
Violet Chaser: Faerie Princess by Erica Reeder

jazilee's review

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A unique twist on the relationship between fairies and vampires the book moves through a world of twists and turns. A fast paced read it still lets you sink into the world - her take on fairies and on vampires are unique - though she doesn't get too in depth into them. The only downside being that the book is a joining of previously published short stories combined into a book - the title pages were left in which breaks up the flow and pulls you back out of the world a bit, but the story is so engaging it is easy to slip back into the world once more. I highly recommend this book for anyone who loves fairies and even those who love vampires.

lavendermarch's review

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This book was crappy. I didn't like a lot of stuff in it. There was insta-love, not enough world building (to the point where I got a bit confused), and a main character that was rather eh. Not to mention, the plot line was rather wonky - it went from one thing to the next without a lot of cohesion, and I expected more explanations and connections. I will not be reading book two.

Insta-love: Cy (I hate her name) and Sven (I hate his name too, it makes me think of Frozen) were all over each other within half an hour of their first meeting. This sadly grew worse.

Lack of world-building: There were several unexplained details, such as why vampires and faeries hated each other, and the history of supernaturals in general.

Main character: Cy was not that great, and I expected more from her. I expected more from this whole book, but Cy above all was the worst. She was lame, for one thing. Then she was boring. She never got better, or became exciting.

2.5 stars.

myntop's review

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This book was enthralling! What a unique combination of Fairy and Vampire. I'm always impressed at how many books can exist within a certain genre and still be so vastly different from the others. This author has taken some fairy and vampire lore and interwove them to create a world and a story unlike I'd read before, and one that I had difficulty putting down. In addition to fae and vampires, we also have pixies! What?!?! And the main character was so fantastic. I found myself relating to her, laughing with her, rooting for her. She's a strong female lead, but no so much that she's a jerk or someone you can't empathize with. Along with a great protagonist, the author has created the antagonists to be so evil and vile that you just loathe them before you even realize they are the "bad guys" of the story. I would definitely recommend this book to any reader of the paranormal, but especially those who love fairy and/or vampire books.

*I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

laffingkat's review

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I'm feeling a bit torn about this book. I think the author has a fantastic imagination and developed some really fun ideas in this compelling story. There's a good mix of action, mystery, romance, suspence, and snarky humor. And the author uses great imagery, so I found it very easy to imagine that I was right there in the story, living out the events along with our bounty hunter faerie princess heroine, Cy.

However, I found Cy a bit frustrating at times, occasionally even bordering on too stupid to live. She's sufficiently well developed that in most cases I could understand why she made the decisions she made, with one glaring exception that seemed inexplicably ridiculous given her background but formed a major plot point. I hate when a plot relies on characters making really bad decisions.

I also thought some of the secondary characters had the potential to be really interesting, but we don't get to know any of them all that well, even the past and present love interests. Because we only see the story from Cy's point of view, all we learn about the other characters is what she shares with us, from her limited knowledge and filtered through her frustrations and insecurities. I really wanted to know more about Anthony and Sven, and I would have enjoyed learning more about some of the other characters too. Again, kudos to the author for at least creating characters that I *wanted* to learn more about. She's got a knack for writing hooks and piquing your interest.

By reading this bundle of episodes 1-6, you're getting a story that wraps up several plot points, while leaving plenty of questions still to be resolved in future episodes. I felt that the ending was adequate, but not entirely satisfying, just because the final combat wrapped up a little too quickly, and too much of what happened was beyond Cy's awareness, and therefore we the readers don't learn exactly what happened.

My other main criticism is the occasional grammar and punctuation problems. However, I'm a retired editor, so this probably bothers me more than it would most readers.

I look forward to reading additional episodes in this story, but I also hope that the author finds a good editor to help her polish her writing.

Note that I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.