naelany's review

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Quite enjoyable

marlobo's review

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The Worst Pub in London by JL Merrow - 1,5 stars

Our Place by Clare London - 2 stars

We’ll Always Have Brighton by Zahra Owens - 2,5 stars

Commission and Omission by Charlie Cochrane - 4 stars

Paint by Stevie Carroll - 2 stars

Ben’s New Colleague by Serena Yates - 2,5 stars

Giving It Up by Josephine Myles - 2,5 stars

Thoughts in Spring by Mara Ismine - 3,5 stars
Mouth Almighty by Victoria Blisse - 1 star

Reunion by Lisa Worrall - 3 stars

While the Boys are Away by Lucy Felthouse - 2

Nessie by Caroline Stephens - 2, 5 stars

Slap and Motley by Sandra Lindsey - 2,5 stars

Like a Girl by JL Merrow - 2 stars

Last Client by Jay Rookwood - 1,5 stars

Sunshine Superman by Elin Gregory - 2,5 stars

Escape to the Country by Stevie Woods - 2 stars

Prince Charming’s Buttons by Stevie Carroll - 2 stars
Yesterday Upon the Stair by Erastes - 3 stars

Benefits of Peace by Alex Beecroft - 3 stars

They Who Come After the Stories End by Sophia Deri-Bowen - 3 stars

iphigenie72's review

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Really quick reads around 10 pages each. All the stories are very good, I really enjoyed this. What I appreciated was that each story has a short (a sentence or two) synopsis in the index. I especially liked the story "Commission and Omission" by Charlie Cochrane which is about someone remembering is war years, I am looking forward to reading some more fiction from this author. I also really liked "Reunion" by Lisa Worrall because it is about a class reunion and I don't know why those are always interesting to me probably has something to do with having past my 20 years reunion a couple of years ago. I totally fell in love with the last short-story in the book called "They Who Come After the Stories End" by Sophia Deri-Bowen; it's about characters who only lived in someone imagination, they were given lives, but never a story; it is a little nonsensical, but I tend to like those kind of stories.

lizabethstucker's review

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A collection of LGBT short stories from British writers. Actually "flash" is a good term for this collection as most of the stories barely qualify as drabbles. All you really get with the majority of the writers' talents. 3.5 out of 5.

"The Worst Pub in London" by JL Merrow. m/m Josh was just passing time during his shift at the Forlorn Hop, a virtually deserted pub, when Devlin walked in. A great start, but way too short. Reads like a first chapter, not a complete story. 3.5 out of 5.

"Our Place" by Clare London. m/m Terry and Ben grew up together, best friends all through school and into college. Now Terry is wanting more. A delightful little tale of friends who become lovers. 3.5 out of 5.

"We'll Always Have Brighton" by Zahra Owens. m/m Two former lovers meet again. Raw, powerful, emotional. 3.5 out of 5.

"Commission and Omission" by Charlie Cochrane. m/m Stephen visits the place where his love lost his life. Incredibly sad. 4 out of 5.

"Paint" by Stevie Carroll. f/f Artist and model personal relationships are as old as time. More a PWP (plot what plot) story, no real connection with either character for me. 3 out of 5.

"Ben's New Colleague" by Serena yates. m/m New Horizons series. Ben Imberg was missing his boss Anton until the new replacement walked into his life. I prefer to read books and stories in order, but the first in this series had been pulled from publication. That might have lessened my connection to Ben. 3 out of 5.

"giving It Up" by Josephine Myles. m/m Matt's crush on Josh has him volunteering to get signatures to overturn the ban on gays giving blood. A guy like Josh would never look at someone like Matt after all. A nice juxtaposition of a sweet romance and a serious subject. 3.5 out of 5.

"Thoughts in Spring" by Mara Ismine. m/m It is a good thing that Ash loves Corbin so much considering the monthly antics of the rook who insists on building a nest in the bedroom. Without a doubt this is my favorite story to date I do hope Mara revisits this couple in the future. The characterization of the rook was delightful. 4.5 out of 5.

"Mouth Almighty" by Victoria Blisse. m/m/f Ben and Pete find more to enjoy than the taste of cheese when they meet sales clerk Sally. I've never been a fan of threesomes so this PWP story didn't appeal to me. 3 out of 5.

"Reunion" by Lisa Worrall. m/m No one enjoys their school reunions, but it was hell for Toby Mitchell who was openly gay. Now he is back in that hell, facing the man he had had a crush on all those years ago while also facing the idiots who bullied him. Awww moment at the end of this story. Very relatable. 3.5 out of 5.

"While the Boys Are Away" by Lucy Felthouse. f/f Amelia and Gemma leave their boyfriends struggling with the barbecue grill while they take a invigorating shower. I was pleased that neither woman's boyfriend is unaware of their relationship as cheating is another of my big no-nos. 3.5 out of 5.

"Nessie" by Caroline Stephens. m/m Marine biologist Jude Hannigan is cold and wet, waiting to either prove or disprove the existence of the Loch Ness creature. At least he has Callum to keep him warm. A decent start to what could've been an interesting story. 3.5 out of 5.

"Slap and Motley" by Sandra Lindsey. m/m A newly out couple receive an unusual gift, one that reveals a secret John never shared with his friend, partner and lover. Short, short, short. Yet interesting nonetheless. 3.5 out of 5.

"Like a Girl" by JL Morrow. f/f Martial arts brings two women together. More like an orphan scene than a short story. 3 out of 5.

"Last Client" by Jay Rookwood. m/m Jonathan's last client as an escort opens his eyes to what he could have with Keith. Sad yet gives a satisfactory hint of a decent future. 3.5 out of 5.

"Sunshine Superman" by Elin Gregory. m/m A song on the radio throws lobesterman. Sam Yelf back to a wonderful summer of love. Memories of first loves can be heartwarming or bittersweet. Gregory definitely gives us the former in this sweet tale. 3.5 out of 5.

"Escape to the Country" by Stevie Woods. m/m A historical which gives us Andrew and Stephen and a trip to the country. The first real historical story in the collection if you discount memories. 3 out of 5.

"Prince Charming's Buttons" by Stevie Carroll. f/m/f Ash and Jen and Colin are not only actors together, but involved sexually as well. Ash's non, or perhaps multi, gender identification is something unusual in a story. 3 out of 5

"Yesterday Upon the Stair" by Erastes. m/m Lovers long separated, reunited again and yet one partner isn't totally present. Wow. This is an incredibly intense story and beyond tragic for the one relating it. 4.5 out of 5.

"Benefits of Peace" by Alex Beecroft. m/m First year student Timothy Somper is just getting the hang of punting when his crush, another first year student named Roland Ashby crashes into him. Another historical that falls between the World Wars. The last line could imply tragedy, especially if you know the end of it as well as what happens next in history. 3.5 out of 5.

"They Who Come After the Stories End" by Sophia Deri-Bowen. m/m Not quite fully realized characters from a feverish dream live and love together. An interesting premise that deserves a much longer format. 3.5 out of 5.

fallenrobin's review

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i thought this wouldn't reach the 3 stars for me, but the concept of some of these stories was actually pretty good and interesting. however, i guess i was expecting them to be longer -these are way too short to properly get into- and a little more diversity -esp considering the number of female authors (presumably wlw)- instead of the predominant mlm.