
Boy Meets Witch by G.A. Rael

shai3d's review

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BOY MEETS WITCH is an enjoyable and quick read that introduces the reader to the town of Cold Creek and its inhabitants. We also get the opportunity to meet Harper who is running from her past and definitely doesn't want to be known as the town witch. Oh and let's not forget Locke who is after Harper's soul.

This was a fun book but I didn't find the ending very satisfying. I found that I was left with more questions than answers. It's a good way to convince a reader to stick with a series but I much prefer that each book stands on its own while following the story arc.

I think that some of my readers might enjoy BOY MEETS WITCH especially if they are looking for a quick paranormal to read. Let me know if what you think if you do try out this book.

*** I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.

si0bhan's review

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I’m rather annoyed with myself. I kept meaning to pick this one up, only for life to constantly get in the way. It was one I was super interested in, and holding out for so long was enough to drive me near to insanity. Fortunately, in the end, I managed to put aside some time to read it. Such was my enjoyment that I finished it in one sitting.

I’ll start by saying Boy Meets Witch isn’t as witchy as you would believe. With the world ‘witch’ in the title, you’re probably expecting endless spells and the controlling of elements; you know, the generic witch stuff that we see everywhere. Whilst our main female is a witch, it’s not in the typical supernatural way that most urban fantasy novels portray witches to be. What we have is something somewhat different to the norm, something that (for a while) feels very much as though it could be part of the real world. Herbs and natural remedies, the kind of stuff that would be labelled magic in the pre-science world. There’s a lot of hearsay, a lot of references to the past, but it’s some time before we see true evidence of our main character’s powers. Some people might be put off by this, some people might be looking for fireballs and poisons, but I loved it. It was a really refreshing way of looking at the witching world.

At first, the story felt rather generic. We see a lot of women moving to small town stories, and they all seem to follow the same routine. The female butts head with a male. The female is not very popular in the town. The female suddenly develops feelings for the male. Whilst the clichés are present in this story, there is enough added in to make it unique. There are many aspects to the story that we initially know very little about, as the story develops more and more aspects that are questionable develop, and these things allow you to overlook the clichés and leave you wanting more.

As the story unfolds more and more comes to light, with multiple aspects being added. The details of the witch world slowly develops, along with the supernatural world in general. Demons and the afterlife are made clearer, whilst other aspects such as angels still have an air of mystery around them. By the end of the book many of the aspects are brought to light, yet very little has been given by way of answers. Not that I mind such a thing – in fact, it only adds to my desire to read the second book. There is so much that could happen in the next one, so many things that need explaining and so many potential events, that I cannot wait to get my hands on it.

Honestly, I had such fun with this one. It really was a great little read.

As a final note, I would like to thank the author for allowing me the chance to advance read this one.

anastaciaknits's review

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I've been reading some romance lately - definitely not my normal thing, and I still don't care for books where romance is the main plot, that's for sure. I was expecting this one to be more paranormal & lot less romance, and it's probably 50-50, so too much romance for me.

I was expecting the book to be more YA as well, because the title of the book is BOY meets witch. Well, there are no boys in this story, so the title really, really bugs me. Yes, you aren't supposed to judge a book by it's cover OR it's title, and though I like the cover, I really hate the inaccuracy of the title.

Other thoughts: the book follows the standard paranormal plot, too much so. It's a fast read, luckily, but there's not any substance whatsoever for the first half of the book, and I was honestly pretty bored. If I was just reading this on my own or reviewing for just the author, I would have quit by 20% in because nothing was happening, and the cat demon thing was just creeping me out/bothering me way too much. I'm a cat person & had big issues thinking of a cat as a demon (though my cat is definitely a demon cat at times!!). Since I was reading the book for a book tour, I felt I had to read the entire book & not give up so soon.

The book definitely picks up and gets more interesting, and there are some interesting angel and demon conversations that weren't expected in this type of light, quick read (that added meat to the book, which is definitely needed) and I definitely ended up enjoying it more than I was expecting. I'm honestly not sure if I'll continue reading the series, however- the pacing was just too slow for me, even after it got going, and there wasn't as much world building as I like. It was really hard to rate this one, because there were a lot of things I didn't like / didn't enjoy, but there was just something about the book that I did like (clear as mud, right?)