
The Love of Her Life by Harriet Evans

joberry2319's review against another edition

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annebrooke's review against another edition

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The review on the front of this novel says it's "blissfully entertaining". Actually, no, it isn't. Kate is a self-obsessed ditherer and the hero, Mac, is an emotional abuser as far as I could see. I didn't much care for either of them.

niskasteele's review against another edition

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Really liked this book, It kept you guessing as to what had happened. Only bad thing about this story was the ending, it was very sudden and could have been so much better.

chrissireads's review against another edition

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Sweet book, very easy to read with some sad twists in the story.

406knits's review against another edition

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The start to this novel was super slow and confusing. The reader finds out Kate, the main character, ran away from London to New York for some reason, but we really aren't sure why. We're following Kate around her first few days back in London, as her father has fallen ill. We don't understand her background or why she is as uncomfortable being in London as she is.

Finally, we get some insight. And that's when the novel really picks up. I found it so hard to put down, even to eat! On the front cover, Glamour magazine promises this book to be "A page-turner...An unputdownable, gripping story". And they weren't lying.

Seriously, anyone who loves chick-lit needs to pick up this novel! Ms. Evans, I will definitely be reading the rest of your works!

girlinacardigan's review against another edition

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jess_love_books's review against another edition

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Last summer I had some extra time on my hands, and became caught up in reading British chick lit. Out of the nine books I read, this one was by far my favorite. Not because it ended the way I wanted it to or anything like that, but because of a huge twist.
SpoilerI'm sure you can see it coming from miles away, but I can honestly say that out of all the books I've read, I've never felt such raw emotions in one chapter. Granted it's a fictional book, but I think it can be said that a good majority of women are faced with this underlying fear that their significant other may one day be unfaithful to them. The way that Evans describes Kate's reaction is dead on to how I would feel if I was placed in such a situation, and it doesn't stop there.

Overall I have recommended this book to many of my friends, and if you like chick lit, this is definitely right your alley.

88ashleymae88's review against another edition

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I just.... first. Not a love story, in the common use of the term. Is there a love story hidden in there sure, but you have to look hard. The four parts of this book were put in the wrong order if you ask me and There's so much fluff that it wasn't until page 245 that you had some sort of something to go off of. But then 100 pages later you're back to reading pointless fluff. The over all story is very sad, but it doesn't work in the way that it was told . I skimmed the last half of the book so I could just be done with it. Would I describe it as a "unputdownable gripping story"-Glamour, no I wouldn't.

nadoislandgirl's review against another edition

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Initially, I was annoyed by this book more than anything. Kate, the protagonist, had obviously gone through something quite shocking, which led her to flee London for NYC. Her story was so shrouded in mystery, and so much past was secretly referred to, that I almost gave up the book in frustration. When the story FINALLY got around to giving me some real meat, I began enjoying the book.

The characters were well developed, I felt like I could understand them. Tricky relationships abounded, but were handled realistically, I thought. Not the light piece of fluff I anticipated by looking at the cover.

I would recommend.

thebooksitter's review against another edition

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I was a bit disappointed when the "tragic event" that Kate lived through was revealed. I suppose I was expecting something more shocking. Although Kate is in fact a character some can easily identify with (who hasn't wanted to run away from it all at one point in time?) Overall it was an interesting read!