
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf

mimi_13's review

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Oh my goodness what a beauty. Virginia’s writing is absolutely breathtaking. I’ve never read anything like this before.

vudemn's review

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And as her lungs filled with water
She watched the sun spill across her
Until the mud filled her armor
Sea shells spelled “Our love still will conquer”
Nope, bubbles rose to the surface
Anchored down where the stones and the dirt live
Taste the ground that she chose to submerge in
“Oh, Vir-gin-ia Woolf, don’t be ner-vous”

Opčinjavajuće reči koje je slagala u neverovatne nizove misli i osećanja svedoče o jednoj retkoj genijalnosti.
Nisam šovinista ali smatram da žena ne može biti dobar pisac po svetskim standardima, jer se one teško ograđuju od jačine emocije što dovodi do patetike. Virdžinija je jedan od retkih primera koji svedoče upravo suprotno.
Ona se ograđuje od naglog potoka reke emocija tako što pravi branu i propušta je u određenim količinama koje joj odgovaraju.

Knjiga je podeljena na tri dela i svaki je karakterističan, odličan deo čvrste celine koji se ipak razlikuje. Prvi ne nudi maestralnost sve do one poslednje scene večere gde na nekoliko desetina stranica Virdžinija vešto prati tok misli svake osobe za stolom ponaosob; Prvenstveno, ovo je priča o porodici, i pokušaj da pretoči sećanja svojih roditelja u likove u priči. Takođe se fokus stavlja i na promenu koja dolazi vremenom, što je maestralno prikazano u drugom poglavlju gde, za razliku od druga dva ovde vreme teče vratolomnom brzinom prikazivajući sudbinu junaka i likova koji se nađu u haosu rata, gde se žrtve nižu i ljudi nestaju, kao i sama gđa Remzi koja je najkompletniji karakter ovde i glavna tačka romana oko koje se vrte svi ostali junaci.

Svetionik je glavni simbol koji se pojavljuje još na prvim stranicama, on predstavlja nepromenljivost, gordu čvrstoću hladnog kamena, kao i simbol nedostižnosti, izlaz kroz svetlo koje baca. Pored toga, drugi najveći je najverovatnije more, ta uzburkana površina, voda koju Virdžinija tako uzdiže da ne čudi što je skončala u njenim dubinama. To je ujedno čovekova težnja da se vrati svom prvobitnom okruženju.

katelynzleee's review

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So intimate that it was boring. But that was the entire point? Wasn’t it? As if to transcribe the thoughts of someone throughout the day, literally. Honestly this book is more akin to a painting, so I can’t really judge it by typical literary standards.

gajeam's review

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The fact that I need someone to tell me I’m not Mr. Ramsay makes me Mr. Ramsay.

subpolka's review

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Abandoned after a few chapters, because the stream-of-consciousness is far too…streamy for my taste / attention span.

leasummer's review

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I'll be honest, I had a hard time following the story line. Some of the writing was magnificent, though.

heartsneedle's review

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Gender, Family, Stream-of-Consciousness

“ It was getting late. The light in the garden told her that; and the whitening of the flowers and something grey in the leaves conspired together, to rouse in her a feeling of anxiety.”

Overall: To The Lighthouse is such a hazy reading experience. The narrative sequence jumps from character to character though the characters are vague, the dialogue and intermingled thoughts blur together violently leading to constant backtracking. I ended up not caring about any of the characters or the plot. The singular reality was disconnected even with her vibrant, intense imagery weaving themes together. I just couldn't care.

jackbowerman's review

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There's spontaneous prose and then there's this. Impossible to follow from page to page. After reading every page, I could hardly even tell you the plot. Some people really want to go to a lighthouse. Some people really don't want to go. Some people die. Some people get to the lighthouse eventually. It will probably take some convincing before I read my next Woolf novel. Sorry, Virginia!

butterflyzo's review

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i'll be honest this was a hard read to begin with. i'd never read a virginia woolf book before and i chose this as the book to get me out of my reading slump(my fault)

but once you get used to her writing style and the lack of a traditional strong plot to latch on to, this book is just perfect. as soon as i finished it i wanted to read it again. it's what it means to be a woman. it's what it means to age. it's what it means to grieve.

although many of the main characters were not ones i would identify with, i found that the way Woolf fleshes out their personalities makes them real. characters i initially hated turned into characters i could understand and relate to.

her writing style is just perfect. you can read a passage and just picture yourself right there, fully immersed. 10/10 book for me!!

zabthefab's review

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now this was quite disappointing for mrs woolf