
To Be a Man: A Guide to True Masculine Power by Robert Augustus Masters

ben_smitty's review

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A practical mixture between Freud and Jung on masculinity. I agree with most of Masters's advice on embracing the "shadow self" (a Jungian concept of the unconscious-- parts of ourselves that we are ashamed of and are attempting to hide) and becoming more aware of our emotions without being reactive.

His chapters on "Eroticizing Our Wounds" are brilliant, and his call for men to outgrow pornography and to deal with our issues takes courage, especially in a culture that refuses to criticize the toxicity of our sexified culture. Masters accurately assesses how sex and pornography are ways which men deal with discomfort, and how our sexual fantasies are nothing more that insecurities dressed up in lingerie. Strip them of the sex, and you'll expose your wounds.

With that said, the book is a little drawn out. Most of his examples are unnecessary and are mostly fluff. Key ideas can become repetitive, so look for the practicals and ignore the rest.