are multiple brushes with death and hardships, but working together they fight to keep going.

I expected the ending to be similar to the first book in that they make it to the end of this stretch of their journey, but oh man, I was pleasantly surprised to find that wasn't the ending, and it was so much better!

This book is definitely grittier than The Wildlands in my opinion, the hardships a little more harsh.

I highly recommend this book to readers who enjoy adventure, dystopian, and post-apocolyptic with light romance.

Disclaimer: I do work for the publisher of this book, however I receive no money for sales of this book. All opinions stated in this review are my own and do not reflect those of the company.

gracekalli's review

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I thought nothing could top the first book...I was wrong. This book is amazingly written. This is the 2nd book in the series, and within the first few pages, the Author already has you pretty much begging for what is written to be unwritten because it's just too sad. You want to scream, cry, and a myriad of other emotional responses. You hope that that is the worst experience Rayn and Luk will have to go through that you will read in the book, alas, that will not be so. So much more happens that you have to wonder how they're not sitting in a dark corner somewhere rocking back and forth begging for death to take them swiftly, but they forge on because they must. So much more sadness, so profoundly written that you FEEL it along with the characters in the story. So much anger that you can feel the hot embers of wrath burning within you just as it burns within Rayn and Luk. And the hollow emptiness that sometimes threatens to overtake them, yet they cling to the remnants of hope of reaching some semblance of civilization and safety. I cannot begin to describe in the right words how amazingly written this series is, but I am about to start the 3rd in the series, and I STRONGLY recommend that any and all get your hands on this series and give it a try. You will NOT be disappointed!!