
Filthy Movie – The Most Sadistic Short Story on the Market by Wade H. Garrett

twerkingtobeethoven's review

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Well, ok... "trying too hard".

The fetus scene didn't deliver the shock it was supposed to.

Two stars (not one) because a guy with a tit stitched to his head is hilarious fuckery.

jessicka's review

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As a fan of both Wade H Garrett's work and extreme gore you can imagine my excitement for this short story. Every time I read one of Wade's books I think it can't get any sicker... this (yet again), proved me wrong. This is on the level of A Serbian Film filth and depravity. If you are unfamiliar with that movie, then take my (and everyone else's), word that this is SICK. Sick isn't even really the correct word to describe this... utterly despicable and vile are words that touch just the tip of the iceberg of how totally disgusting and horrific this is.

I am unsure where Wade gets the ideas for his work (I dread to think haha), but yet again he knocked it out of the ball park with this book. It is totally repulsive and awesome - I was both repulsed and enthralled by the character Henry. I found it entirely believable that this story (in its entirety), is considered too sick for Matt Shaw's book 'The Devil's Guests'.

Thank you to Wade for releasing the entire story for us gore freaks that love to be sickened and shocked - you didn't let us down with this! Because of how extreme this story is, I am unsure I can recommend it to any of my friends without them taking me to the nearest psychiatric facility hahahahaha! But if you are someone that likes your reading to make you want to scrub yourself with a wire brush after reading it... then I highly recommend this to you. I can't wait for Wade's next story or book to come out, he is by far the most extreme horror writer I have read (and I think myself as well read in the genre). Move over Edward Lee, Wade H Garrett has stolen the title for the sickest writing out!

5hadow_girl's review

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I've read both versions, and I prefer the complete FILTHY MOVIE - with all the depravity left uncut, which is more than we can say for Christie & Duncan!

Full review to come.