
INK: Past by Bella Roccaforte

bookish_satty's review against another edition

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I got this book from the author, free of cost, in exchange of an honest review from my side.
Firstly I would like to thank Bella Roccaforte, author of Ink- Fine Lines, for giving me this opportunity of reading and reviewing this fabulous book.
I got this book from Lovers of Paranormal Group of Goodreads under the Read to Review scheme and thanks a ton to the awesome and best moderator ever “Carrie, The Book Fairy” for giving me this opportunity.
This story is unique and refreshing and here the author introduces us with Shay, the protagonist of the story and the mysterious incidences that takes place in her life. Shay is a comic artist but guess what she isn’t like any other normal comic artist, she creates those comic characters that she dreams about and not just any other dream, it’s better to call it nightmares. Soon the spectre that she dreams about jumps into reality and it seems that he is keeping an eye on Shay, for real guys! The murders that were part of the comic and dream takes place in real within Shay’s neighbourhood and obviously she gets suspected. Throw in the punch the on/off irritating boyfriend Aiden who mysteriously shows up on the night of the murders and again we have Eli, whom I totally hated, ugh! Oh no, don’t think that it’s a love triangle because it’s not, it’s a love square. Why? Come on guys, count in the handsome and sexy Gabriel who shows up fighting with the spectre in Shay’s dreams and he is my favourite too. Who is the murderer? Whom to trust? Did the fine line between dreams and reality merged and gave access to the spectre to reality? Whom will Shay choose as a permanent boyfriend? I’m doubtful about that as well!
Wanna get the answers then you must read this gripping and page turner story. The mystery is dense and pulsating and is well plotted keeping the readers busy in solving the puzzle throughout the story. I loved the concept of the nightmares becoming real. The writing style is great and simple yet comfortable which helped me to get into the story. A well planned out plot with fully flourished characters, great attention on the side characters as well, saving them from becoming just a mere stranger. The horror element fit perfectly within the plot highlighting the interesting parts. Witty and humorous dialogues, crisp and smooth interactions between the characters, smooth transition of POVs and overall a gripping and intriguing read.
Just one complaint I have that is the confused attitude of Shay when it comes to choosing a particular boyfriend. Sometimes I felt that she wanted them all and doesn’t wanna let go any of them even when Aiden left her on and off. Anyways that’s a minor thing which got mostly covered by the excellence of the story. Go for it guys and enjoy!

jljaina's review against another edition

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"What an adventure! This book wastes no time getting right into the thick of things with two gruesome murders!
Shay is a 22 year old comic artist and the star of this novel. She has been having dreams and nightmares involved her imaginative hero and dream hunk Gabriel and the evil Specter he is trying to stop. When she wakes she used these dream images fro her comic book. Yet something goes wrong and soon the specter is aware of her presence. The next day, the murders she depicts in her drawings are found to be a reality of her neighbors!
The story grabs you and doesn't let go. Even at the end, it hold you tight, waiting for more. A very consistent pace, with no lasting lulls in the plot. My favorite aspect of this book is the witty dialogue. Both spoken between characters and internal thought. Some examples that are used that amused me: “He’s the one that shit in this bed and has left me to lay in it every time. Now he can cuddle up with the big steaming pile.” and “His birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.” There are many, many more throughout the book. Shay's perspective never lets up. And we are in luck! We also get some of the story from others perspectives as well.
One such character is Aiden. Now he is a piece of work. He and Shay were apparently in some on/off again relationships together then he would take off for months at a time suddenly. Now he is back and even when she asks him to leave he refuses. He lies to her and others I just plain don't trust him.
Truth be told I do not trust any of the characters! The mystery of who the murderer may be never ends! Not to mention what the motives are of the various characters in general. We have Aiden who shows up the night of the murders and has more lies about him than I care to know about, Eli who is the DA pulling some fast moves. He isn't too bad but he has a drinking problem that may cause trouble. Her father, who knows more about some past incident that may be in relation to what is happening, McNab, the paranormalist who is very interested in what is going on. Plus other characters... I love that I got to keep wondering and seconding guessing everyone's intentions and wondering how it all ties together.
One thing I didn't care for was the triangle drama between Shay, Eli and Aiden. She really jumps around between them on an emotional whim. Plus there is 'Gabriel.' I wish she would pick one and deal with and own up to her own choices! But no... While I love Shay overall, her dashing between men frustrated me. Also I wanted more info as to what happened between Aiden, Shay and Eli. We are lacking a lot of back-story.
More backround story is also missing about Shay's sister who seems to play some hidden part in things. What exactly happened to her? I am hoping and guessing that these questions will be answered in the next book. I have high expectations and demands for these questions o be answered.
Also, if Shay is 22, why has she already accumulated several engagement rings? Did she start accepting proposals at age 15? And her friend Trish is 21 yet been through 4 divorces?! These things take time and the timing verses their age does not feel very real.
Regardless of these questions, as they are small and do not take away from the plot as of yet, I deeply enjoyed this read. The style is a great combination of being friendly and witty, with a dark and sinister twist. While there is the romantic interests it does not detract from the story and I loved that fact. I also like how we would get the various perspectives, even Aiden's regardless of how much he annoyed me screwing with Shay and Eli at every turn. I want to see more Eli in the next one! Overall, well done Bella Roccaforte on your debut novel! I look forward to the next installment!

*Please Note, I have received confirmation that these is a second book coming out soon that has been promised to answer many of these questions! :)

*I got this in exchange for a fair/honest review.

faerietears's review against another edition

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2 Stars "It Was OK"

INK: Fine Lines is the first in the series and follows Shay, a young woman aspiring to be a comic book artist. Her twin sister is dead, her mother is dead, she is somewhat estranged from her father.

The story begins with Shay's birthday, her on-again-off-again boyfriend Aiden shows up at her house and, despite her protests decides to crash at her place. Shay awakes from a nightmare and heads off to her art studio in her garage to draw out the scenes for her comic book, about a specter who is murdering people. Soon enough, Shay is arrested for a double murder and her world spirals out of control.

Onto the review.... To begin with, I won a free ebook copy ARC from a blog, I probably would never have paid for this with my own money.

This book is well written and the storyline is interesting.

The prologue starts out with a bloody, gruesome bang. I'm not really a fan of horror, but Ms. Roccaforte did a brilliant job writing the prologue murder scene.

This book also contained numerous one-liners that had me chuckling, always a good thing!

McNab. Finally, someone who seemed to move the story forward.

The end - something FINALLY happened and it was an epic WTF?!? moment.

The cover. I'm sorry, but this cover does nothing for me. The angle of the girls face is just not appealing at all. The title is nice and big to read as a small image, so that's about all the good I can say about it.

Once I got past the prologue I just kept waiting for something to happen. We get a lot of drama between our protagonist Shay and the men in her life - the bad boy Adien who constantly asks her to marry him, only to turn tail and run, and Eli, the childhood friend who has always been here for her, but has his own demons - namely, a drinking problem. I got sick of watching Shay switch between them at the drop of a hat. She'd be hardcore macking on Eli one minute, then an hour later sucking face with Aiden. Either pick one, or let them go.

If I had been editing this book I would have said, cut down the first half of the book, make the current ending the climax, and put a little more at the end. One of the key rules to writing is that something has to happen. You have to have a sense of urgency for the protagonist so that the story moves forward and the audience is engaged. I didn't feel that hardly at all. Shay, in her head, was somewhat distressed about everything that was happening, but her actions didn't reflect it. I can't imagine, being accused of murder, and then going on with life as if nothing had happened.

I won't be reading the next book in this series. Though I'm slightly curious to know WTF was going on in the last scene, I simply can't bring myself to care enough to read it.

There are a number of good reviews out there, I seem to be in the minority, so if you liked this book: Great!

If you didn't care for this book, well, you're in good company.

And again, I'll say, the book was well written. It was essentially the pacing I had trouble with.