
Miss Winthorpe's Elopement by Christine Merrill

heathenpenguin's review against another edition

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3.5 stars
A surprisingly funny and definitely better story than the similar novella Reasons for Marriage by Stephanie Laurens. I think what made this better is that the male main character actually has other thoughts in his mind than shagging the main female character. And that I share quite a few traits with Penny, the most prominent of which are her aversion to large groups of people and her bookishness. I really like how both Adam and Penny endeavored to make the best of their relationship and consider each other's happiness. Also, I liked how Penny is smart but impulsive and short-tempered at the same time but maybe that's because that aspect in her character reminds me of myself a little bit.

The main problem I have is its length; its relatively shorter length left little room for a deeper exploration of Adam's thoughts and feelings as well as the second, er, relationship thread. The ending was a little anticlimactic and very brief too. When I reached the end, I was surprised that there was nothing more. I was curious as to how Adam and Penny resolve the issues of their relationships outside their own. I think there was more that could be done with their friends and family. A teensy problem I also had was I thought Penny's translation project wasn't given as much attention as I expected. Although I can't speak or read Greek, my background in languages made me interested in Penny's Homer translation.

tessisreading2's review against another edition

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Two stars because disappointing. The heroine's non-noble background plays an extremely minimal role in the book, and it is otherwise cardboard cutout historically inaccurate category regency. The heroine marries the hero while he is black-out drunk, which is kind of creepy, actually; and the villain of the piece is the hero's best friend's wicked wife, who is sexually voracious and obsessed with the hero. Despite the hero's love for his best friend, she seduced him and he just can't keep away from her (until he falls in love with the heroine, which gives him the power to resist the Magic Evil Ladyparts). The hero's best friend stays with her because otherwise she will "leave him and he will never see his children again," which is wildly ahistorical - the exact opposite is true (if they split up, he could quite easily keep her from ever seeing her children again, whether or not they were even his - no DNA tests in the regency period, after all). It's more than a little infuriating that the entire plot hinges on this ridiculous stereotypical harpy, and it makes the hero entirely unlikable. Memo to hero: there is no such thing as Irresistible Ladyparts; you made the decision to sleep with your best friend's wife (repeatedly) and now you're whining about how much inconvenience and guilt this has caused you. Ugh.

beecycling's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this enough that I just finished off the last 50 pages straight after my breakfast. Had to love Penny. What avid reader wouldn't sympathise with her running away from her brother when he threatens to cut off her book supply?! I liked how the characters seemed more mature than in some romances. That's not to say they always act sensibly and carefully think things through (that would be no fun!) but you do at least feel like you're reading about adults and not stroppy teenagers.

ssejig's review against another edition

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I've seen that Harlequin was offering manga versions of older titles but this is the first I've read. It was very interesting. This particular story has a spinster heiress whose brother is threatening to cut her off from reading (horrors!). So she decides to enter a marriage of convenience. And it's convenient that the man that she knocks down with her carriage lives to tell the tale. The two enter into marriage but it takes some time for them to find their paces.
This was definitely an interesting way to read this book but I feel like a lot of the story got left out in trying to display it through pictures instead of story.

georgiewhoissarahdrew's review

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Good solid HR fare - a few dollops of angst, likeable H&h. Not the most realistic of tales, but excellent for a quick late-night comfort re-read.

skeletonwriter's review

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This book was better than I thought it would be.

micki's review

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I'm giving this 4 stars, but I may be being overly generous. Instead of rating it as soon as I finished I started another book which ended up really bringing my mood down. I know I liked the hero and heroine in this book, and I THINK I planned to give it 4 stars, but my current feeling says 3 stars. Since I think that's a direct result of the book I just finished, and not this one, I'll err on the side of magnanimity and go with with 4.