
Rebellious River by Lindsay Cross

samanthajayne_x's review

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I’d like to thank Give me books promotions for sending me an e-arc of this book! The description drew me to this book and damn I was hooked from the moment I read to the moment I finished and then started the other books in this series. I think it’s very important for me to say that although this is from a series at no point did I feel like I had missed out on anything from not reading the other books. I do have to say after reading this book I did go on to get her other books too and I went down a deep deep hole of reading her books!

Kate was such a strong and independent woman I really loved her character and she was so sassy! I also enjoyed Ethan’s character the nice strong Alpha male I loved it! Some of my favourite parts of this book is when Ethan is winding Kate up just because she falls for it so easy and it makes me laugh so much. I loved the connection between these two characters as well as the sexual tension between the two. Which resulted in some hot and sexy sex scenes which were written amazingly! Such great writing!

I loved Kate’s interview! It was such a unique interview and I loved not only her reaction but the people that interviewed her. It was nice that after her boss from the CIA had tried to put her down that they were confident in her abilities and told her how good she was.

Aaron and Noni were so funny, I loved that Noni pretty much clocked on to how Ethan was as a person and similar to her husband. I loved that she could see straight through him. I also loved Aaron and how he managed to tease Ethan about Kate. The same with Ethan teasing Aaron when it came to Celine.

I really liked the relationship between Kate, Celine and Caroline.

That cliffhanger! Damn, that cliffhanger! This book had me in such a spin and it was such an amazing story, plot and characters as well as amazing writing! I loved this book so much and I cannot wait to read the rest of this series.

becsa's review

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Kate Richards is a CIA agent until she is finally done with the sexual harassment that she keeps receiving from her boss, Lamar Franks. Yet right after quitting she is offered a job protecting the senator's daughter at her wedding.

Ethan Slade has no family to keep in one place and his only focus is on his job as Sergeant 1st class of Task Force Scorpion. Ethan is not happy with his latest assignment "babysitting" Caroline Cotter or having to train Kate on how to properly protect her.

As tension builds between Ethan and Kate, their attraction grows and will it affect the job they have to do?

This is such a good read and it really shows us where the series is headed and it is getting intense!!

I hated what Kate went through with her job and it frustrated me that she had to quit due to what her boss set up. I was glad that she was offered another job right away and you knew it wouldn't be easy for her.

Ethan was so moody but at the same time a great character! I felt bad that he had no family but at the same time it made him such a good employee as he was so dedicated to his job.

The chemistry between the two was high but I loved how both denied how they felt about each other. I loved the hotel and how they knew it was safe.

Things definitely did not go as planned and I could understand Caroline's reluctance to get married to General Ranier but I felt so bad at the betrayal! I was glad that the end had one person safe but now we need more!!

gmzzn's review

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some grammar mistakes, a lot of "female" being used... "im not a lesbian!" honey u should be the girls are so much nicer than all the dudes....

red_enigma_94's review

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Oh yeah! What an awesome pair these two make! I positively loved the dynamic between Ethan and Kate. The push-pull was exciting and entertaining to watch, and their chemistry was absolutely undeniable. Sparks flew from the moment these two laid eyes on each other. Then those flames continued to ignite hotter and higher as the story moved forward. 🔥🔥

Kate had to train with Ethan in preparation for her first assignment on her new job. I love that Kate came in and knocked Ethan completely off his game. As a former analyst for the CIA, she's had lots of practice dealing with difficult men, and she definitely held her own. She's rough and tough when needed, but she also had a soft and sexy side. I loved and adored her as a heroine.

And Ethan-holy smokes! 😍🤤 Hotter than hot, and doesn't pull any punches! If he looked at me the way he looked at Kate, I’d blush too! ☺ Ethan also says directly what’s on his mind, and I loved that about him. You never have to guess where you stand with him. I also found myself laughing out loud at some of the things he said to Kate when they first met.

These two were just too cute and too sexy for words.

But darn it if Ms. Cross didn’t snatch me into this story only to leave me hanging! What’s up with that?!😂

Those pesky little grammatical errors were still present like in the other books of this series, but even that and the little cliffhanger didn't keep me from enjoying this story.

nikkisbooknook's review

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Rebellious River (formerly known as Ethan's Promise) is chock full of action, romance and adventure.

I love this series and I was ecstatic that Ethan and Kate got an extended story.

Ethan is a lone wolf, with the exception of his team. He has no-one to leave behind if anything happens to him during any of his every dangerous missions. He is a tad insulted when his boss gives him the babysitting job of looking after a new female agent. She is everything that he should hate; tightly controlled, OCD fuelled and a stickler for the rules.

Kate still can't believe she was drummed out of the CIA because of her slimy, lying boss. The old boys club sure blocked her fast and now she is the newbie, pretty much auditioning for a part on the team full-time. babysitting an heiress at her wedding shouldn't be too bad. But they want her to be a stylist as a cover. She hates heels, makeup and girliness in general! She joined the CIA to ensure she didn't become the stepford wife wannabe her mother wanted her to be. She is an analyst at heart, even though she has kept her training up to date.

Kate is so perfect as the OCD agent. As the auntie of several OCD sufferers, she was written so true!Ethan is loyal and an adrenaline junkie. One night stands are his default but kate irritates and annoys him, and weirdly he finds her fascinating. An Interfering team-mates grandma almost steals the show!

I have read the books which lead into and out of this one so I was on firm ground with the plot but I would definitely suggest reading the series in order.

cheryls's review

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This is book five in the Men of Mercy series and is a full length version of the previously published novella, Ethan‘s Promise. Ethan and Kate have some major chemistry. With everything going on around them, they managed to keep the sparks flying. I love these two together! Somehow they got around each other‘s barriers and found something special.

I adore this amazing series! I love to watch these bad a** men fall hard for “the one.” I can’t wait to see what’s next.