
Special Forces Savior by Janie Crouch

thebookdisciple's review

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Special forces Savior was a great romantic suspense. The author doesn't waste time and jumps right into the action. Its a bit of a whodunit as well. You've got terrorism, kidnapping, drug cartels, and more. I love that Molly is an educated girl in a science profession. I always love heroines with intelligent careers! I struggled to warm up to Derek and his friends. They were kind of jerks about Molly (not entirely making fun of her, but they weren't exactly nice either). However, it did make me instantly love Molly because you can relate to her so well!

jksh5678's review

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Another fabulous romantic suspense by Janie Crouch. I loved Molly and Derek’s story so much. Molly has had a crush on Derek for a few years and whenever she is around him, this competent and intelligent scientist, turns into someone who is awkward and stuttering all her words. Unknown to everyone, including Molly, Derek’s feelings are just as strong, but he’s purposely stayed away for her own good. He genuinely believes he needs to protect her from someone like him. This all changes when she is kidnapped, he no longer is able to keep his feelings for her hidden and is determined to get her back. The rescue is intense and kept me on pins and needles to find out what happens next. The romance between Molly and Derek is just as intense and had me rooting for their happily ever after all the way.

Even though I was not 100% convinced of the reasons that Derek stayed away for so long, I really did enjoy this book and recommend it.

beckymmoe's review

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A fun read! Just the right mix of suspense and romance, with a touch of humor thrown in to lighten things up.

Molly and Derek have a past--though they're the only two who know about it. Twice Derek has come to Molly in times of need, and then pretty much pretended it hadn't happened after. Poor Molly has been left not knowing if he'd regretted their time together or just forgotten about it--which has left her uncertain in his presence. Unfortunately, this manifests itself in making her into a hesitant, stuttering person in his presence--doubly unfortunate, since they work together and everyone notices and finds it amusing.

Poor Molly!

Fortunately, he'll make it up to her by the end of the book. With rather less groveling than *I* would have required of him--but clearly, Molly's a much nicer person than I am. ;)

Molly and Derek were a cute couple, and he got over his "I'm not good enough for her; I've done terrible things" attitude quickly enough, thanks to Molly's superb handling of him. The suspense portion was well-written and kept me turning the pages, and the humor had me smiling.
A low whisper came through the headpiece that was attached to his radio. "You got her?"


"Can she travel?"


Derek heard Liam's short sigh of relief. "Then quit making out or whatever you're doing and get going toward the wall."

"Roger that. Leaving in just a moment."
Special Forces Savior was my first book by this author, but it definitely won't be my last. I enjoyed the glimpses we got of Molly and Derek's coworkers--Liam and Jon especially--and look forward to seeing them more in future books.

Rating: 4 stars / B-

I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

cheryls's review

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4.5 Stars
This is book one in the Omega Sector: Critical Response series and it features agent Derek Waterman and Dr. Molly Humphries. Their relationship is a strange one. It’s not because of her but because of him. One minute he wants her and shows her how much. Then he’ll remember he’s no good for her and stay distant for a year or two but then, will have a hard time staying away again. All this while they both work at Omega Sector. She’s an introvert that doesn’t like conflict, which is why he gets away with his behavior…until now.

The action was perfect! The plot was well thought out and had great flow. The characters were fantastic and loyal. I can’t wait for more.