
Demon Retribution by Kiersten Fay

bookish_babe's review

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Getting glimpses of Cale in books 1 and 2 made me eager to read Demon Retribution. The book starts of with Kyra and seeing her life on earth. When Cale makes his presence know, we get a great look at how Kyra defends herself, even when drunk. I really liked Demon Retribution. Cale is that arrogant and cocky guy that you can't help but love. There were times when he was maybe a little to arrogant for me but all in all, great character development. I will admit though that the small peaks here and there of Sonya and Ethan are what really captivated me. I found myself reading as fast as possible just to get to those parts of the book. I didn't love Demon Retribution as much as I loved Demon Possession and Demon Slave but I did still love it. I just felt that the solution to Cale's mating problem needed a little something more, though the twist about what his mother was pretty great! I did not see that coming. Thats all I'll say though because I don't want to spoil anything. I really liked this one, I just wanted a little more. I have extremely high expectations for this series after reading books 1 and 2 and it is safe to say I can't wait to read book 4. It is already on my Kindle! The ending concerns surrounding Ethan have me biting my nails in nervous anticipation so off I go, I need to find out what happens next!

cece_rants_raves_reviews's review

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Demons check
Sexy check
Hilarious check
Read it check

Kyra has been hiding on Earth, struggling to balance her magic as she relies on forming bonds… but the short life span of humans keep interfering. Cale is a delicious demon. He has some serious asshole tendencies to protect himself after being betrayed tragically *cough* cliche *cough*

This two clash and argue, which blurs the lines between chemistry and desperately needed anger management.

“And how did you go about strengthening this alliance?”
From the corner of his eye, Cale saw Sonya raise a brow just as he registered the snide innuendo in his own tone.
Unamused, Kyra remarked, “Well, Cale, I simply slept with every male in the clan. No surer way than that.
Kyra smirked when she heard Cale’s low growling”

So you definitely need to enjoy angry big alphas that learn to be more vulnerable. But I mean read how fucking cute this scene about Kyra’s gift is....

“Preposterous. A worthless hunk of—
A small blade, he realized.
He tested its sharpness with his thumb. Not bad.
There were other half-moon carvings, and before long, he had them all pulled out. He lowered to the couch, gazing at his prize in pure masculine awe. It had everything! Albeit small, but ingeniously crafted. Multiple blades, tools, there was even a small light at one end.
Utterly enamored, he forgot his anger and spent the rest of the evening exploring his new favorite possession.”

its a goddamn pocketknife, i fucking cantttt lololol

This is definitely the kinda series where each book can be read alone but they all build on the general overlapping plot of eventually killing the bad guy after them all. Honestly, I’d just recommend picking and choosing based on what characters interest you the most, as you can totally keep up and fill in any blanks

The world-building is set up where all of Earth’s mythology has alien origins of them visiting with their superior technology and magic where all the sisters are uniting to use their abilities to save the world from the bad guys that we get some sneak peeks into when we visit the planet

“The phrase “what could it hurt?” held a whole new meaning when the consequence meant potentially shattering the planet.”

Overall, a fun sexy sci-fi read that I’d definitely recommend because you already made it this far looking for alien smut.

thecatochronicles's review

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This book was such a relief to read after trudging my way through Demon Slave. Fully developed and interesting characters, fantastic and suspenseful plot development, and a compelling love story between two star-crossed characters. Thank you Kiersten Fay for bringing back the fire to this series.

What I enjoyed in Demon Possession I found again here, with added bonuses. Demon Retribution brings with it the epic feeling that a proper sci-fi series should contain, along with all the bells and whistles. A hostile alien war, great space fights, vivid world description, culture development, and a moral lesson done subtly well. Oh, and throw in a seriously steamy yet tragic love story and I was well pleased. Cale and Kyra are strong characters whose story is both tragic and wonderful.

Again, I was glad that Kiersten Fay didn’t just make this series a hollow sci-fi romance, but instead weaved it into a genre I know and love. It’s been like reading a solid sci-fi series with the added bonus of these engaging fantasy-type love stories that slide seamlessly into the parameters of the genre.

I wait anxiously to finish(?) the series off with Demon Untamed, which comes out this year!