
Winter by Winter, Volume 1 by Jordan Stratford

mflintoft319's review

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I’d like to start off by saying that this book has a very interesting premise, and for how short it is really packed with information. However, I had a hard time getting passed how jumpy this book was and the plotholes. There were sections of this book that I felt like I was missing whole chapters. I’m still unsure of how Ladda goes from a frightened village girl to leading a fleet of ships. This book could have really benefited from being fleshed out more, which makes me sad because the storyline had a lot of potential to be a truly epic story.

books_over_everything's review

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**Disclaimer: I was given a free e-ARC in exchange for an honest review from NetGalley.**

Title Winter by Winter

Author Jordan Stratford

Description from Amazon

When the enemies of King Ragnar destroy Ladda’s village, she’ll do anything it takes to lead the survivors to safety—even agreeing to marry the king himself. But Ragnar and Ladda both quickly discover that there’s more to her role than that of queen. As she assumes the burden of shield maiden and admiral of the Swanfleet, guiding her own ships among Ragnar’s, her calling to battle becomes clear. She’s been chosen, blessed by the goddess Skathi, and her enemies will fall before her blade… Winter by Winter brings to life Hladgertha, the historical teenage Viking pirate queen from the Chronicles of Saxo, and presents a heroine whose cunning and heart resonate across the centuries.

Release Date March 24, 2020

Initial Thoughts

I was excited to read this book. I really enjoy Viking stories and was eager to learn more about Hladgertha’s backstory.

Some Things I Liked

Ladda as the star. I love the show Vikings on A&E and Hlagertha’s character was sort of secondary for a while (in the later seasons she holds her own), but I was glad to see a young Ladda represented as a leader and warrior here.
Ragnar. I pictured him as a young version of the TV show character and the attitude and actions totally fit. I loved that this representation of Ragnar stayed true to what I envision for this character.
Feminism. I loved that this book showcased Ladda’s fight for women to be treated equal to men. In a time when women were considered property, I was really glad to see Ladda’s role as well as her fight for her gender.
Historical fantasy. I also really enjoyed the fantasy elements of the gods, visions, and other mythological creatures that were woven into this historical story. I though the balance was well done and neither history, nor fantasy outshone the other.

One Thing I Wasn’t Crazy About

The romance. For a short book, I was a little surprised to see how all over the place Ladda was. I’m ok with a little bit of a love triangle but this was too much and I felt like it discounted her love for the guy she ended up with.

Series Value

I could easily see this developing into a series. Ladda’s story is far from over (or, that’s what Vikings taught me). But, even if her story is over historically, I enjoyed her character tremendously and would like to see more about her adventures.

Final Thoughts

I really hope this turns into a series. I’d love to see more of this world and these characters. Aside from the romance, this was a solid four star historical fantasy read.


Recommendations for Further Reading

Shielded by KayLynn Flanders – if you liked the story of a shieldmaiden in Viking times, try this July 2020 release when it comes out in a few months.
The Weight of a Soul by Elizabeth Tammi – again, if you liked the Viking inspiration mixed with fantasy elements of Norse mythology, try this book by Elizabeth Tammi.
Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young – if you liked the Viking vibes and the idea of a sister who would do anything to protect a sibling, definitely check this book out. Also, check out The Girl the Sea Gave Back which is a sequel to Sky in the Deep.

auburnedge's review

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I both loved and hated this book. The author does a fantastic job weaving in Norse Mythology but the story jumps around so much I needed a map to follow it. There are pieces missing that I feel if added could make this like Sky in The Deep or other Viking books. It would just take about 70 more pages and more investment in growth and what happens to the characters behind the jumps.

livjhooper's review

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Ok so I wasn’t sure what to expect after reading some mixed reviews, & I still wasn’t sure what to expect after reading the first quarter of the book, but Óðinn be damned if this little book didn’t charm me. I fully agree with the other reviews that say it’s too short a book for the story it tries to fit in: yes, it could easily have been about 5 times as long thanks to a super stuffed plot, but to be honest if it had been a bigger novel I think the writing style would have worn thin. On that note - first couple of pages I wasn’t sure if the style was for me, but again it won me over. Frantic yet somehow poetic? A bit like the author was on just the right side of a shrooms high, if that makes any kind of sense. The author clearly knows his Vikings but blessedly managed not to oversaturate or show off about it, for my money. Yes there’s flaws in it, yes there’s too much plot for the pages, yes everything happens so quickly that you don’t have as much time to love characters I suppose - but I didn’t really have trouble with that. Ladda is awesome. Ragnar‘s a cutie. Kara is Luna Lovegood before Luna was. Rorik is a twunt. Basically this book was like four seasons of Vikings smushed into an afternoon, and I kind of ended up loving it.

(Toyed with giving this a 3.5⭐️ if I’m honest.)

onwingsofbooks's review

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Winter by Winter is based on such an interesting concept. The idea had a lot of potential.

Unfortunately, I found the writing style a bit difficult to read. I felt like there were too many metaphors, which at times were so elaborate that I wasn't sure what was really happening. Even though it is a short book, it took me quite a while to finish reading it because Winter by Winter didn't grab my attention or jumpstart my imagination.

When it comes to the actual storyline of Winter by Winter, I was pleasantly surprised. Winter by Winter is action-packed from start to finish and Ladda's story is elaborate and really well thought out.

I also really struggled to figure out the time frame when it came to this book. To me, it felt as if a day had passed while it was actually a month. Which in turn made some of the events of the book seem really unbelievable.

I also really struggled to form an emotional connection with the characters. This is unfortunate because Ladda is a complex character with a lot of different aspects to her. I would have loved to get to know her better.

Winter by Winter isn't a bad book, but it fell a bit flat for me.

I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

spiringempress's review

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I received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Initially, I won't lie but the cover drew my attention because it is absolutely gorgeous. So much so, that I spent some time on Amazon debating whether I should buy the book and eventually, found it through NetGalley instead. However, this book has me torn because it's not bad, but it is incredibly short and does not do justice to the characters.

The story opens with a raid. Hladgertha, or Ladda, rises to the occasion and defends her people with her tongue and finally with combat. This attracts the attention of Ragnar, who comes to avenge his father, Siward, and advises Ladda to move her people away from the coast. Ladda acting on his advice and her iron will leads her people to a nearby valley know as Gaular, where they set up a new village.

However, Ragnar is not done with Ladda. He makes a trade with her to secure the future of her village and in return, she travels with him to seek out his enemies. As the battles unfold, Ladda proves to have a battle prowess and wins victory for Ragnar on several occasions, but this, of course, brings along politics that Ladda must outmaneuver to keep her village safe.

This book is written in a style that is reminiscent of Norse myths and tales. It is, therefore, short, choppy, and slightly mystical, which means that it can come off incoherent or vague. Similar to the criticism for [b:The Boneless Mercies|36949995|The Boneless Mercies|April Genevieve Tucholke||52238045], I think it is intentional and meant to evoke a sense of Viking/ancient culture. My biggest gripe is that the story is too short. I absolutely adore Ladda, who is feisty, determined, and generally, a force to be reckoned with, but this book could have unfolded in several novellas and really developed some of the relationships, which ended up being quite brief.

blackgoddessreviews's review

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I received an e-ARC from the author/publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Winter by Winter is a YA novella set in historical Scandinavia. It's about a girl, Ladda, who witnessed her village burn, and leads the survivors to a new village - to safety.

First, I'll start with what I liked:
1) Ladda - she's a fierce, determined young woman who is determined to keep her sisters safe.
2) The cover - it is beautiful
3) Concept- Viking fantasy! What's not to love?

Unfortunately there were a lot of things I didn't love about this book, many of which are closely related.
First and foremost, this was way too short to achieve what the author wanted to achieve. As a result, the pacing was super fast- we're talking breakneck speed here. Another result was that the characters lacked development, and the plot was kind of choppy. This was reinforced by the writing style, which I think was meant to evoke the old Norse myths and legends. There was also a lot of dialogue, which meant there was less exploration of the world than I would have liked. It just felt over-edited, and that is not something I say very often.

I think had this been longer, I would have really enjoyed it.