
Unlocking Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom by Jeff Dixon

zazou0621's review

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One of the best books I've ever read

hobbes4626's review

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What a great read! This was a fun story filled with Disney facts and trivia! The author was able to take his readers on an adventure with the main characters, Hawk and Mickey! The reader leaves his/her living room and enters the Magic Kingdom on a quest of a lifetime.

nelliebly1025's review

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While my Disney side (which is really just ME in entirety!) adored this book, the reader in me had a few issues.

Disney Me: WOW! I LOVED LOVED LOVED all the detail about WDW. It felt like I was right back there, seeing all the things Hawk did. This book was like an adult version of [a:Ridley Pearson|6244|Ridley Pearson|]'s Kingdom Keepers series. (Which I am also a huge fan of!) I really enjoyed reading about what Hawk saw and did. Being such a huge Disney fan, he really hit the nail on the head with the parks detail.

Bad side of Disney Me: We did not venture to EPCOT! *Pout* EPCOT is way better than HWS!

Also, I was NOT impressed with the ending. Not the part about what happened to Hawk, but the OTHER part, you know what part I am talking about. The part that is one of the biggest Walt Disney myths. That was just lame. Even being a HUGE Disney fan, there is no way I think that is even remotely true and I don't like that Dixon being a Disney fan, used that myth. That made the story cheap and degrading.

Reader Me: Problems I see with this book.

Hawk is a preacher. Hmmm. Most good, Christian men do not think it is a good idea to do illegal things like break into Disney World's restricted areas or get into fist fights. The story would have been a lot better without Hawk being a preacher. It made Hawk seem like a bad person because he should have higher standards than that.

The over use of things. Example: "The key fit into the lock but hit resistance." Just the deal with using the SAME scenario OVER AND OVER again drives me bonkers! I get that it was magical when the key fit something! I don't need those types of details about how it fit in the lock!

If this book was not about Disney, it is not something I would read. But it was about Disney and that is all that matters! I look forward to reading the next book, [b:Unlocking the Kingdom: The Battle for Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom|14656202|Unlocking the Kingdom The Battle for Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom|Jeff Dixon||20301390]

sgeologist's review

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It's a fun book with an interesting plot that takes you on a wild romp around the parks that so many people are familiar with already. I know that the next time I visit Disney World I'll think about Hawk's adventures there too. The writing is a little repetitive at times and there were some typos, but not a huge number, which is a feat for a free Kindle book in my experience. The main character is a preacher so that plays into his character development a little bit but the books isn't preachy or heavy-handed about it.

I wasn't sure if this was going to be too cheesy to put up with reading, but I found it engaging and perfect for reading a chapter right before bed.

paolagabriellas's review

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#41: Un libro de un escritor que nunca hayas leĆ­do antes