
Hubby by Jenny Bunting

cokiereads's review

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I liked how both characters weren't the type of people I've read before.

Cuteness, some angst what more could I want?

chulaisreadingromance's review

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If you’ve read the “Here in Lillyvale” series you know Dan and Makenna, therefore you have a suspicion something’s up with them and you know they deserve the happiest ending of them all.

When I love a series as much as I love this one, it’s hard for me to choose a favorite book, but here’s the deal about this one in particular: Dan and Makenna are such a crucial part for the first three couples to get together so Jenny didn’t really have to build intrigue in the first pages of Hubby, it was already done since the first one.

This is why this book was absolutely perfect!

When you read Here, Hustle and Home you know something’s going on behind the scenes, but absolutely nothing prepares you for what’s happening. You don’t see it coming, so, from the start of this book, you figuratively and almost literally shit your pants in the first page.

Yes, the first page.

This is definitely a standalone, you will be able to follow the plot without reading the first three books but it will not hit you the same way mentally and emotionally if you haven’t. There’s certain image you get of Dan and Mackenna during the series, you get to love them so much, because it’s clear the beautiful people they are and how big their hearts are, so being able to finally get to know them and see them falling in love, finding out the secrets they held and how much they really loved and cherished the friendship with the rest of the characters was a different type of love as a reader ─so, thank you, Jenny for giving me one of my favorite book couples of all time.

That being said, I need to talk about Dan first. He is everything you imagine he will be and so much more. The guy is a walking heart! He is covered in love, kindness and selflessness. He was even more vulnerable than I was expecting behind that flirtatious and cocky facade. He was more shy than he appeared to be and a little bit more insecure than he showed, that’s why his filtration turned out to be so sweet. He loved too much and too hard, the way he made himself at home in Makenna’s heart was so freaking beautiful and beyond touching it made me cry. He understood her, accepted her and encouraged her as no one had ever done before. He was honest and raw with her, he believed in her and that’s why Makenna trusted him enough to fall for him completely.

He was the most reliable friend, the person everyone could count on.

I knew Mackenna was holding a mask, but I wasn’t expecting what was behind it. She was so wounded and insecure it broke my heart. She was so misunderstood and believed other people’s perceptions about her, people who wanted to control her life to make her be what she wasn’t instead of seeing the beautiful soul she was. For some reason, she reminded me a lot about Rizzo from Grease (to get you a better idea), I rooted for her the entire time and many times I wanted to get into the book to kick some butts to defend her. She was dying for people to see her and loved her as she was and believed she was so much more than the walls she put around her to protect herself. She was scared because people made her believe she wasn’t made for happiness.

”Fear was a powerful obstacle to happiness.”

I had some ideas of how Makenna was going to react to Dan’s charms, but I found myself crying and sighing hard seeing her finding out how much Dan was so perfect for her in every single way.

The steam of this book was perfect, there is no other way to describe it. They had so much chemistry together in and out of the bedroom that every love scene was absolutely mindblowing and romantic. Definitely the steamiest of all four books!

I’ve said this about Jenny’s books before and I say it again: She makes me genuinely laugh out loud! I snorted and chuckled so many times during this book from start to finish. The dialogues and situations are witty, clever and so hilarious (being inside Dan’s head was a true delight). It definitely balanced out the avalanche of emotions that came over me with everything else that happens in the book.

Hubby crowns “Here in Lillyvale” as one of my favorite series of all time.

Jenny, hats off!

kle105's review

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This book starts off with a bang. You get glimpses of Dan and McKenna in previous books, but now you get to see their full story.

You see McKenna, struggling to find her footing in Los Angeles as a make-up artist. Some of her insecurities she is fighting. He struggles with her family to understand her, and a little bit of why she is who she is.

You've seen Dan as the successful business man who is friends with everyone. However you see some of his fashion faux pas, he less svelte physique but more importantly you see some of the insecurity he has, his incredibly sweet heart, and his desire to find the one.

Dan is meant to be a hubby, in the sweet way he cares for McKenna, in the way he supports her, the way he lifts her up, the way he makes her believe that she is perfect as she is, and the way he supports her.

I loved to see how their relationship grew, how McKenna found her strength, and how they story unfolded. I can't forget to mention too all the steam, the steamiest of the series. A perfect end to the series.

I received a copy from the author for review, all opinions are my own and given freely.

_onebookmore's review

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What can I say? It's the perfect ending to this four-part series, incorporating so many scenes from the previous three books. How did you do it, Jenny?!?!? *passes you large pitcher of wine*

Dan is my absolute favorite, and it filled me with joy to see him have the relationship he always wanted. As always, these characters are complex, lovable, and totally relatable. I couldn't help but burst out laughing so many times. It was so great to have one last hurrah with all of these fine Lillyvale friends! 

rachearl's review

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Dan finally gets his story!

romancereviewed's review

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(ARC Review) I've loved this whole series and this was the perfect ending! We've seen Dan and Makenna dance around each other throughout the series and it was a delight to experience what really happened behind the scenes.

Dan and Makenna meet at her brother's engagement party, and while the spark is immediate, there's a lot that keeps them apart. Makenna likes Dan but believes she is a ruiner, she's been treated as a screw up by her family her whole life and doesn't want to break Dan. Dan doesn't care about all that, he just knows he wants Makenna.

They begin a secret affair, hiding the truth from their friends and family, but slowly falling in love in the meantime. When the time comes to tell everyone what’s really been going on, Makenna has to decide what’s really important to her.

I <3 Dan Price, he's one of my favorite characters and if anyone deserves an HEA it’s him. He's a confident charmer, not letting his (lack of) height stop him from going after the woman he wants. I love that he’s not a traditional romance hero, at least physically. He's a bit of a puppet master in his friend's lives which is how we got to know him throughout the series, and it was fun to revisit the time’s he meddled. We also got to know him better, instead of just the man behind the curtain, we got to experience his tender heart and infinite patient love. He’s the kind of man that will do anything for the woman he loves, even if it hurts him at times.

I grew to love Makenna as well. Her tough girl attitude is just a front to keep people away and she’s a lot more insecure than she lets on. Her family doesn’t understand her lack of traditional ambition, and she lets their criticisms influence her decisions.

The book is very very steamy, the physical connection between the two is immediate and fiery. It’s the steamiest of the four books and I loved it. It’s also very funny, especially Dan’s antics, with plenty of genuine laugh out loud moments.

I’m so sad the series is over but it was so fun to follow the journey!

annareadshere's review

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Don’t think, just get it because it has:
» A forbidden romance and a secret relationship
» Dan Price being the purest of pure
» The possibility of lots of gushing
» A tattooed badass and stubborn woman you will LOVE
» Lots of Coors Light
» Your favourite Lillyvale friends!

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ | Steam:

alireadsbooks's review

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funny hopeful lighthearted fast-paced


First of all, I’d like to apologize to the short king himself, Dan Price, for not having any Coors Light to feature in this picture because, frankly, if I wanted to drink water, I’d get it out of my faucet for free. 

Hubby is the fourth and final book in the Here in Lillyvale series, which means @jennybuntingbooks has officially finished her first series! The first three books can be read out of order, but I would highly recommend reading the rest of the series before Hubby in order to get the full effect. 

Hubby follows Dan and Makenna, who we’ve already grown to know and love over the course of the series. However, this book is different, in that we get to experience scenes we’ve already seen in previous books from Dan and Makenna’s perspectives. We see their friendship and love grow and blossom as they keep it a secret from their friends and family. We see these two unstoppable humans’ fears and insecurities, and how they help each other overcome them. 

It was adorable. It was heartwarming. It was steamy as HELL. It was the most beautiful love letter to a series and characters the author clearly loves with all her heart. 

If you’re looking to get invested in a romance series with wit, charm, and a memorable cast of characters led by some truly bad-ass women, you need to read the Here in Lillyvale books. 

Also, I need the next Jenny Bunting book yesterday, please. 

Disclaimer: I received a free ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. 