
The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda

alysses's review against another edition

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Audiobook Review

I bought the book but because I have other books that I had to read first, I decided to listen to this one.

In this paranormal dystopian world, humans are nearly extinct. The world is governed by the vampires who live in it. Gene, our narrator, happens to be one of the last humans on earth and we accompany him as he hides his humanity and lives among the vampires in secret.

This concept was unique. I will admit that much. Wait… No it’s not. There was a movie with this same concept and in fact I remember feeling that this was very familiar. Now I know why! The hunt is kind of like the movie Daybreakers! Only difference… In Daybreakers, we know why humans are hiding from the vampires, why they are the minority. We know why humans are that special kind of rare caviar that costs thousands of dollars and literally can be consumed within a min or two. We don’t find out why in The Hunt.

I really didn't like this one. I found the narrator extremely boring. I also found the story to be bland. I couldn't really understand the need for Gene to want to survive. The whole keeping up a front of being a vampire was stressful. There were a bunch of rules to follow and I just couldn't understand why anyone would want to go through all that for no reason at all. I guess anyone’s natural instinct would be to survive but Gene didn't even seem, I don’t know, like he even understood why he had to keep alive other than the fact that his dad told him he must. Gene was just a bit boring. The romance was awkward. A lot of what went down in the book was a bit awkward or weird or boring.

There are some pretty gross things that go down in this book but honestly, I didn't mind them. THAT was actually kind of cool.

Within the very last few lines of the book you'll find a nice reveal and somewhat of a cliffhanger. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough of a motivation to want to read the next book in the series.

On the flip side: My 11 year-old really liked this one and you might too. As always give it a try and let me know what you think.

On to the next one.

katpavlikova's review against another edition

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Hunger Games v upířím kabátku.. A i "odbornící" na tyto noční bytosti se budou divit. Místy jsem si nebyla jistá, jestli Hon nepřeskočil hranici mezi "to je směšné" a "to je trapné". (Na vtipnou kost asi nezapomenu.) Takže končím u toho, že to bylo PODIVNÉ. Český překlad jmen taky moc nepřidá(Záře Uhlíková - směju se doteď, jak pak máte tu postavu brát vážně, oblíbit si ji?).

A autor mě nedokázal zaujmout, upoutat moji pozornost! Prostě.. styl psaní mi připomněl jednoho moderátora snowboardových u-ramp. Dámy a pánové na startu je nový závodník, který vyskočil do výšky deseti metrů, udělal 8 otoček a teď dopadl na zem, neustál to a .. je asi po něm. Po komerční reklamě jsme zpět. NĚCO se stalo, ale Fukuda to nedokázal vyždímat a i když by to šlo, nedokázal to podat tak, abych soucítila s postavami.

Jsem si jistá, že mimo poslední tři věty, které JAKO JEDINÉ vzbudily mou pozornost (jen díky nim přečtu další díl), si z celého příběhu nebudu pamatovat téměř nic.

arojo1's review against another edition

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I ended up finishing this book in about a day. Imagine the [b:The Hunger Games|2767052|The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)|Suzanne Collins||2792775] meets any Vampire book other than [b:Twilight|41865|Twilight (Twilight, #1)|Stephenie Meyer||3212258] (where vamps actually have fangs and feed on people).

VERY interesting book that was slightly cheesy at times, but it kept me on my toes. I ended up skipping paragraphs because I was so anxious to find out what happened next!

Gene is a human in this world, but one of the last humans ever. Vamps are hunting humans and Gene has been able to fit in for so long by acting as the vampire. When "The Hunt" comes along, Gene unfortunately (but obviously) gets picked to chase after humans purposefully raised for this event. The Hunt is a free for all for killing humans.

pumpkinspice89's review

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Wow.... This book was amazing. Andrew Fukuda has written a truly fantastic book. I'm not going to pretend like everything made sense to me in this book because not everything did but the book was written in such a way that i found myself not caring so much that i didn't understand everything because all the details that i did understand are just brilliant. This is a vampire book that is like no other. It's not a mushy love story which is refreshing to see. It is jammed packed with a lot of action. I did not want to put this book down. It had me so caught up in the story and i could visualize all the details in this book which just made it all that more alive for me. And what was even better was that there where so many times in this book where i was blindsided with the sheer brilliance of the twists and turns that made this book so exciting and made me go wow i did not see that coming. All in all i loved this book and cant wait to pick up where the story left off in the second book.

casey77's review against another edition

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adventurous dark medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? Yes


One of my go -tos. I've read this several times. 

mudmule's review against another edition

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After just finishing the Hunger Games trilogy for the second time I picked up The Hunt. I had purchased the book and put it on my shelf to read to I can honestly say I didn’t remember what the cover said about it. I wasn’t sure if the people were vampires or not to start with. It was never openly said. However, the characteristics were there. I am wondering though (stop reading if you don’t like spoilers), how is it vampires go to school and the humans can blend in? We’ve always been force fed that vampires don’t age, however in this book they do. Not a bad thing, just different. Also I’d love some explanation as to why they are always wrist scratching and their mating rituals of rubbing arms and armpits. It’s a strange one. However the book is very fast paced and I wasn’t prepared for the surprises the author throws out. I look forward to reading the second book.

a_strix_named_strix's review against another edition

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This feels like one of those hunter vs prey POV videos but dystopian HG-style.

jennkei's review against another edition

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Quick read, but didn't really get the character growth I expected. I did like the quirky description of vampires.

asaph95's review

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I loved this book, the world, the suspense, everything.

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sam_hartwig's review against another edition

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I read this as part of my book club and I had no idea it was about vampires, well kind of vampires. It didn't take me long to figure it out though. I was really sucked in (pun not intended) by the writing. The chapters were long at times, but it was so faced paced that I had to keep reading!

The concept was new and a little horrifying. Humans, also knows and herpers are no longer in control. Some things about the story I found really strange and felt like they weren't thought through. Like how the 'people' aka vampires can smell sweat, blood etc but what about when women are hiding out like Gene is and they get their periods? You can tell this book is written by a man.

I enjoyed this but there were lots of flaws to the concept. I'd still like to read the others in the series because the book ends with a cliff hanger. I do still think this is worth having a go.