
Inside Out: The Junior Novelization (Disney/Pixar Inside Out) by Suzanne Francis

angelarwatts's review

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I read this little book aloud to my brother! I was set on disliking the whole idea of the movie, finding the range limit of the 'Emotions' frustrating. I mean, firstly, human beings have WAY more than these 5 emotions! GAH. The only emotions that are present as characters in this book is Joy, Anger, Sadness, Fear, and Disgust. For me, it was a immediate write off of interest. I dislike the idea of dumbing emotions down like that. Kids especially feel way more than these 5 things.
Regardless of my disinterest for the movie, we found the little junior novelization for cheap. So my bro and I decided to read it and judge it. Together. Haha.
As far as the story goes, I seriously felt like the character Fear through the whole thing. One of his lines was; " Boo! Pick a plot line!" Ha, basically, the story/plot just seemed pretty.... not my thing. I mean, the very idea of it just isn't that great. It isn't very 'Christian' at all- emotions are not the bosses of us.... God made us each with a SOUL. So, this kinda off fling of some little cutesie- feelsy idea, is centered around the silly idea of emotions being the head of the mind.
Obviously, there are more emotions than this. However, let's say that for the sake of not going into some 7 hour in-depth physiological documentary, the writers decided to stick with just 5 emotions. Fair enough. However, for kids, a problem still remains! This book only shows Joy and Sadness 'getting along'- basically, the Emotions see that they must have the other for things to go smooth. Or whatever. Something. One thing that drove me crazy was the fact that Riley (the girl) literally was a brat to her parents... no excuses, and yet, no punishment. So, the problem I had with this story is that kids do not learn respect or anything. They do not learn how to be a human, who isn't always controlled by their emotions (As Anger showed us in this story, that isn't good.), kids aren't taught how to behave and understand that not all emotions are good things.... I guess my point is, the movie isn't downright awful, but it isn't good, either. It doesn't teach much in the large sphere. It's just some funzie story.
I have only one thing I liked about this story, actually. Well, maybe two.
The second one sort of being the ending with Bing Bong. The fact he sacrificed himself was something honorable, but yeah, of course that wasn't given a huge point. Instead, it's more used for a tear jerking scene.
The reason i liked the book.... the saving grace, haha... Was Fear. Oh gosh I know it sounds weird, but that guy killed me! He had the best lines. I felt him. ;D
The book itself actually had some grammatical errors... but hey. Overall, if I was very bored, I wouldn't mind watching the movie, but I still have some 'ugh' things about the story.

jen1110's review

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Have I mentioned that Emily LOVES the junior novelizations of Disney animated movies? Because she totally does. TOTALLY does.