
Prison Nation by Jenni Merritt

readwithcass's review

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Prison Nation:

4 Stars.

Another book that leaves me wanting to know the rest of the story. I couldn't put this book down, yet another amazing book in this collection. I have not been disappointed yet. I think "Prison Nation" is in a tie with "The Moon Dwellers" for my favorite of the collection so far.

I was not disappointed with the civilization that Merritt created in this novel. I enjoyed the back story that was given and I found that concept of this dystopia to be rather intriguing; still very harsh, but all the same intriguing. I felt it was very well thought out and it didn't leave me with many unanswered questions through out the whole novel.

I thought the pace of the novel was very consistent and moved rather quickly. I felt there was also something happening, and I enjoyed watching the beginning of Millie's journey as a free person. I felt that the setting in which the novel's took place left a lot of description to be desired, and I also felt that for someone who has spent their life in a cage. I didn't find her very intrigued by her surroundings, she gave little detail to the setting and her surroundings. Just a comment for the author perhaps.

Now as far as content goes, I was pleased with the back story of the civilization, its rules and laws. The concept of the prison nation was very well explained. The interactions between characters, well since besides Millie and Reed, my personal favorites were Orrin and Jude. I am left slightly disappointed. I didn't think they were well developed in the story and I hope to see more in future novels. Speaking of Orrin, I was not surprised at all when Orrin turned out to be Reed's father. I saw a lot of foreshadowing when Reed first talked about his family, and I saw that coming a mile away.

Now, as far as Millie goes; her spirit that was probably my favorite part of her character. She was stubborn as a mule and timid with her freedom. You could tell that she was fighting a lot of internal battles through out the novel and I found myself sympathizing with her. I didn't exactly identify with her character as much as I respected her character. I am looking forward to the further development of her character in the next novel. I really enjoyed the interactions between Mille and Reed, at first I thought he was going to turn into a brotherly figure, but from the conversation between Maria and Millie about Reed's affections. I started to fight for a relationship between Millie and Reed, and when I finally got my wish I was very excited. Millie deserves someone like Reed and I cannot wait to see how their relationship develops in the next novel.

So, in conclusion; I loved this novel. I think it clearly deserves the four stars that I gave it. The plot developed well and was fantastic with little predictability for the reader. The characters are intriguing and bring you into the story so easily. I thoroughly enjoyed the world that was created in this novel, and I could see many other people agreeing with me.

bookkat's review

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Young adult easy read that starts off strong and engaging with an interesting premise, but the second half of the book tends to peter out, with a little too many coincidences and very light-handed handling of significant events.

amysoup's review

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I read this book as part of the What Tomorrow May Bring boxed set. Briefly, this is a dystopian novel set in an authoritarian alternate U.S. Children born to convicts are raised in prison by their parents. Millie is raised by her barely functional convict parents. When she turns eighteen, she is released into freedom and finds that there isn't much more freedom on the outside.

I really enjoyed this book. I found myself rooting for Millie and dreading her inevitable brush with the law. I also found the backstory of Milie's parents compelling.

wildeaboutoscar's review

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Great character piece about growing into freedom but seemed to fall a bit flat. The ending was a bit anticlimactic, which is a shame as it had great potential. One would hope there's a sequel.

gabs_myfullbookshelf's review

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The author managed to incorporate Hey Jude into a dystopian novel.


bedraggled_charmer's review

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Interesting story of a gir l born and raised in prison. Would read again!

karins28's review

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While the plot was very interesting,There wasn't enough character development and the end was rushed,it had potential,but it didn't live to my expectations

lenoreo's review

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Definitely intriguing... A sad view of the future.... Having a hard time rating it...leaning down towards 3.5. I did enjoy it, but it wasn't rereadable for me. Perhaps too depressing, even with the bit of hope at the end? Totally called the end of the book reveal....

hannahsophialin's review

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In a nutshell, Prison Nation is basically where the guilty are innocent and vice versa. The book follows Millie 942B, who's lived in a prison in Spokane her entire life thanks to a crime her parents committed. She sees a psychiatrist often, and is given the chance to be released at eighteen. However, shortly after Millie's released and meets Reed, she begins to doubt if what her parents did was really a crime.

A good part of the book is focused on Millie trying to decide whether or not she wants to work in the prison, or to be released. It's sort of boring, but it seems as though Jenni Merritt is setting up the story and letting readers get a feel of the world, which is basically the opposite of today's laws or it's like the olden days. There are no trials. Essentially if you murdered someone in self defense, well... you're toast.
In Prison Nation, the truth can't set you free.

In my humble opinion, it only starts getting interesting AFTER Millie begins to doubt the Nation, whom she's been raised to believe her entire life. The laws are really strict – very similar to those Babylonian laws (what were they called again?!), although poking someone's eye out wouldn't result in you getting your eye poked out. You would just get to sent to prison for some time. Maybe your entire life.

Prison Nation was also very similar to Branded by Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki, in which I didn't exactly like. I was half expecting sins to be around and machines blaring about. In both books, there's a guard. Thank gods Millie doesn't fall in love with the new guard here. He sounds more like a pervert (really, it's a personal vendetta) than a hot guy – have you notice those are almost always with 6 packs in books? – worth considering.
“So,” he hissed in a low voice, “this is what I am thinking. I think you should apply for a job here. I think it would be a very good choice on your part.”

Of course, as soon as I found out it was a personal vendetta, I just wanted to flip the book at the wall. I thought the guard's interest would be something entirely more interesting than someone bent on revenge.

With great world building, Prison Nation will be an interesting read for those who want to read something similar to Incarceron. The only thing though? It felt a bit like a stand alone, but I'll be following the series since it seems to have potential.
Original Rating: 3.5 out of 5
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This review and more can be found on Bookwyrming Thoughts

aritrow's review

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Meh. I expected more, lots more. Slow to start, built up and then the end was just, whatever. Too many loose ends, things that were hinted at that just didn't get wrapped up. Eh.