
It's My Choice by Soo Myung Chung

rodolfoalmd's review against another edition

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Um bom lembrete de que a Alexa Chung não nasceu sendo maravilhosa e dominando todas as situações e iluminando todos os ambientes, mas provavelmente tá fingindo assim como todo mundo e é uma pessoa tranquila na real.

samanthairene's review against another edition

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Gotta love Alexa.

samihaazim's review against another edition

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I love Alexa Chung.

The first time I came across her was in Heat magazine (my first and last Heat magazine may I add.) It was the glorious era of Alex + Alexa (aka Alex “lyrical-poet” Turner from the Arctic Monkeys) and I remember looking at her and thinking how effortlessly cool she looked. I wanted to cut my hair like hers and find clothes that Alexa would approve of and flick my eyeliner at the end. 10 years later, I still want the same things.

It is what I imagine is the result of Alexa’s mind bursting whimsicalness, pop culture and fashion onto paper. I’m not really sure what category it falls into; it’s not her memoir, it’s not a fashion guide and it’s definitely not fiction. Think of it as an amalgamation of Alexa’s thoughts on fashion muses, musical icons, lessons she learnt while growing up, love, heartbreak and other bits and pieces. It’s like a long and much nicer magazine to sit on your bedside table and give you some glitter when you need it.

She mentions her love for the Spice Girls and their allure of girl power, she expresses her love for Margot Tenenbaum (I LOVE MARGOT AND THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS…sorry for the capitalised letters, but I really wanted to emphasize my love), how she googled heartbreak (we’ve all done this, right?) and how we can all take the perfect selfie (essential knowledge people.)

I’m going to bring up my qualm now and it’s to do with the actual wordy part of the book, I was able to flick through this pretty quickly, which was a shame. There are apparently 161 pictures (which is a lot for a small book, but I didn’t count them) including Alexa’s own photographs, which were a lovely addition, but I would have liked a bit more written content. It could have done with a bit more fleshing out so it could have transcended the first level that it ended up getting stuck on. What I would have liked is a bit more of Alexa herself and not just her thoughts on pop culture. Apparently Alexa wrote this over a series of emails with her editor and it feels like that at times.

It, an amalgamation of Alexa’s fashion muses, inspiration, childhood memories and wit, is Alexa’s scrapbook and if you enjoy books that follow a “fashion blog” format, then get your mitts on this.

wirsindgefangene's review against another edition

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Alexa Chung is a style icon. Back when I was just starting uni in my late teens and read fashion magazines she was everywhere. And her style is still exceptional.
That being said, I do not understand why she put out this boring book. It wasn't personal enough to count as a memoir. But it also didn't have enough pictures and looks to be some kind of a style bible.
People have compared "It" to a tumblr blog.. and yet I have seen lots of better blogs than this.

I wanted to own this book for ages and now I'm so disappointed I'm quite lost for words..

plants_and_bees's review against another edition

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I really wanted to give this 2 stars, but I'm really sorry, I just cannot.
Heads up: This review isn't uhh.. nice.

This book is truly and utterly pointless.

Now I do have to say, I do not know Alexa Chung at all and the only reason I know off her is because of this book. The book looks aesthetically pleasing and when it came out I felt like a lot of people were buying it. (Also it was, ofcourse, being sold in Urban Outfitters.)

And to be honest, I was intrigued, I love aesthetically pleasing things (who doesn't) and I love books, surely this must be interesting, if only for the pictures.

I'm sorry but it just really wasn't.
I found this book in the thrift store and was very surprised to find it there, so for about 50 cents I bought it and took it home with me, pretty excited to be reading it.

The next thing I'm going to say is going to sound extra shady so disclaimer: I was actually really very tired when this happened. But I would have finished this book in one sitting had I not literally fallen asleep while reading it.

I actually ended up putting it away for a little while and ended up actually forgetting I had gotten past the 5 page mark and saw my bookmark somewhere around the 25% mark, thought this can't be right and opened the book at the start. Soon I found out I did actually read those first 35 pages and had actually put the bookmark on the right spot. Now I really hadn't take this long in between reading it and I normally don't tend to forget I read 35 pages in a book, but this book just talks about nothing.
Like literally nothing, it's Alexa saying, I like this movie and this movie, and oh yes, also this actress, and this dress is great and by the way, this movie as well!
I get that this is some sort of fashion book and that she talks about her style inspirations and normally that actually interests me, it gets me inspired to look at certain outfits in a new light.
But every outfit was so quickly skimmed over with a huge picture (which was actually the most fun part, seeing a picture of the movie Heathers, but I'd rather just rewatch Heathers instead of reading this book.)
To be honest I couldn't help but feel kind of bad for the people who would spend more than 50 cents on this, expect something great and then get some badly written paragraphs (because I feel like that is all this is.) and some pictures.
I really am not excited about this book and that is my closing line.

Edit: I do feel the need to add that I have absolutely nothing against Alexa herself, I may not know her but it's not her I'm judging, it's the book.

anaphabetic's review against another edition

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“The problem with heartbreak is that nobody can help you when you're heartbroken. Nobody and nothing. Not the films you watch alone desperately searching for a character who feels the way you do, not the glasses or bottles of whisky you keep by your bed and certainly not Instagram.”

Este libro es ideal para una tarde tonta que tengas por ahí suelta. Es entretenido, pero no especialmente divertido. Lo que sí que tiene unas cuantas películas recomendadas que te puedes ver en otra tarde tonta. Mi mayor problema es que no le veo el sentido a la mitad de las fotos que trae el libro, ya que no me pegan con los pasajes en los que están y tampoco son de la propia Alexa. El libro está bien, pero tampoco es una maravilla.

treaclewaffle's review against another edition

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I didn't know much about Alexa Chung, and I still don't. This was a pleasant browse but in no way life-changing. The writing is alternated with pretty images and doodling, so the overall thing looks very appealing. I think Chung's charm came across well on these pages and this makes a nice short book in between other reads.

tobiaswaters's review against another edition

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This would be 2 stars if Alexa Chung wasn’t the author, but this was honestly just not great. I think maybe the ereader ebook format also didn’t make for a great reading experience because the formatting was so off so if you’re gonna read this I would recommend a paperback copy!

swalls95's review against another edition

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I've read more tumblr "about me" pages with more substance.

In the words of Nikki Grahame (of Big Brother); WHO IS SHE??!??

halimadreyer's review against another edition

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Good coffee-table book, has great visuals!