thegeekyblogger's review against another edition

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Publisher: Harper Perennial
Purchased: Review copy from Publisher

What I Loved: Rachel held nothing back! When I say that, I am telling you to be prepared for the good, the bad, and the just plain ugly. She didn't try to sugar coat her decisions and/or the people you meet. She was funny and entertaining through out the whole book.

What I Liked: I really enjoyed the "extra" parts of the book. From the how to create a Rachel costume to "How to tell if you are getting sold into trafficking". The book was also full of humor at just the right times, so you never felt to overwhelmed by her journey.

Complaints: Really only one, though this just has to do with a lack of warning: This book is very raunchy at times and while billed as a travel-log it really only goes a couple of places. I don't think either of these distract from how good the book is but it should be noted.

Why I gave it a 4: I thought it was a funny, intimate view into one woman's journey into finding the next chapter in her life. It really drove home the fact that not all of us have uncomplicated journeys and sometimes you just have to be brave and/or stupid enough to take the chance to figure it out!

Who I would recommend it too: People who read Diablo Cody's Candy Girl, would be a great target audience. I also think this would appeal to anyone who likes to read non-standard biographies! It was a good read!

Author's website:

felisa's review against another edition

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Good read. The book is similar to the sassy and sexual irresponsibility offered by Chelsea Handler with the added benefit of not boring you to death. I really enjoyed reading this, and might pick up another of her books.

robinpiereads's review against another edition

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Funny at times, but mostly boring.

rmslinger's review against another edition

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To be honest I couldn't finish it. I made it a fourth of the way in and couldn't take it anymore. She's way to vulgar the entire time; to me vulgar is funny in small doses not constantly. It's not shocking or funny, it's just trying to hard or misguided. I couldn't root for her either as I didn't like her much. I think maybe I just couldn't relate to the misguided shtick, instead I related more to her those around her who were annoyed with her. I had high expectations and it wasn't horrible, it just wasn't for me. I think a lot of other people might like this, just not me.

knitdyeread's review against another edition

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This is not a travel guide and it is barely a travelogue. Why do people think it is? Shukert mentions her travels a little bit, but this book is mostly a self-involved memoir about Shukert's messy early 20s traveling around Europe broke, drunk, and with terrible taste in men. Being a big fan of the self-involved memoir, especially ones that center around being broke, drunk, and dating bad men, I gotta say I really liked this book.

rachelini's review against another edition

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Maybe I'm just too old, but I really wanted to shake the author of this memoir of her time in Europe when she was just out of university, and tell her to stop drinking so much, stop letting herself get sucked into these terrible situations, and think about real life. Although she made me laugh even while I was thinking that, so that's a plus. And her fake traveller's advice was very funny.

elusivesue's review against another edition

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I had picked up this book to read because it was connected to the Grand Tour, a topic I've wanted to read memoirs and travelogues about. This one was definitely the opposite of a Renaissance/Victorian Grand Tour memoir... the woman was the tourist, and while the amorous encounters on other grand tours happened, I highly doubt the women started most of them. Interesting turnabout in that respect. Interesting, quick read. More than a few times I found myself pausing to think, "She did what?"or "They said that?" - but parts of me are still prudish/sheltered in nature. [not very many parts, mind you, but there are parts left from a happily naive childhood]. What I took from it: rent a bike in Amsterdam, don't drink so much you don't realize what's going on, exploring other places is exciting, and I'm very glad that if I was exploring another country, I'd likely be sharing the experience with a loved one = no drama. Drama is fun to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

literallykristen's review against another edition

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I had great expectations, but unfortunately they were completely unfounded. I thought that at times Shukert tried too hard to be funny and other times I was just appalled bu her life choices. And really I felt like most of the story was completely unnecessary--nothing happened!

mountie9's review against another edition

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The Good Stuff

* Book is written by a wonderfully funny self-deprecating and honest women
* So funny at times you will snort wine out your nose -- true story (Hmm, maybe should put that under not so good stuff)
* The How to Use this Book at the beginning is worth the price of the book alone
* Love her relationships and conversations between Rachel and her parents and between her and her two gay roommates
* Refreshingly honest, definitely the kinda person you want to hang around with
* Oh come on, just go but the book, you know you wanna - you won't be disappointed
* She mentioned eating spaetzle, which reminded me of the yummy spaetzle my neighbor used to make me as a kid -- it was heavenly yummy stuff
* It may not sound like it, but the Are You About to be Sex-Trafficked bit is quite funny
* I will definitely be looking for a copy of her other book "Have you no shame"
* Why are you still reading this -- Go Buy the Book, the author is far more wittier than I am : )

The Not so Good Stuff

* She can be quite vulgar and some of her imagery is a little nasty (not complaining, but just a warning) at times
* Certain chapters just sort of jump and you get a little lost for a moment or two -- or that just could be because I am a mom and the brain doesn't work all that fast these days
* Had Phil Collins lyrics in my head while reading -- not that that is a completely bad thing -- but it lasted all day

Favorite Quotes/Passages (There are so many, I had to cut myself off from putting them all!)

"I am uncomfortable explicitly endorsing this product for bodily insertion, uncertain as I am of the safety of any chemical additives in the paper, dyes, or inks. Should you contact the customer service line at HarperCollins, I am sure they will be able to advise you."

"In the olden days, when wealthy young English gentlemen stormed the immoral European continent in order to shake off the last libidinous and homosexual vestiges of boarding school before settling down to the business of siring heirs and murdering wildlife..."

"It didn't seem fair to force someone to confront their family's Nazi past until you'd been dating for at least six weeks."

"I believe you have me mixed up with a gay man --- Gay men are supposed to bring over ice cream and tell you how thin you look and show you where to get tested for STD's, Lesbians give tough love and tell you what to put in the cat's food to keep it from shedding."

What I Learned

* I really, really enjoy memoir's written by self-deprecating Jewish women!!!!
* I so need to travel to Europe one of these days
* I like Phil Collins songs ; )

Who should/shouldn't read

* Not for the prudish or easily offended
* Good for anyone who has a sense of humor -- if you don't why the heck are you reading my blog anyway
* Fans of Ariel Leve should enjoy as well
* Anyone who likes memoirs by frank and funny Jewish chicks!

4.5 Dewey's

I received this from Harper Perennial in exchange for an honest review -- honestly ; )

wadesworld's review against another edition

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“Everything is Going to be Great”... once you finish this book. I didn’t find this memoir funny and it was hardly moving. The author seems to make light of rape and uses the word transsexual multiple times. Glad I got this one from the library. It seemed like the publisher tried to look for someone with an “Eat, Pray, Love”-like experience just to make some money.