
Light Of A Thousand Stars by Siobhan Davis

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Initial thoughts:

Light of a Thousand Stars Light of a Thousand Stars by Siobhan Davis is a short novella for the True Calling series, told from Zane's POV and set prior to the Skyee family leaving for Novo. First of all bravo Siobhan Davis for making me squall like a baby in this book AND for giving us a back story to Novo all in under 100 pages :) This novella truly made me happy!

*Note: If you haven't read the prior books in this series, there are minor spoilers in this review.

Zane is definitely one of my favorite characters in this series and I've been rooting for him since before Ari realized he was real person and not a figment of her dreams. He is caring, head over heels in love, and fully devoted to his family. Despite his heart condition, he is strong and Ari's rock. I just <3 him!!

And Ari in this!!! What a different girl we see! She's your typical teenager and I love it. There's no worry about Novo or the future or any of that. She's a girl in love and you gotta appreciate that.

The plot of the story revolves around not only their love story but also the move to Novo, why Zane didn't get to tag along, and my personal favorite this little mystery that has Ari all upset. (Sorry no spoilers there) Honestly if you enjoy the True Calling series, than this novella is an absolute must! It adds so much to Ari's story and Zane....ugh....if Ari doesn't straighten up in book three I'm gonna have to come through the pages and get her!!!! #TeamZane all the way right here!

Review in a Gif:

potaytaspages's review

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UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I have never loved a novella as much as I have loved this one.

I love Zane soo much and this book ripped me apart!

Ari cannot pick Cal!! She just cant.

Spoiler I need to know about what happened! GAHHH. And I really hope things change now that she has her memory back

amymarie512's review

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Zane needs to just go away. Dude, you're 17 and she's barely 15. Just... no. Also, Ariana's parents are idiots. I don't care how much you trust a guy, you'd let your 15 year old daughter go out of town with him ALONE? Just no. If this story was supposed to make me like Zane, it failed miserably because I think I hate him more now. Also, I'm holding a very tenuous grasp on liking Ariana. I am letting her squeak by on the fact she was 15 and I expect melodramatics like that of a 15 year old.

si0bhan's review

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Light of a Thousand Stars is book two-point-five in the True Calling series, and it’s an interesting addition to the series. Although it is not a necessity to read this one to understand the overall series, it is a nice little extra for those who want to know about the characters prior to the start of the series.

In truth, I knew before going into this one that I would not be crazy about the story. I’m not crazy about either of the boys in the love triangle, but if forced to make a choice I would pick Cal over Zane. Therefore, it was interesting to see the interaction between Zane and Ari in the time before, but I knew it would not win me over to his character and their relationship.

However, the story did leave me super interested in seeing how certain details come to light and come together in the final book. The way book two ended let us know there were more secrets to be revealed, and Light of a Thousand Stars made that even more obvious.

Although I wasn’t crazy about Light of a Thousand Stars it was a nice little addition for those who are hooked to the series.

myntop's review

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I absolutely loved this look back into the story of how Zane and Ari were before the move to Novo. It was interesting to see how it all played out when they found out she was leaving as well. I'm VERY curious as to what Ari is dealing with and was discussing with the therapist, I wonder if we'll find out in Destiny Rising. I'm a big fan of Zane so reading the whole story from his perspective was awesome. I really love this series!

lili_darknight's review

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The only thing, I can say, is - I knew it. I knew I'd cry and yet, I read it. It was so sad, but so nice. Have little bit more of the past is great. Now I need more of the future in book no. 3. :)

bookofboxes's review

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I’m still Team Cal