
Götter, Gräber und Gelehrte: Roman der Archäologie by C.W. Ceram

heymardy's review

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Sehr aufschlussreich und übersichtlich!
Klar ist der Spaß schon etwas älter und sachlich nicht mehr so aktuell, aber die verschiedensten Bereiche der Geschichte der Archäologie wurden sehr verständlich und reflektiert beleuchtet.
Und es war basically ein Bilderbuch, weil jedes besprochene Thema zahlreiche visuelle Stützen hatte.

shannasbooksnhooks's review against another edition

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Actually a 4.5 rating.
This was a really well done book, especially given the available information Ceram had. I really enjoyed it, and it was a super fun read. Ceram kept it clean and clear, which made it easier to read. I also love my physical copy, which is an older publication.

kingkong's review against another edition

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This guy denies that there's any connection between ancient aliens and the Pyramids but I've seen the X-Files and I know what's going on

crownoflaurel's review against another edition

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A bit dated, both in some historical tidbits (Egyptian names are in the greek format), but also in the adulation of some not-so-great dudes. It can be frustrating to see people lauded for doing things that, yeah -- maybe they didn't know better back then, but we know better now -- and glossing over things.

michaelhold's review against another edition

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Unforgettable gateway through archeology as it have happened. Adventures tribute to the past. In the style of the novel we get: History of Troy (Mycenaean Greek), Crete (Minoan Greek), Egypt (525BC taken by Persians and end of Civilization) & Sumer Civilization are our inheritance (forefathers of European Civilization).There was Phoenicia and Assyria, Babylon know by Sumerians as “Warlocks”. Because of knowledge of these ancient civilizations we know that Bible is historically accurate. But there is knowledge of Aztecs and Mayans that help us understand and compare dates to widen our understanding of the world.

anfribogart's review against another edition

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Per ogni cosa c'è stata un'epoca in cui tutto (o quasi) era ancora da scoprire o da inventare, così è stato anche per l'archeologia. Nell'800 a quanto pare bastava leggere un libro antico (l'Iliade, la Bibbia o Erodoto), partire per l'oriente con due cammelli e quattro sherpa, piantare il piccone, e si scoprivano i resti di favolose civiltà. In questo libro un po' datato ma godibilissimo si raccontano le imprese mirabolanti dei pionieri dell'archeologia, tutte storie fantastiche che meriterebbero un film (in effetti li hanno già fatti, vedi Indiana Jones).
L'ultima sezione parla delle civiltà precolombiane, che di fatto, al momento della scoperta delle Americhe, erano dei fossili viventi (immaginiamo di sbarcare su un continente lontano e incontrare i Sumeri nel loro pieno fulgore). Purtroppo i conquistadores avevano scarso senso estetico e non si interessavano di storia, per cui oggi si sta scavando per riscoprire i resti di quelle civiltà che nel '500 erano fiorenti ma in pochi anni sono state cancellate e dimenticate.

doomkittiekhan's review against another edition

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I am so glad that I finally read this book. As an art history teacher it has livened up my lectures and paints a wonderful picture of the history of archeology.

majormess's review against another edition

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An amazing book, which I already rated 5 stars while reading it.
A great start and motivator to dive into archeology and history.

martyrdomx5's review against another edition

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informative relaxing slow-paced

