svstark's review against another edition

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This book is great with minute details given importance. Its sad to see a certain publisher decided to pull switch on it coz few said its discriminatory. PRO TIP : trust your editorial team and not the people who didn't even read the title.

rbharath's review against another edition

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This book was recently in the news after Bloomsbury decided not to publish it under pressure from Left leaning authors. As many pointed out, this was hypocritical considering many of them claimed to support freedom of expression, and had not even read the book.

It is often opined that we are today seeing an acute clash of ideologies. Actually, I don’t think that is what we are seeing – what is actually happening is a breakdown of civility, acceptance and mutually enriching dialogue which is issue specific. It is not about being conservative or liberal, but treating the other with respect. Quite often, this attitude degenerates into confrontation, abuse & at times violence. Country after country, the cycle now repeats. Author Brene Brown outlined well on how this works in ‘Braving the Wilderness’ where positions harden, fueled by a media taking sides (many times based on where the funding comes from), and social media serving as a self-reinforcing mechanism (also in the Netflix documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’).

This book provides a context to the Delhi riots earlier in the year. After India passed the CAA, which provided an accelerated path to citizenship to those who have stayed in the country for more than 5 years and faced religious discrimination in their host countries, a wide range of opinions and often wild what-next speculation followed. Most of the media the world over is guilty of not discussing this on merit constructively. Protests followed, spun out of control with media & the political class taking sides and later descended into violence. The authors spoke to a wide range of people and suggest that the violence was probably pre-planned, also timed to coincide with US President Trump’s visit. Many local leaders tried to calm the situation as it spun out of control, but that was not to be.

I found the coverage to be fact based, though it could have been more diverse. Overall, the book makes for sad reading with senseless & entirely avoidable loss of lives, and should actually offer some lessons.

vipinsirigiri's review against another edition

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The book really tries to prove itself as a well researched, fact-finding, and an impartial take on Delhi Riots in 2020, and wow, it fails so miserably! The first 80% of the book is reserved for blaming the riot to the well organized, deeply hidden Urban Naxals-Jihadis nexus - a concept so unoriginal that sensational news channels like Republic TV keep spewing and blaming them on a daily basis. The last 20% was saved for the hard evidence the authors have found themselves to back their claims. Oh, you ask, what is this hard evidence? Profile screenshots, social media posts, photographs from the stroll the authors took in the rioted areas, newspaper articles, and of course, tweets from the ruling party leaders. 

You see, I love books written in dissent.  My reading philosophy is to prioritize books that challenge my beliefs, read texts that challenge conventional practices, focus on tales that go against the accepted norms. My only expectation from the book is that it offers me something new. I have appreciated books such as Essentials of Hindutva by Veer Savarkar for its original content, I loved the first-of-its-kind graphic novel, Munnu: A boy from Kashmir showcasing the struggles of a family in Kashmir despite an openly anti-India narrative, I was tired but quite convinced with the information overload in books such as Lajja by Taslima Nasrin to prove an argument. But you see, all of these other books had something new to offer but Delhi Riots 2020 just fools you into read-watching an episode of Arnab Goswami.

Stay away from this nonsensical garbage! 

keetabi_keeda's review against another edition

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Disclaimer: I have received this Review copy of this book by the publisher in exchange of an honest review. Neither the publisher nor the author(s) pay any fee or otherwise offer compensation in exchange for this coverage , and no company was given a preview of the content or given copy approval rights concerning the same.

I do not know how many people are aware but to give some context to those who aren't , this book was in the limelight fairly recently . It was supposed to be published by (fuck) Bloomsbury India , who had read and authorized the contents of the book to be published , but just as the book was about to be published , they pulled the book. "Apparently" on the orders of Bloomsbury UK , who took the decisions due to "the outrage" by leftists on twitter. I will not give my opinion on the same. I feel each and every one reading this post is capable enough to form their own opinions.

It is often said that we are today seeing an acute clash of ideologies. I more or less think that what is actually happening is a breakdown of civility, acceptance and mutually enriching dialogue which is issue specific. It is not about being conservative or liberal, but treating the other with respect. Quite often, this attitude degenerates into confrontation, abuse & at times violence. Country after country, the cycle now repeats.

This book provides a context to the Delhi riots earlier in the year. After India passed the CAA, which provided an accelerated path to citizenship to those who have stayed in the country for more than 5 years and faced religious discrimination in their host countries, a wide range of opinions and often wild what-next speculation followed. Most of the media the world over is guilty of not discussing this on merit constructively. Protests followed, spun out of control with media & the political class taking sides and later descended into violence. The authors spoke to a wide range of people and suggest that the violence was probably pre-planned, also timed to coincide with the then US President Trump’s visit. Many local leaders tried to calm the situation as it spun out of control, but that was not to be.

I found the coverage to be fact based, though it could have been more diverse. Overall, the book makes for an excellent read.

Wait... I am forgetting something. Aren't I ?

Yes , We are seeing a similar pattern today in these so called "Farmer" Riots , which couldn't have anything less to do with Farmers. These people are just here to divide India , with a whole different set of motives. The authors could write another book on that itself! Just like the Delhi Riots were pre-planned and timed to coincide with the then US President Trumps visit , these riots were planned to coincide with the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnsons visit. They turned seriously violent on the Republic day and with concurrent proofs that it was all pre-planned.

To top all this up , there's the Greta-gate. Greta Thunberg , as many of you all know , is an "activist" who is known for challenging several world leaders regarding climate change . How do these riots relate to climate..... Lets not go there. Anyways , she tweeted regarding these "Farmer" Riots and that the world should heed some attention this side. Also , with this tweet , Ms. Thunberg , on purpose , also tweeted a TOOLKIT , which exposés this entire ecosystem. It also exposes the Rihanna tweet , which was so obviously paid . To this , all i care to say is , Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao.

The IMFs Chief Gita Gopinath and the US Government also have praised the farm laws. So you tell me , whose opinion matters? A World Renowed Economists or an ex-pornstar, an uneducated 16 year old and a "pop"-stars?

Anyways these are my 2 paisa on this topic. If you're still reading , you're amazing . Thank you.