
Maddox by Alta Hensley, Maggie Ryan

mamabookwyrm's review

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There are two things I love: alpha males and “white knight” tropes. And Maddox feeds into both of those things. If you’d look up the definition of alpha male in the dictionary it wouldn’t surprise me if it said See: Maddox Steele. The man walks talks and breathes alpha maleness. Add in the family business? I was all but melting before I got through the first two chapters. So I was prepared to gush over this book. But there were few things that just keep me away from that 4 or 5 star rating.

First, Adira was a bit of a contradiction for me. She was a Ph.D who came off both extremely naïve and illogical. Then she would become a sexpot at the drop of the dime. Granted I know some of that could be explained by her circumstances and country of birth but it was jarring for me. This kept me from connecting to her as a character. Secondly, there was a spanking scene that just felt off to me.
SpoilerI don’t mind spanking between two consensual adults but at the time of the spanking on the airplane they were practically strangers. It was for chastisement and not within a D/s relationship and just seemed out of place.

However, the book is full of suspense and intrigue tempered by the heat and chemistry of Adira and Maddox’s relationship. There is some definite tension between the two of them that leaps off the pages. Plus there’s Jennie. She kept me giggling. I’ll definitely read the rest of the books just to see what else she gets up to to drive the Steele men nuts.

If you’re a fan of extremely dominant men, this may just be up your alley and you should definitely check it out.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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becsa's review

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Maddox Steele is in the United Arab Emirates as a rancher looking for thoroughbreds for his families ranch, Black Stallion Ranch, with his father, Drake. Yet they are also there as a favor to Hadi Nazar who believes that his family is in great danger and he is proven right.

Adira Nazar is the granddaughter of Hadi and her life explodes in front of her eyes and she loses everyone she loves. Yet now she must put her trust in two Americans whom she has never seen before. Is she safe with them?

Can Maddox and his family keep Adira safe from those that wish her harm and will they find out who is behind everything in time?

This was a great introduction to Black Stallion Ranch and all of the characters!

I thought Maddox was a great character and part way through the book you meet a different side of him when Adira doesn't listen to him! I really liked what his family stood for and how they protected the innocent people from some pretty evil people.

I felt for Adira with everything she lost and how she was suddenly brought to a new place with not a lot of say in what was happening. I can't imagine everything she was going through. I liked that she was tough and was raised to be prepared for the worst just in case.

I loved Jenni and how hippie she was. I loved the close relationship she formed with Adira.

I also really liked the foreshadowing that was done so you knew what the next book would be focusing on with the link to the Russian Sex Trade/Slave industry.

The end was a little intense but I loved how it all turned out and I am looking forward to the next book!

stephsromancebooktalk's review

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This book had a rough start for me because it took a long time to set up two worlds. Then when they combined things started to move at a steady pace. I enjoyed Maddox as that super control freak alpha male cowboy. My enjoyment of Adria was a little more on the fence since she came off as a super smart naïve woman. I will say that I can't wait to read the future books in the series because when this happens (additional books in what appears to be a standalone series) authors tend to provide AH HA moments as the journey progresses in future books even when they are focused on new primary characters.

This was provided as an ARC for an honest and voluntary review.

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nbiblioholic's review

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I read something from Alta Hensley before ([b:Dark Feather|32150704|Dark Feather|Alta Hensley||52788681], which I really enjoyed), but nothing from Maggie Ryan, so this was a new experience for me. I wasn't sure what to expect.

This book was a romantic suspense with an underlying D/s theme throughout. Adira and Maddox (as well as the other Steeles, including Jennie) were all pretty easy to like. There was no mistaking Maddox's need for control, in and out of the bedroom. He was an Alpha right from the start. Adira was headstrong and, at first, very rebellious. I liked the fight she had in her, however, I was disappointed at times with her inner thoughts. How could someone with a PhD lack logic. But then again, given her circumstances, who could really blame her for losing all rationality? I enjoyed the steamier scenes between these characters as well. Despite the necessity of Adira's discipline, each scene gave credence to their intimacy and the undeniable feelings and connection that was growing between them.

Despite this, it was hard to really get into this story. It took quite a while for anything of significance to happen. The narrative was very descriptive when it came to land, homes, boats and horseflesh, but with regards to the actual plot, some of those details weren't as forthcoming. Things would happen but they were mentioned as more of an aside. I would rather have more information about the Steele men than anything else. And sadly the climax to the story felt anti-climactic. There is a huge storyline behind the Steele men and how they came together but there were no details. I wonder if this will be covered in each of their books? But why wasn't more information regarding Maddox's background (his and his father's loss) discussed? How did the government fail them? What happened after that?

Release Date: January 6, 2017
Genre: Romantic Suspense
POV: Dual - 3rd person
Steam: 3 out of 5
Series or Standalone: I'm not sure. I think the story continues into a new book with a different set of main characters.