
Color of Grace by A.M. Arthur

linda_1410's review

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Warning: Grumpy review ahead.

Don't let my rating or review sway you from reading the book. Most of the issues I had with it are of the personal taste variety. And one thing at the very end that ticked me off. ... Two things. ... Maybe three things, lol.

The writing is strong, and Barrett and Schuyler (pronounced Skylar) are interesting characters who despite their various flaws and hangups might just be perfect for each other. I didn't completely feel the love connection between them, since half of their "relationship development" that took place seemed to happen in the bedroom. But when we did get actual relationship development, it was pretty well done.

Since it's been so long since I read the first book in this series - and the primary thing I remember about it was that ridiculous drama-ridden fourth act - I didn't recall if I had issues with Schuyler or not. I know there was a reason I initially decided to skip this one, but lord help me if I can remember it now, lol. 

I should have listened to my former self.

For the most part, I really liked Barrett and Schuyler, and there was certainly enough there in their backgrounds that could have made a truly compelling story, but most of what we get is a watered down contemporary romance that doesn't distinguish itself from the mainstream m/m genre. Barrett had the most interesting background, so of course we only get snatches of it. Schuyler's backstory is... well...

Ok, so Schuyler's cousin, Matty, drowned in the lake when they were teens. Schuyler was there when it happened. He drinks himself into oblivion every year on the anniversary, blaming himself for what happened. For 85% of the book, that's all we know about it. Then we find out a couple of Matty's friends were also there. And then it just gets stupid because
despite every indication that Danny is seriously unstable, Schuyler decides to just drive down to the lake when Danny leaves a note on his car requesting a meeting with him there. Without telling anyone where he's going. Or who he's going to meet. 

So he drives down there like a buffoon and confronts Danny, who is upset that Schuyler still exists. And then we find out what really happened that fateful night: Danny started bullying Schuyler for being gay, taunting him to kiss Danny's girlfriend - why the girlfriend was all for this idea, who knows; she's incidental to the story and never appears on page except as a blurry fuzzy afterthought on this backstory - all because ... wait for it ... Danny's also gay, but in the closet and hates himself for it. So of course he HAS to bully Schuyler for also being gay. And of COURSE his teen self has to attack teen Schuyler for being around and TEMPTING him and making him feel his horrible gay feelings. And of COURSE Matty ends up in the lake during this fight and no one notices until it's too late and Matty was too drunk to get himself out of the lake on his own. 

And that's how Matty died. And that's why Schuyler blames himself. Because showing up when Matty asked him to come and having Danny bully him clearly makes it his fault. (Guilt isn't logical, I know that, but still. Put the blame where it belongs.)

But that's not all! Danny isn't torn up about accidentally knocking his friend into the lake and killing him. NO! He's been tormented all these years by his gay feelings. That's what keeps him up at night. That's why he's so maladjusted. That's why he's a walking blowhole. 

So naturally, since he's got this horrible crush on Schuyler he's got to call present-day Schuyler down to the lake, then ask him why he was always around back them - um, because Matty was his cousin????? - and attacks him again!

And then - AND THEN - after all this goes down and Schuyler's released from the hospital and Danny's locked up, Schuyler finally sits down to tell his aunt Dixie, Matt's mom, what actually happened that night 15 years ago. AND WE DON'T GET DIXIE'S REACTION! We just go from him saying "There's something I need to tell you" to jumping six weeks ahead to the epilogue so Schuyler can get a fracking tattoo to memorialize Matty. You know, that's sweet and all, though why he'd want angel wings made out of water to remember how his cousin died is beyond me. You know what I wanted to know though: What did Dixie say or do when she found out? It's only her son that she lost, right? Her one and only child. So who cares what she thinks about all this. (We also don't get Barrett's reaction but his really doesn't matter here.) 

AND THEN Schuyler doesn't even press charges. And neither does Dixie apparently, so the only thing that happens to Danny is he has to go to therapy for a few months and do some community service. Oh, and he's getting a divorce. Oh, and Danny's therapist thinks it would be a really good idea for Schuyler to go and see Danny again so Danny can get closure. ... HE NEARLY BEAT A MAN TO DEATH BUT HE DESERVES CLOSURE. 

And of COURSE Schuyler is an absolute saint about all of this. Why should he be angry about nearly dying? Or all those years he was bullied as a teen? And all those years he was scared into silence about that night Matty drowned because Danny threatened him?

Thank God we didn't get a scene of him actually going to see Danny again, so there's that.

So anyway, all that aside this was a decent read. Except that 20% in the middle of the book that had practically three or four sex scenes in a row. I ended up skipping most of that. I did like the one toward the end though, before all the stupid happened.

I might be rating this too highly, lol. But I didn't hate all of it, and most of it was decent, and some of it was even nice and sweet. So 2.5 stars it is.

P.S. You can't open both eyes wide when one of them is swollen shut.

javalenciaph's review

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"Color of Grace" is the second book in the "Cost of Repairs" series by A.M. Arthur. This time around we have Schuyler and Barrett, two men without a great deal in common other than both having pasts, though each one handling the repercussions of those pasts in their own ways. If they pursue a relationship with one another, will there be any hope of a future together if one of them can't let go of the guilt he still carries?

Barrett McCall has experienced the highs and lows of his old life and has made the necessary changes in order for him to move forward and create a new and better life for himself. He used to be an artist, specializing in tattoos, and lived fast and hard...until it all came crashing down around him. Moving from one town to another, he's still looking for a place to call "home" but seems satisfied with what he's found so far in Stratton, Pennsylvania.

Schuyler Rhodes is the local high school's art teacher but prefers to live a structured life guided by plans and schedules. He's lived in Stratton almost all his life and prefers knowing what to expect from his everyday life. He loves his Aunt Dixie but he's still haunted by the drowning of her son, his cousin Matty, fifteen years ago. He hasn't really been able to deal with what happened that night, believing that he's somehow responsible in one way or another.

Barr works as the short order cook over at Dixie's Cup and while Sky visits the diner from time to time because of his Aunt Dixie, he and Barr never really interacted until the night of Samuel Briggs and Rey King's party. Noticing that Sky is dealing with some sort of burden, Barr, having been sober for more than a year, accompanies him to a local bar but does so only to keep an eye on him. From there, Sky and Barr embark on a friendship but both acknowledge their attraction for each other.

As weeks pass, Sky and Barr decide to move from being just friends who engage in casual sex to dating each other exclusively. Things are good between them but both have secrets in their pasts and while Barr shares his sooner rather than later, Sky is still hesitant to talk about what happened to Matty. Barr doesn't push him, as he simply continues to be there for Sky, providing care and support.

The return of someone from rocks Sky to his very core, making him deal with his pain by drinking to get drunk and Barr steps in to provide him with alternative methods, recognizing that consuming alcohol will never really give Sky the absolution he needs. He then decides to come clean and tell Barr everything about the night Matty died. However, the person from Sky's past has other plans, plans which may put a permanent end to Sky and Barr's relationship before it even has a chance to truly become everything it can be.

I enjoyed Sky and Barr's story as much as I did Sam and Rey's in book one, "Cost of Repairs". I liked that Sky and Barr have had to deal with difficulty in their pasts but seem to be dealing with them very differently, with Sky still burdened by his cousin's death and Barr moving on from everything he's been through. This makes it then possible for Sky to learn from Barr but needing to accept the help and relinquish control, something he values greatly.

While "Color of Grace" may read as a standalone novel, I recommend that you read "Cost of Repairs" first, mainly because both Sky and Barr are introduced there and Sam and Rey are still part of this second book, albeit as supporting characters. The series takes place in the same town so you'll be encountering recurring characters and plot lines may be continued in later installments so reading the books in order will be a definite plus. ^.^ This second book gets 4.5 out of five stars, rounded off to five stars for Goodreads. ♥

j_bookaholic's review

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This second story from this series was for me not as strong as the first. I definitely felt the connection in the first book but this couple was just meh for me. Again, some unfinished business in the story.
Still like the characters enough though to read the next book in this series.

nicola949's review

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3.5 stars

This was a nice follow up to the first book, Cost of Repairs. Both the main characters were easy to sympathise with, both with troubled pasts and looking for something more. I actually didn't warm to Schuyler (Sky) in the first book but he seemed a totally different character in this book.

Nice story, good characters, well paced and easy to read in one sitting.

dreamerfreak's review

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Another great read from A.M. Arthur. I love her broken boys and the ways the learn to fix themselves and each other. Sky and Barrett each have their issues, but sometimes you just need a second chance to start again.

zelda75's review

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suze_1624's review

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A strong 3.5 for me. I really liked A Cost of Repairs so was looking forward to this second series installment.
Apart from a traumatic scene at the end, this is a fairly gentle exploration of the romance of two men who have hidden pasts and who have been judged by those pasts.
Their secrets are gradually revealed and their romance blossoms.
I liked it, maybe not as much as Cost of Repairs and there were a few issues I'd have liked more resolution on, but nice read.

tiggers_hate_acorns's review

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Not as good as the first - a bit slow in places.

kaje_harper's review

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This was a well done story of two men with difficult pasts coming together. I particularly liked Barrett, who'd weathered two major blows, and yet was willing to take a chance on building a life a third time. There were some threads that seemed to fade out with less attention than I expected (the possible arson?) and I almost felt this could have been longer, despite being a comfortably-sized novel, to touch more slowly on some of the baggage the men brought to this story. The characters were good but it seemed like there was more under there I wanted to see. Still worth the read.

writerlibrarian's review

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Long novella set again in the world of Stratton PA. This is the journey both Sky, the high school art teacher who has lived all his life in this mid size town and Barrett take towards growing up, facing dark secrets and find friendship and ultimately love.

It's a nice, and I write nice not in a bad way, romantic story. Doesn't take itself seriously but tackles serious issues (addiction, depression) in a every day type of setting.

I liked how Sky was part of the community in ways that filled his need to belong but still apart somehow. I especially liked Barrett, even if he is borderline too perfect.

A nice comfort read on a sunny afternoon.