
Just a Little Bet by Tawna Fenske

mistysreads's review against another edition

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This was my first book by this author, and I am glad I gave it a chance. At first I felt that everything was being a bit over explained and wondered if I was going to like the book. However, the farther I got into it, the more I felt like the over explanations fit and it wasn't really over explaining at all.

Tony and Kayla are best friends, they tried dating, but it didn't really work. Kayla bet Tony to go on a road trip with her, talk to his exs, and see why they didn't work out. They hadn't seen each other is a romantic way since they became friends, but spending so much time together made them see each other in a different way.

Tony had a hard, emotionally abusive childhood dealt by his stepfather. He didn't believe he deserved love or what it really was, until he realized Kayla was everything to him. He let Kayla in more than he has anyone and realized that she was the one for him.

After finishing the book, I felt satisfied, I felt like these two characters are making strides in making themselves better, Tony has his mom back, and Kayla is reaching her goals. When you are immersed in a world with characters you feel like you can connect. However with these characters, you can relate but they seem like they are tangible, real people. Good book!

lauren_soderberg's review against another edition

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Just a Little Bet is a delightful road trip romance with sort of a lovers-to-friends-to-lovers feel, and I’m all the way here for it.

After an anticlimactic attempt at dating, photographer Kayla Gladney and smokejumper Tony Warren have become the best of friends. After a drunken night of self-analyzation, they both conclude that they’re terrible at love. And so a bet is made: they’re going to use Kayla’s already planned road trip to seek out Tony’s exes and find out why he’s been so unlucky in love. But when forced proximity and a whole lot of chemistry combine, they might just discover that what they’ve been looking for has been in front of them the whole time.

I love a good road trip tale, and ‘Just a Little Bet’ does not disappoint. From the beginning, Kayla and Tony have great chemistry, and author Tawna Fenske does a great job of slowly blurring the lines between friendship and romance in a really believable way. The plot is fun, but there are also some surprising depths that are mined in the story. It touches on the effects of abuse and neglect, and how they shape a person. It touches on the ways that women are perceived societally and the way they perceive themselves under that lens. And, at its heart, there’s a beautiful, supportive friendship that is wonderful to read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

books_and_more_books_byt's review against another edition

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Just a Little Bet is the second book in the Smokejumper series. This was a new author to me but I’m really a fan after reading this book. The author was able to create a story that draws the reader in and makes them feel like they are part of the story. I loved the best friend to lover troupe and the road trip was just the perfect way to put them in constant contact. Tony Warren and Kayla Gladney had dated at one time, but Tony’s commitment phobia kept their relationship from growing. They continued as best friends, but they were both bad at relationships. Kayla was ready for love, marriage, and children, while Tony believed that love and relationships were not for him. Kayla and Tony make a bet to take a road trip and find Tony’s exes and ask why he was so bad at love. Was it commitment phobia or was he just a terrible boyfriend?
I received an ARC from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

hookedbythatbook's review against another edition

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Tony Warren, smokejumper and commitment-phobe, decides to accompany his best friend, Kayla Gladney, on a road trip for a photography project that Kayla is working on. She also happens to be his ex-girlfriend. Tony believes he is just a bad boyfriend, and Kayla is convinced it’s because he is afraid of commitment that he can’t seem to hold on to a girlfriend. They decide to visit the girlfriends of Tony’s past as part of their road trip, to find out what went wrong, and settle the bet that they had going on.

Imagine, if you will, a slider on a line of intimacy in a relationship. Tony and Kayla started off way at the left, where everything is easy-breezy and light. And as they came closer to the end of their trip together, that slider crept slowly to the right. With the increase in intimacy, came a lot of introspection and they had to find what it is that they want for themselves first. Both had to face harsh truths about themselves and their relationships with their family.

I wouldn’t call it light, or fluffy. It dealt with some very hard real-life issues, and what Tony and Kayla had to face and overcome, was definitely not easy. There is a lot of growth here for both characters.

Overall, I enjoyed it. There is plenty of lighter moments, and lots of steam.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

thefriscobay's review against another edition

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About the book:
Kayla Gladney wants love, marriage, kids, the whole lot. Her best friend (and one time boyfriend) Tony Warren couldn't be more different: love, and all the strings? Not for him. After a night out drinking the pair agree they're both lackluster in the relationships department, but aren't exactly sure why. So they make a bet - starting with Tony - they plan to meet up with some of his exes to uncover if he's a true commitment-phobe, or just a bad boyfriend. But on the long journey through his past, something keeps reminding them both that the fire between them? Maybe never went out.

- Content warnings: abusive father figure, verbal abuse, domestic violence
- 4 stars
- Sweet best friends to lovers / second chance romance. Worth reading if you're looking for a pair with incredible chemistry who are willing to work through their flaws together.

- This was a really really solid read. I enjoyed both Kayla and Tony a LOT. It's really refreshing to read characters who clearly have flaws and know they have them, but own up to them and have a genuine interest in improving as people.
- I know this may not be a popular take, but I also actually really enjoyed how the sources of their growth and improvement came from each other. The progress they made as characters came over the course of the book, but clearly also came as a result of their year+ long friendship. Tony had serious issues to work through with his dysfunctional parent-figures and he seemed to really want to work through them for Kayla.
- Extremely steamy. Like damn. The bathroom scene?! Not only hot, but incredibly sweet.
- Best friends is one of my favorite tropes, I will never get over it. I liked how this wasn't the traditional "omg, haha we'd never date, that's so funny!" but more the "we already tried it, lol, we're not right for each other right now." It left space for character growth driving the romance.
- Kayla's family, who at first come off very old-fashioned and seem to bait her for not being in a relationship while they all are, either grow out of it or snap out of it over the course of the book. We love to see it.

Less into:
- Despite the really well handled conversations around abuse, I personally don't love when it's used as a tactic to drive fear of relationships. Given that, it was well researched and represented. I've read some REALLY bad examples of this, and this wasn't that.
- A little slow to get into, I actually took a month break after the 35% mark. But the latter 50% are quick, and make up for it.

Overall it was nice romance, and Fenske writes some wonderful characters. This is my first of her novels and I will read more!

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

scoutmomskf's review against another edition

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Good friends-to-lovers/second chance story. Tony and Kayla were a couple for a short time before they decided they were better friends than lovers. Since then, they have become best friends, sharing movie nights and romantic woes. After yet another break-up, Tony drinks a bit too much and confesses to Kayla that he wants more from his life but doesn't know how to get it. He's convinced that he is a crummy boyfriend, while Kayla thinks he's afraid of commitment. Kayla has a similar problem. She is a successful photographer, but she also wants a husband and kids of her own. None of her love interests have worked out either. Her sister gave her a self-help book to help Kayla figure out how to stop sabotaging herself.

Kayla has a road trip planned to photograph old burn sites for a book. As a smokejumper, Tony worked many of the fires that she wants to document and had girlfriends there too. Kayla suggests that Tony accompany her and visit some of his ex-girlfriends to find out which it is. They have a small bet going as to the reason he's so unlucky.

I enjoyed seeing the development of the relationship between Kaylan and Tony. The night that Tony got drunk and she took him to her place to sleep it off, something shifted a little in their friendship. There was a new awareness of each other that both were determined to ignore rather than risk their friendship. The trip started with snacks and general conversation, and Kayla reading out loud from the self-help book. I liked how each chapter that she read from tied in somehow to what they experienced that day.

Early in the book Kayla acquires a pup she names Fireball, who provides some comic relief when things start to get a little dark. Fireball also instigates a scene that brings out Tony's deeper, caring side that he often keeps hidden. As the trip continues, and they meet with several of his exes, Tony takes more ownership of his mistakes. I liked his determination to change his ways. The more time that he and Kayla spend together, the more the sparks of attraction between them build. And with the attraction comes deeper feelings.

Kayla sees a link between life and the fire sites that show new growth and wonders if it could be the same with her. Tony finds himself wondering "what if..." but his history makes him believe that he can't have it. Just when it looks like he might take a chance, that history comes roaring into his present. I ached for Tony and the pain he had to face. I wanted to shake him for pushing Kayla away, but I also understood that it was something he needed to confront. I liked the conversation between Tony and his brother and how it gave Tony the courage he needed. I loved the scene at his childhood home and the difference it made to his feelings about himself. While Tony faced his past, Kayla had some significant revelations of her own. A timely phone call from her mother helped her realize that she was harder on herself than she should be. I loved her mom's statement: "We're family. Awkward comes with the territory."

The ending was fantastic. I loved Tony's sweet, awkward apology and their acknowledgment that a relationship takes work. Perfect isn't possible, but owning up to mistakes and doing better is what counts. The epilogue was awesome, from the description of the exhibition (I LOVED the "Bloopers and Bonus Shots) to Tony's surprise for Kayla.

mags_louise's review against another edition

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Just a Little Bet was a satisfying road trip romance. That brings one time lover's and now close friends Tony and Kayla back together as they travel around photographing old burn sites and visiting Tony's ex-girlfriends- so, Tony can understand why his relationships always seem to end.

And it was a very readable story, more so in the second half when the real root of Tony's issues with relationships are addressed, and I really liked that elements of coercive control, and the subject of psychological and emotional abuse was explored. As well as the act of gaslighting which was broken down and explained very well. Additionally, Kayla and Tony's transition from friends to lovers contrasted well with the tougher subjects. And all in all it made for an enjoyable and entertaining read. Would recommend.

**I was kindly provided with an ARC via Entangled Publishing in exchange for an honest review**

spoopywife's review

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I really liked the premise of this one! Seems really cheesy on the surface, but it actually worked really well with these characters. The journey they went on together in their relationship was so fun to watch!

jenn703's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed Kayla's character and and basis of this book. It is a second chance, friends to lovers mix. Both Kayla and Tony have some soul searching to do, in order to find out what they really want and why they can't get it. The book grabbed my attention from the start but lost me in the middle and hit a pretty low zone for a large portion. It didn't focus much on Tony's career as a smokejumper, but more on Kayla's photography. And sticking with her typical love for animals, there was an amazing dog that swooped in as well.

doseofromance's review against another edition

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Thank you NetGalley for this free book on exchange for an honest review.

This book was pretty good. Not a light read per se as there is mention of abuse in the past but also not a book I was heavily invested in. The storyline was somewhat predictable (I don't mind that in romance books) and I was missing a bit of depth to the characters. I feel like there was more potential to give them unique traits or just a bit more personality. They felt a little genetic. The writing was good and the pacing was overall well done.