
An Imperfect Witch by Debora Geary

evoss14's review

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Love, love, love these books. This marks the third "series" of witch books by Debora Geary. If you are new to these - start with the Modern Witch series (7 books total), then the Witch Light Triology and then this book, the first in the Witch Central Series. You don't *have* to read them in order - but the trip won't be the same without it!!! Really great installment with all my favorite characters!

sleepgoblin's review

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So happy for a Lizard story! These books melt my heart man. Perfect thing for good weekend.

michelereise's review

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As always a trip to witch central is full of laughter and tears...some happy, some sad. This community/family of witches and friends continues to draw you in until you feel at home as well. Lizard's continued story in Imperfect Witch is yet another perfect blend of happiness, sadness and a whole lot of support, faith and love. Perfect!!

whitmc's review

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Usually I love these, but this was slower than the rest

agrutle's review

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I was so glad to return to Witch Central. I've missed the characters. They've imprinted on my heart and its like visiting an old set of friends. This time we get to hear more about Lizard. She doesn't like any attention on her so when things start crumbling in her own life, her first instinct is to run as far and as fast as she can. Josh, her hunky boyfriend wants it all with her, the people she helps on the street treat her like she's an outsider when she feels she has more in common with them than the people in Witch Central, oh and theres a runaway living in a house she's trying to sell.

It was nice seeing inside Lizards head and to be able to understand what she thought. These books are so easy to read and I love the sense I get from them. It's no secret I love the idea of magic. I love the idea of there being something so amazing. I truly hope the author writes more and more about Witch Central. It's a beautiful place that I love being able to visit every so often. Check out A Modern Witch Series before this set of books, you'll want to meet them all from the beginning.

blmonahan's review

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Great listen. I enjoyed the narration - you could hear all emotions in the narrators voice, amusement, tension, concern, anger...I look forward to listening to the next book in the series.

misdawnty's review

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Lizard and Josh were two of my favorite characters from the Witchlight series so I was happy to see their story again. Exactly what I would expect from one of my favorite fantasy lands. It almost feels like I could go visit Berkley or Nova Scotia and find these characters.

anovelstart's review

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This is a story about growing up. Lizard takes steps towards maturity in this book; she's trying to buy a house, figure out what she wants in her relationship, and stop snapping at her friends.

It is a good book, not so good as some of Geary's other books but as a good it's still four stars.

Lizard is a good person, we find out her story in the WitchLight Trilogy so you're best off reading that series before this one. Lizard used to live on the streets and fend for herself, but now that she's on her feet she still brings her old friends noodles because no one should starve. This book is about her finding a better way to help and Lizard finding space for family. The only problem is she still views help as charity.

I think what this book is really about is what lengths family and friends will go to help you when you most need it; when even you don't realise you need it. How strong the bonds are that tie a community together. This book does make you think about how fortunate we are to make food on the table and a roof over our heads, but also makes the reader reflect a bit on their life; look how much you really have and be thankful.

The Witch Central trilogy is a good trilogy to read and features more of the crystal ball Lauren was gifted by Moira in the A Modern Witch series. This crystal ball develops its own personality and goes through some revelations of its own which are quite cute to watch. An ancient and revered tool in the modern day community, trying to make those with power listen.

I'd recommend this to anyone who's enjoyed the A Modern Witch series, but it's ideal read after both the A Modern Witch series and the WitchLight Trilogy.

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sequana's review

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It was OK, I cannot say more than that. easy read if nothing else handy.

cafo6's review

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I love these characters, and it makes me sad at the end of each book to realize they don't, in fact, exist outside of this amazing, real, complicated but loving world Ms. Geary has created.