
La Fiancée De Dante by Natasha Rhodes

dreamwritten's review against another edition

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I feel like I might be being a bit harsh with the rating here, but this book was a DNF for me a few years ago because it was just too... Hollywood. And I really, really tried to get through it. I HATE putting down unfinished books.

If I remember correctly, it went something like this: frumpy girl constantly undermined by her pretty, blond, ditzy coworker; vampires with machine guns; some kind of dogs or werewolves; explosive, overdone fight scenes, etc. My attempt at this book was pre-Twilight, when I was absolutely in love with the idea of vampires and was instantly drawn in by the cover and promises of badass bloodsuckers. I was pretty disappointed.

Like I said, it's been a while, and the details of the book didn't make much of an impression on me. So I could have gotten some wrong (was it the vampires or the good guys with the machine guns? Weren't some of the vampires THE good guys? I don't remember). But if that tells me anything, it's that the book was only memorable as far as its negatives.

blood_rose_books's review against another edition

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In her debut novel Natasha Rhodes brings us a story where love is supposed to conquer all, but what happens when the person you love is murdered and asked you to get revenge on those who killed them. Would you be able to pull the trigger?

Kayla was preparing for one of the best nights of her life, she knew her boyfriend was going to propose to her, but he never showed up. No phone call, text anything to tell her that he was not coming. Completely depressed she sets out on the town to drink her sorrow away, only to be attacked, almost raped and possible eaten, though Kayla is not too sure what she saw. As if her days could not get any worse, she discovers that Karrel had not stood her up, her had been murdered. Kayla now seeking answers to what she saw the night before and into Karrel's death. It will take her to places that only nightmares should be, but she will put everything on the line, as Karrel's once last request of her is to seek revenge on those who had him murdered. However, Kayla knows nothing of the dark world Karrel was working in (he was part of a group called Hunters) and has no idea who she can trust. All she wants to do is go home and cry but that is no longer safe as the enemy and the Hunters has discovered Kayla's existence and one or both will stop at nothing to make sure that she does not see her next day.

In all honesty I bought this book well over year ago and it has sat on my shelf all that time. In a effort to read the books that have been sitting on my shelf the longest, I have started "making" myself read these books. I think this book has sat on my shelf as long as it has because I have shifted in my reading to not include as much as paranormal romance which is what I thought this book would be. However, I could not have been more wrong. Yes, the entire premise is based around a woman's love for her boyfriend and essentially the influence everything that she does, but this does not mean that the book is about romance. Nonetheless, there are sex scenes in this book, but not that many, I think 3 tops, so nothing that would over power the story. This book really surprised me, I think for reasons stated above I thought that I was going to hate it and have to force myself through it, but I really enjoyed the book. There was a lot more action than I expected and the book turned out to be a fairly dark book (which made me even more happy). I have actually already looked into getting the second book as I want to see what happens next which I think tells you how much I liked it.

I liked the twist on human experimenting and the use of people's vanity as their ultimately downfall (I mean the book is based in LA, I don't know a place where more pressure is placed on looks). The human experimenting was something new to me in paranormal genre, I think I may have read a book or two that touch on the subject but it was often the different paranormal creatures that were being tested on rather than humans. The experiments that go on are down right freaky (don't worry Rhodes does not go into detail, you just find out the afterwards what the side affects were) especially what was done to the Vampire Cyan, I could not even imagine (I could compare it to a wolverine type but much worse). The cosmetic testing side affects that were going one made me never want to have any form of beauty treatment.

I liked Kayla as a character, though I do question her morals at times with her interactions with Mutt (Yes a werewolf named Mutt). I mean Karrel has just been murdered and all of a sudden you're in Mutt's arms a guy who is suppose to be your boyfriend's friend I guess grief does things to different people. I think that Kayla is a fairly believable character. After everything that she has been through all she really wants to do is run home and hide and I do not think that the reader could blame her for not being the kickass heroine in this book. There are other individuals who can fulfill that role. Kayla's role, I think, is to remind people of the human aspect of compassion when interacting with creatures that are not human. Not to say that Kayla does not through down, I guess better terms would be stumbling through it and running, lots of running. I like that Rhodes did not have Kayla all of a sudden become the kickass heroine, she needs to learn train ect before she is able to reach that point. I also like the Hunter Phil, he was nice comic relief within the book. I especially liked the scene with the guitar and the vampire near the end of the book (I had a nice laugh at that part).
The cover may throw you off and you will think that this is mainly a vampire book (I know it did for me), this book is more based about werewolves and werewolf hunters. Yes there are a few vampires within the book and while one might be one of the main enemies, they are still secondary to the werewolves.

This was a great novel debut, I was hard pressed to put the book down. It was well written with some great action scenes and plot line. I guess my one fault is knowing who the enemy is beforehand, but that does not mean that the backstabbing and twists and turns do not stop. I think fans of paranormal books should jump at the chance to read this book and hopefully series (i'll let you know once I read the second book). This book has a good blend of realism and paranormal aspects that I found refreshing. It was also scary to think about what cosmetic testing could be and really one of the most evil individuals within the book is a Human (I know it made me stop and think). The other nice thing about starting this series is there are 3 books already out, no need to wait a year before you are able to the next one. :)


laprofedelengua's review against another edition

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Una historia rara, densa y difícil de leer. Está bueno tener giros inesperados pero la historia parecía como un GPS perdido, todo el tiempo recalculando...
Además es difícil engancharte con la historia si la autora sigue matando/desapareciendo a los intereses amorosos de la protagonista.
No creo que siga leyendo la saga pese al gancho del final

fmoreno's review against another edition

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This book was a gift from a friend that knows that urban-fantasy is one of my favourite literary genres. I have to say that until the day I got this book I had never heard of Natasha Rhodes so I was pretty admired to find out that she wrote the film novelization Blade Trinity. Wow.
But about Dante's Girl, I was very curious when I started reading this. The plot line is very simple, Kayla has to avenge the death of her boyfriend Karell. Okay, is not that simple but the story revolves around Dante's death.

Although I have enjoyed Natasha's writing I have to say that I found the plot very confusing. There are many things happening at the same time and there are times that becomes a little difficult to understand everything that's taking part in this universe. The number of characters is very long and diverse as well and it took me some time to sort through all the names, specially when the author started to talk about this mysterious vampires' boss. *I was like: what the hell? Where did this guy came from? Who are you? Why did the author decided to throw your name in the mix?*
I understand the intention of the author but it got me confused a bit.

Kayla is an interesting character although she has these moments of dumbness that annoy the hell out of me.
Nevertheless this was a good read. The characters are funny, witty though they lack more development/depth.

I honestly don't know if I should read the second book. I am curious to know more about Mutt and Kayla/ Phill and Ninnete (that's the main reason why I'm pondering reading the second book). What should I do? A little help, pretty please?